Naruto's Home

Naruto: Hey who are you?

NST: Me? I'm NaruSaku Tiger NST for short. I'm your new writer *smiles*

Naruto: Really!

NST: Yep. So anyways, this is my first story hope everyone likes it

Naruto: Of course they will. Who wouldn't like a story about me?

NST: I don't know maybe others that like other pairings?

Naruto: Why them and not me T^T. Aw well anyways what's this story about?

NST: You're supposed to be dead and…..wait a minute I said too much

Naruto: *points a finger* Spoiler!

NST: You should be happy this is a NaruSaku!

Naruto: *puts a hand on his mouth*

NST: You know what? I think this is a beginning of a beautiful friendship *grins*

Naruto: Yeah I guess *sarcastic*

NST: Anyways, let's start! Naruto do the disclaimer.

Naruto: F-fine. What's your name again? *smirks*

NST: Watch it!

Naruto: *laughs* NST doesn't own Naruto. I belong to the great Kishimoto!

Chapter 1: Death and a new group

Valley of the End...

A red chakra coated boy, blonde hair, blood red slitted eyes and darkened whisker marks on his cheeks stood on the foot of the statue of the great 1st Hokage charging a ball of wind with chakra in his hand while glaring at another boy across from him. The other one had black skin and what seemed like wings behind him, raven black hair, and black eyes with the sharinggan in them was charging a ball of chakra as well, only this one, was like lightning.

Once the two were done charging, they jumped and lunged at each other never breaking eye contact. When both were close enough to each other, they both thrusted their jutsus at each other.

"RASENGAN!" – "CHIDORI!" Naruto and Sasuke shouted at the same time.

Both jutsus collided and everything seemed to pause for a while as they looked at each other. Then an explosion occurred.

In the Forest…

"Did you here that, Kakashi?" A dog named Pakkun asked

"Yeah I hope we're not too late" Kakashi said as he jumped from another tree branch

Back at the Valley…

Naruto lied down on his back unconscious while Sasuke stood over him. Sasuke looked at him and placed his hand on his hiate (NST: I don't know the real spelling of it but it's supposed to mean forehead protector on their heads) and dropped it beside Naruto's which had fallen off. Sasuke jumped away without even sparing a last look at him.

Minutes later, a guy in a tiger mask spotted Naruto lying on the ground and jumped towards him. He noticed he began to wake up and looked at him. Naruto opened his eyes to find a tiger mask staring at him.

"Umm….. hi?" Naruto said confused

"Hello I'm Shiro" The guy named Shiro said

"Shiro?" Naruto repeated while Shiro nodded and placed a finger on Naruto's forehead and then Naruto passed out.

Shiro picked Naruto and his hiate and jumped towards the direction of the Hidden Mist Village. (Zabuza is already dead in this story)

Minutes later at the Valley…

Kakashi and Pakkun landed on the Valley of the End and looked around.

"Kakashi over here!" Pakkun said.

Kakashi immediately went to Pakkun only to find a Leaf hiate on the ground. Kakashi looked at it and recognized it as Sasuke's and picked it up and continued to look around the area to find signs of Naruto.

After awhile, Kakashi lowered his head because there was no sign of Naruto.

"Kakashi…." Pakkun called walking towards him.

"Le-Let's go back. Mission failed" Kakashi said and jumped towards Konoha while Pakkun dispelled himself.

"Naruto…I'm sorry" Kakashi said to himself

Hidden Mist Village…

Shiro arrived at the village and went to an alley and opened a secret door in the ground and closed it when he got in. He passed different rooms mostly training rooms in the base. He also passed others with animal masks just like his, only theirs are different animals. He got to the room he was looking for and went inside. The room he went was like the normal room you see. It had a bed, couch, TV, a bathroom and etc. Shiro placed Naruto on the bed and went out to speak with their leader.

Minutes later, Naruto started to wake up. He blinked a few times before sitting up and looking around. He noticed he was on a bed instead of a rocky terrain and instead of a waterfall, statue, trees, and a river, he was inside a room. He looked beside him to see the same guy who knocked him out earlier staring at him.

"You! Where am I! Who are you! What-" Naruto said getting cut off

"Would you quiet down? I'll explain. First of all, you are in the Hidden Mist Village. Under it to be specific. I'm Shiro. I am a member a secret group against akatsuki. We prevent their plans from happening, when they move, we stay in the shadows waiting to strike them. We fight to the death against them. We protect the world from them. We are the shadows against the cloud." Shiro said (shadows against the cloud is the name of the group shadows for short)

"Nice speech but what do you want with me?" Naruto asked

"We want to make you a member of the group" Shiro said. Naruto looked at the ground.

"Oh one more thing…" Shiro said

"Yeah? And what's that?" Naruto asked

Shiro paused for a moment before saying… "You're dead"

"Oh..." Naruto said

"3...2...1" Shiro thought

"WHAT!" Naruto shouted

"YOU'RE-DEAD" Shiro repeated "To the world at least"

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked

"Every single member here is thought to be dead by their villages so the akatsuki won't recognize us. It's a hard choice I know, but it's the best way to get the advantage against them. They won't know of our abilities." Shiro explained

"When can I show myself back again?" Naruto asked

"We are allowed to go back after 2 and a half years. Maybe when you're seventeen. But that's our choice" Shiro explained

"Sakura-chan, Kamiko" Naruto thought

"So do you agree to join us?" Shiro asked

Naruto thought for a moment before nodding

"Alright then, let's go to meet dragon" Shiro said opening the door and Naruto followed

On the way, they saw other members walking around or training. They reached a door and opened it to look inside. The room was huge, pillars on the side, a throne in the end of the room, three guards on each side of the throne a red carpet in front of him and etc. (just think of a king's room)

"Shiro is he the new recruit?" Dragon asked

"Yes Gouche. I found him in the Valley of the End." Shiro said

"Very well, introduce yourself boy" Gouche said

"Ummm…. Ok, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I come from the Hidden Leaf Village, 15 years old, I like ramen, and other things, my dream is to be hokage, I hate Sasuke Uch-" Naruto said

"UCHIHA!" Shiro and Gouche said in unison

"Yes" Naruto said

"We'll skip the introductions for now. Do you agree to join us?" Gouche asked

"Yes. But before that, I have one last thing to tell you" Naruto said lowering his gaze

"Hm? And what's that?" Gouche asked

"I contain the legendary demon nine tailed fox" Naruto said in a whisper. Naruto lifted his head to see the shocked faces of Gouche, Shiro and the guards.

"Seriously!" Shiro asked and Naruto nodded

"So what's the matter you seem sort of down" Gouche asked while Naruto stared at him

"You're not afraid of me?" Naruto said surprised

"Should we be?" Gouche asked

"No I guess" Naruto said

"Great you are now officially a member of the shadows against the cloud" Gouche said and handed him a black jacket with a hood and a fox mask and black pants.

"Do you have anything in orange?" Naruto asked while Gouche shook his head

"Here" Shiro said and went to a series of handsigns "Ninja Art: Camouflage jutsu" Shiro shouted (MADE IT UP) and then the lower part of the jacket turned into orange. (like his jacket on shippuuden)

"Thanks" Naruto said and put on the jacket

"Welcome Naruto Uzumaki" Gouche said smiling while Naruto grinned

In Konoha…

Tsunade looked at the coffin that was in front of her. Inside was one of Naruto's jacket and pants and his remaining weapons. His friends and some of the other shinobis to the funeral after already paying their respects to Naruto left..


A knock on the Hokage's door was heard.

"Come in" Tsunade said and looked up to see a sad eyed Kakashi holding a leaf hitai.

"Hokage-sama, mission failed. I was too late. Sasuke got away." Kakashi said lowering his head.

Tsunade immediately noticed that he didn't say anything about Naruto. Kakashi lifted his head to see why the hokage had become silent only to see her wide eyed.

"WH-What about N-Naruto?" Tsunade asked trying to hold back some tears. Kakashi was silent for a while.

"We…We never found anything from him not even his body" Kakashi said

"Wha- no! No! NO! You're lying! Naruto would never give up!" Tsunade said as tears were now falling

"I'm sorry hokage-sama but it's true" Kakashi said and then Tsunade cried on her desk. Kakashi turned to leave but not before telling things to Shizune. After hearing this, she went inside to comfort the hokage. Kakashi looked behind again to mutter the words "I'm sorry"

Later, Tsunade called for the other jounin senseis and Naruto's friends and told them what happened. A few minutes later, Tsunade called for a funeral inviting only shinobis because mostly the villagers will ruin it.

Flashback ends…..

Now, only two people were remaining. Tsunade already went to the coffin and kneeled down placing a white flower above it.

"N-Naruto, I'm sorry you had to….leave earlier than you expected. I would've actually named you my successor when you got older. But I guess things don't always workout as we seem huh?" Tsunade said as if she was actually talking to Naruto. "You know, I actually wish that you knew who your parents were. Well that's not needed since your already with them right?" She said laughing lightly. "I hope you your okay Naruto. Oh and don't worry I'll make sure Sakura is safe" Tsunade said looking at the coffin one last time before leaving.

Next to come was Sakura who was crying silently throughout the whole funeral who also kneeled down and placed a flower

"Naruto, I…...I don't know how much I can show you how sorry I am for what I've done to you. W-When you promised me you'd bring Sas- that bastard back, something in me felt guilty for what you've promised just to make me happy. You were the best thing that happened in my life but I was blinded by that bastard. You were always there whenever I'm sad. You always protected me when ever we were on missions. You paid more attention to me than that bastard. I…I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. For punching you, hitting you, turning you down on those dates you asked me, and for ignoring you the whole time you talk to me" Sakura said pausing for a while "Y-You were supposed to be the greatest ninja known to the world, the greatest hokage and….you were supposed to stay with me… I-I love you Naruto-kun" She said adding the –kun suffix and repeating the last part again and again. She touched the coffin and stood up going home.

Most of the villagers have celebrated the death of the jinchuuriki (right spelling?) while Naruto's friends were depressed to even do anything than just to go home or go with their team. But the most affected one was Sakura, she cried for days and three months whenever someone was going to bring up the subject or talk about him.

"Good-bye Naruto-kun I hope your happy" Sakura said wiping her tears and fell asleep

NST: The End. For the first chapter at least

Naruto: Why did you make Sakura-chan so sad. *wiping tears*

NST: I don't know the idea just came to me. *smiles nervously*

Naruto: Yeah? Well you're idea stinks!

NST: Thank you for the compliment.

Naruto: *curses at NST*

NST: Anyways next chapter will be coming up but I have a feeling the next one would be short.

Naruto: What! How can you write something about me that's short!

NST: *whispers* Sometimes I wonder how Sakura puts up with you *done whispering*

Naruto: What was that!

NST: Nothing and would you stop complaining?

Naruto: Alright. Man when do I get to see Sakura-chan again?

NST: Maybe in the 3rd or 4th chapter.

Naruto: *sighs* Great *sarcastic*

NST: *ignores* Anyways leave a review while I talk to someone here

Naruto: *curses again*