~Prologue: Good News And Bad News~

A/N: "Here it is! The moment you've been waiting for—Here it is!" *clears throat* ok, I'm done with my Hunchback of Notre Dame moment. Without further ado, here is Entwined Sorcery: Year TWO!

all things Harry Potter (c) J.K. Rowling

all things Fullmetal Alchemist (c) Hiromu Arakawa

The city of Central, Amestris looked deadeningly still in the wee hours of the night that foreshadowed the break of day. All military and public operations had long since ceased, so the streets were barren and dark. The clock tower was the strongest source of illumination to be found, for many of the streetlamps were faulty and dim. A shadow could easily slip by completely unnoticed in the night…and two shadows did exactly that this eve.

Lust and Gluttony made easy work of slipping down beneath the city's streets, going through what was said to be an abandoned research facility by the military. It was very comical to all of the Homunculi, how they were plotting to destroy all of these pathetically blind humans right under their completely unsuspecting noses. It made the scheme just that much more fun.

Their trip this night was not one of humor, however, for they were in big trouble, much to their great misfortune.

Right as they entered through the metal door leading to their kind's hideout, a dark shadow moved onto their path, his grin a mile wide and spreading.

"About time you guys show up!"

Lust crossed her arms, leaning up against the doorframe and fixating her most unamused expression upon the figure.

"Come to gloat, have you, Envy?"

The one she called Envy stepped out of the shadows and flipped his hair out of his face.

"Oh, so I do have reason to gloat? Well, that sure makes this meeting much more fun."

"Shut up," Lust said exasperatedly. "Gluttony and I are going to have a hard enough time explaining this to Father. We don't need your stupid remarks on top of that."

At this comment Envy pouted.

"That was rude; how could you possibly call this adorable face stupid?"

"Looks can be deceiving," Lust said in reply, pushing past him, beginning her descent downstairs to the one they called 'Father's' lair. Envy followed closely behind her and Gluttony.

"Well," Lust spoke up again, "Make yourself useful and catch me up on everything we've missed since we left for Britain."

"You haven't missed much," Envy said, examining his nails. "Greed went AWOL again."

"That was to be expected," Lust said boredly. Envy nodded once in agreement.

"Other than that nothing else has changed. Just the same filthy humans doing their filthy human things."

"How dull."


"Lust?" Gluttony suddenly whined in the darkness. "I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry…"

Finally, they made it down to the large, circular-shaped room that held their creator, who sat expectantly upon a throne of wires, his light blonde hair hanging loosely upon his shoulders, his golden eyes staring down at his Homunculi.


The spikey-haired Homunculus looked up at his master, a look of questioning in his eyes.

"…Aren't you supposed to be currently stationed in East City?"

"Just taking a break for the night, and then I'll head back tomorrow…"

He grinned nastily before continuing:

"I wanted to hear all about the news that Lust and Gluttony have brought to you."

Lust frowned.

"Are you trying to pick a fight, Envy?"

"Is it working?"

Father cleared his throat, a load and threatening noise that resounded darkly throughout the room, shutting up the bickering monsters at once. He stared at Envy for a long moment, deciphering his facial expression for all it's worth, and then turned back to Lust.

"Tell me what you found at that school."

Lust blew a piece of hair out her face and began:

"Well, the older Elric boy was there, just as we thought he was, and he was there as one of the magic students of all things."

"Magic?" Envy asked, to which Lust nodded.

"The school is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is a magic school."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"It's true," Gluttony piped up. "There were people flying around on broomsticks and the students and teachers all had wands that they used."

"So you're saying that the little pipsqueak is a wizard."

"Pretty much."

Envy shook his head in disbelief but remained silent as Lust continued her report.

"We weren't able to go beyond the castle's walls because of some weird security thing they had up around the perimeter, but we managed to keep to the forest outside of the school, and eventually Edward showed up there and we were able to talk to him, telling him about how he and his brother need to remain in Amestris."

"Did you see the one they call Lord Voldemort?" Father suddenly inquired, much to the Homunculi's surprise. Lust looked back at Gluttony, then back towards Father…and then a mischievous grin slowly spread across her face.

"In a manner of speaking, yes; he couldn't talk for long, unfortunately, but it was probably for the better. After all, he didn't seem quite himself, did he Gluttony?"

The fat man shook his pudgy head and interjected: "He had to share a body with someone else."

"So you can take comfort in the fact that he cannot travel too much at the moment," Lust finished, chuckling softly to herself. Father was unamused but did not speak in protest against his creations' lack of seriousness. Half of the information he sought was given. As for the other half…

"And what of the Elric boy?"

Lust's smile vanished on the spot, and Envy took up the evil grin, eager to watch her squirm. The female Homunculus looked back at her gluttonous counterpart, who down casted his eyes and stuffed his fat thumb into his mouth, leaving Lust to be the one to admit their unsuccessfulness. Lust sighed:

"We managed to convince the Elric boy to return to Amestris. He went straight back home to Resembool and is currently studying intensely for his State Alchemist's exam."

Envy raised an eyebrow:

"The runt wants to be a State Alchemist? This should be interesting…"

Father continued to stare at Lust.

"…There is something you're not telling me."

Lust pursed her lips, refusing to look at the eager Envy.

"Fine. Even though we brought Edward back to Amestris…"

Gluttony looked up at Father, shaking slightly with nervousness as Lust finished her confession.

"…Alphonse Elric has now decided to leave for Hogwarts in the fall."
