Hey guys, I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you all enjoy it
IMPORTANT NOTE: This story takes place in the same universe as my other fic Rise of a Champion,
This is the first chapter of a series of most likely one shots based on different characters and their significant interactions with the Warden
Eventually I'll get to the companions of the Hero of Ferelden and how they each saw him
But at least for now this is before the Blight

UPDATE: This story has reached the Blight era(Chapter 7). The first six chapters are much more character based so for the sake of plot some readers might want to skip ahead as these earlier chapters are much much more about character aspects.

"What makes a man Legend? Is it the man's deeds and actions? History remembers the acts but people remember the person...
A Legend is made by the people as they saw it, that's what makes the Legend."- a wise man


She doesn't like him very much at first, it's not that she hates him... she doesn't really hate anyone it's just that he's looks odd and doesn't fit in too well.

He doesn't seem to have many friends here and he's kind of quiet. She doesn't talk to him much anyway even if they are family.

She likes his father, Cyrion; he's very nice and is always willing to talk to her even when he's working.

She doesn't like his mother very much, Adaia, she's... weird and has those ugly 'markings' on her face, and she even speaks with a strange accent.

Adaia has darker skin than the other Elves here and she's thin but muscular, more so than a lot of Elves here and at times is seen walking barefoot; though she seems nice enough but sometimes she has this look about her, like she doesn't like what she sees here in the Alienage.

He spends a lot of time with his mother, Adaia, and some of the other kids call him a momma's boy but then he gives them a look that instantly fills the area with undeterred silence.

She's slightly amazed by that look of his that stops those other kids in their tracks, she thinks it's his eyes... those stormy, intelligent, luminous, grey eyes that appear to 'see' more than other kids his age.

That's another thing that she finds perplexing about him, his eyes... the enigma about them because neither Cyrion nor Adaia have them.

She's been assured that he is her cousin though and not adopted especially since he inherited his father Cyrion's light brown hair but she still can't help but wonder where he gets the eyes from.

It can't be from his father's side, because no other relatives have those eyes, so Shianni thinks it must be from his mother's side though she has brown eyes.

Even his name is different and abnormal, Agron... such an odd and foreign name to have in the Alienage of places. His name sounds like it's from a completely different language and she thinks his mother named him.

She ponders about all these things as she sits near him and her other cousin Soris, eating lunch together leaning against a wall near the Vhenadahl, the enormous tree planted in the center of the Alienage.

Normally she doesn't talk to Agron much. Besides Agron spends most of his time alone, with his mother, or else with Soris. Even now, she came to sit with Soris more than Agron.

She notices that Soris finished peeling his apple with his kitchen knife and that Argon doesn't bother to peel his and simply begins eating it.

"Did you like your birthday party Shianni?" Soris asks turning to her his mouth full of apple.

DisgustingShianni thinks as she rolls her eyes at her cousin.

"You shouldn't talk with your mouth full" Agron said suddenly.

Soris swallows before muttering "... yeah yeah"

Shianni thinks that Agron probably spends a lot of his time watching out for Soris.

"Yeah the party was great and it was good for the grownups to take a few hours off work" Shianni said finishing her apple as Soris finished his and remembered the small party fondly.

Party was an overstatement to be honest. The Alienage was still the poorest part of Denerim but it had been nice, Shianni's parents had set up a few times in the backyard and their family had gathered for an afternoon lunch letting the kids play.

Agron suddenly stirred lowering his half eaten apple saying "did you like my father's gift?"

Shianni had to think for a moment to remember what Cyrion had gotten her, then she remembered it had been clothes, a simple dress but it was the thought that counted.

"Yes, I really like the dress. Did your dad get it from a Human Merchant?" Shianni asked politely at him, she can't seem to remember him ever starting a conversation with her before.

Soris for some reason began tossing his kitchen in the air one handed, juggling it.

What is he doing now? Shianni thought frowning as she glanced at Soris. Agron noticed what Soris was doing too but said nothing on the matter.

"No, my mother made it for you. She's good at making things and she says gifts have more meaning that way" Agron said taking another bite of his apple to Shianni's surprise as Soris was getting the hang of juggling his kitchen knife.

"Oh... um that was nice of her" Shianni said slowly after she got over her surprise.

Adaia... she's weird Shianni thought. She had seen Agron's mother at her birthday party, more of a get together actually, the strange woman had stayed by Cyrion's side and barely spoken with anyone else. Even when Shianni was reciving her gifts, only one gift per family as the Elves were a poor people, it had been Cyrion whom had handed the dress over to Shianni.

Suddenly Soris's hand slipped mid juggle causing the kitchen knife to bounce off his hand and fly into the air again.

The kitchen knife rose in the air before beginning its descent when suddenly Agron caught it by the hilt with a single swipe of his right hand not even bothering to turn to see where it was falling from.

Still not even turning his head to the kitchen knife, which was now in his hand, Agron handed it back to Soris whom laughed saying "thanks."

Wow Argon has quick hands Shianni thought.

Soris held the kitchen knife like he wanted to juggle it again but suddenly Agron had grabbed his wrist. Soris looked at Agron whom only shook his head muttering "no more." Soris sighed but put the kitchen knife down.

Agron released his cousin's wrist then glanced at Shianni like he wanted to say something to her but refrained from doing so and instead turned to Soris saying "she left already... I don't think she was impressed."

Soris frowned saying "she left already."

Shianni looked at Soris saying "what's going on?"

"Nothing it's nothing" Soris said before Agron spoke up saying "he's been trying to ask out the blond girl that helps in the store here but he can't muster the courage, He's been to impress her for days now, tried to seem cool with the knife to get her attention."

"... You don't have to tell everyone" Soris muttered to his cousin. Agron only shrugged saying "she asked."

Shianni laughed saying "oh Soris, she wouldn't care about juggling a knife, what girl would?"

He has a lot to learn when it comes to girls Shianni thought looking at her cousin Soris warmly. She liked Soris a lot but he could be kind of dumb at times.

Soris blushed saying "well I don't know... besides I dropped it in the end anyway." Agron finished the rest of his apple then suddenly turned to face Shianni seeming to have decided to say what he wanted to say after all.

Giving her an odd look, almost sad, with those peculiar grey eyes of his Agron said "you don't like my mother very much... or me for that matter, do you?"

Soris gaped at Agron as Shianni awkwardly froze then recovered politely saying "we're family, of course I like you."

Agron looked at her unblinkingly with those grey eyes of his stoically saying "it's okay, most people here don't like my mother... or me."

Shianni frowned at that thinking it's not that I don't like you... I just... just... find you... odd.

Soris looked like he wanted to say something as Shianni frowned but before either of them got the chance to speak, Agron suddenly walked off completely deadpan saying "got to help my dad at work, I'll see you later."

Soris and Shianni watched their cousin go in awkward silence for a few minutes before Soris spoke up saying "... I wish I had quick hands like he did."

Shianni shook her head at him saying "that's all you can think about... I feel bad now."

Soris shrugged awkwardly saying "you know how Agron is," no I don't Shianni thinks as Soris continues "he just shrugs everything off. Nothing gets to him."

Shianni frowns as she heads home and Soris stays near the store trying to gather the courage to ask out the blond girl, she still feels a bit bad because she knows Agron is right about her.

She goes about the rest of her day like normal, helping her mom and playing with some of the younger kids before she goes to bed at night still feeling a little bad.

The next day Shianni doesn't see either of her cousins until she goes to the Denerim Marketplace with her father to fill in for her sick aunt.

It was a typical Elven job, cleaning the Denerim Marketplace. Like all Elven jobs, it doesn't pay well but her aunt told her that if she covered for her for a few days that she could keep the pay for the days she worked.

It's a chance to get some extra money and Shianni is happy to take the opportunity, she takes her lucky bracelet she got from her grandmother before she died. Shianni hopes it will help her get a tip or two.

She gets to work alongside her father in the slightly crowded area of Denerim that is the Marketplace, cleaning the streets and giving directions to any shoppers and passersby who can't find their way around Denerim.

While she works she knows she won't see Soris because he helps his uncle back in the Alienage, but she does see Agron again.

He's at his usual spot working in front of a small Wood Mill outside the main area of the Denerim Marketplace and closer to the side areas of it.

Agron has worked there for years but the human who owns it won't let him move up in the business simply because he's an Elf, Shianni is pretty sure Agron can carve wood because his mother can.

If Agron is angered or frustrated at not being allowed to work to his fully abilities he never shows it, he does the simple job of chopping the wood logs into uniform pieces so human wood carvers can work with them and he never once complains.

All of Agron's chops are precise and never fail, the ax cutting through the wood almost always with a single well place blow.

Shianni thinks about talking to him about yesterday and apologizing when she's on break but she can't think of what to say.

She knows her break won't last forever but she also knows that she'll see Agron along with Soris back in the Alienage, she decides to wait until then. Shianni rubs her lucky bracelet as she gets ready to return to work and walks back towards her father when suddenly a man calls out after her.

"You there Elf!" the man says coldly as Shianni turns around and her face falls as she realizes who it is.

It's Brogan, a drunken City Guard that's pretty mean to Elves and is known to drink even when he's on duty.

Now Brogan is off duty and wearing simple clothing but he is still a City Guard none the less and has authority so Shianni acts polite saying "can I help you sir?"

"Where'd you get that bracelet Elf! It looks too nice to be from that pit your kind live in" Brogan said eying Shianni's lucky bracelet.

"What? It was a gift from my grandmother... it used to be hers when she was young" Shianni says as defensibly as she instinctively tries to cover up her lucky bracelet.

"Ha! A likely story elf, you stole it from the Marketplace didn't you!" Brogan said sneering at her like she was some gutter rat.

"No! I didn't steal it... it was gift I swear" Shianni said trying to think of what to do.

Brogan laughed saying "even if it is your grandmother's she probably stole it, so hand it over and I'll return it to the Marketplace."

"You can't do that! It's mine! Even City Guards can't just take things from people" Shianni said fiercely.

Brogan just leaned in menacingly as he grabbed her wrist saying "are you threatening me little Elf! I could send you to a dungeon cell for that you stupid girl! Hand over the bracelet and I'll forget your little mistake."

Shianni trembled from the injustice of it all as she let her hand go limp and allowed Brogan to take her lucky bracelet and pocket it.

Brogan grinned as he took her lucky bracelet saying "good girl now run along elf. And be thankful I'm willing to forgive you resisting a member of the Denerim city guard."

Shianni glared at Brogan until the man scoffed saying "run along elf before I get angry."

Shianni slowly walked away her hands clenched into fist.

Walking back to the street she had to clean Shianni felt a tear roll down her face. My grandmother give me that bracelet...its all I have to remember her by Shianni thought brushing the tears away with her hand.

After nearly an hour Shianni had gotten all the tears out of her face, leaving her eyes slightly red and puffy, and the rest of her face a little flustered.

Shianni had told her father whom had sighed and patted her on the head saying "I'm sorry Shianni... I wish we could do something but he's a City Guard and we're just a couple of elves. You have your memories of grandma and I'll try to get you another bracelet."

She had nodded slowly as her father told her to take a long break and that he'd cover for her, she understood why her father was right but she still didn't like it. Shianni's father hadn't even tried to fight it but she knew it wouldn't have done much anyway though she still wish they could do something.

What Shianni hadn't noticed was that Agron had seen her crying as she sat in a bench near a tavern.

Agron stirred, seeing his cousin and semi-friend crying bothered him and so he debated for a moment then slammed his Ax into a wood log and left the Wood Mill calling "I'm taking a break."

The human wood carvers glanced at him astonished, no elf took a break whenever he felt like it.

"Hey I didn't say you could take a break elf!" the manager called. He was a slightly overweight man in his mid thirties and he did not look pleased.

Agron kept walking, not even bothering to turn around, as he stoically calling back "deducted it from my pay."

"Hump fine, no skin off my bones Knife-ears!" the manager yelled annoyed by how Agron didn't bother to reply this time and just kept walking.

"Shianni. Why were you crying" Agron said as he took a seat beside Shianni. She had been holding her face in her hands and she gasped in surprise at the sound of her cousin's voice.

Shianni turned her head to face him startled by how Agron had walked to her seemingly without making any noise.

"I... I wasn't crying" Shianni said as she looked into Agron's stormy grey eyes that seemed to almost shine as they looked back at her patiently.

"Why were you crying?" Agron asked again.

Shianni sighed saying "that pig! Brogan, he took my grandmother's bracelet just because he could... it was all I had to remember her by."

Agron crossed his arms thinking things over.

"I know of the man" Agron said.

Shianni nodded coldly saying "it's so unfair... he shouldn't be able to get away with this."

Agron turned his gaze from Shianni and towards the Denerim Marketplace looking thoughtful then turned back to face her as he awkwardly took her hand in his.

Shianni blinked in surprise and looked up at him.

"It'll be okay... just head home, alright" Agron said releasing her hand.

Shianni shifted as Agron stood up from the bench and started walking towards a tavern to the far side of where they had been sitting.

"What are you doing?" Shianni called nervously as she stood up but didn't follow Agron.

"Go home Shianni... I'll see you later" Agron called back, glancing back at her for a second before walking on.

Not sure what to make of that Shianni slowly turned and headed back to the Alienage.

Agron had thoughtfully looked around the Denerim Marketplace retracing what he saw between glances from his work to recreate what he thought had been Brogan's movements.

He hadn't seen much but he did remember seeing Brogan move around a bit before entering the tavern on the far side of where Shianni had been sitting.

Agron's retracing had been correct, he realized as he entered the tavern and saw Brogan sitting on a chair in-front of the bar getting drunk.

Walking along and becoming just another elven servant working in the tavern Agron took a couple of looks at Brogan and his pockets.

Agron noticed that Brogan's left pocket had a bulge.

There's where he has it Agron thought as he started to where Brogan was sitting. Timing it just right, Agron waited until Brogan finished a cup of crude Ale then manage to reach him and softly kick the chair he was sitting on.

Agron had kicked Brogan's chair at just the right angle causing Brogan to stumble off as if he had just slipped. Moving quickly Agron caught Brogan on his left saying "careful sir, those chairs are very old."

Before Brogan could start complaining to the Knife-ears about the crappy chair the elf placed a few coins on the bar saying "sorry sir, the next two drinks will be on me."

"It'll do, now beat it elf" Brogan said sitting back down as the Elf left without saying a word like a good little servant. "Bloody Knife-ears" Brogan muttered using the coin the Elf had left him to get the first of his two free drinks.

Agron left the tavern without anyone so much as glancing at him, and more importantly without Brogan ever seeing his face heading back to the small Wood Mill.

The manager noticed him coming back and shouted "finally came back did you? Finish what ever important business an elf like you just had to finish?"

Argon calmly returned to where he had left his Ax in the wooden log. Pulling the Ax out and chopping the rest of the log Argon called back "yeah I'm done from using the bathroom, I didn't know you wanted to watch."

The manager scoffed saying "watch your mouth Knife-ears, you're lucky you chop that wood so fast or I'd fire you."

Agron didn't bother to answer back and instead just kept chopping logs to the managers annoyance. After finishing the last hour and a half of his shift Agron left the Denerim Marketplace and headed back into the Alienage.

Once getting back to Alienage and waving at Soris as he walked, Agron made towards the large shed where Shianni lived along with her parents.

Knocking at the front door, Agron waited until Shianni's mother opened the front door. She was obviously surprised to see him.

Shianni's mother looked at him failing to hide her surprise as she said "uh hello there Agron... does Cyrion need something?"

"No I just stopped by to talk to Shianni, is she home?" Agron said noticing how that it seemed to surprised Shianni's mother even more.

Shianni's mother nodded saying "yes, she's in her room."

Stepping aside, She moved to let Agron in and pointed to her daughter's room yelling "Shianni! Your cousin is here to talk to you!"

Shianni, sitting on her bed with her hands on her knees, didn't open her door knowing it was unlocked anyway, and called "Soris! I don't want to talk about it!"

Shianni heard her door open and turned around saying "Soris it's okay I appreciate your concern but- … oh hi Agron."

Does it make me a bad person that I didn't think of Agron when mom said my cousin was here
Shianni thought as Agron closed her door and took a seat beside her on her bed.

Before Shianni could say anything, Agron reached into his pocket and handed her two things.

Blinking in surprised Shianni looked at her hand to see what her cousin had given her and to her astonishment saw her lucky bracelet that her grandmother had given her... and a coin pouch.

"I would have brought it back sooner, but I had to finish my shift" Agron said as Shianni looked at him gaping.

"I... thank you so much! This was all I had to remember my grandmother by" Shianni said smiling.

Then holding the coin pouch up, Shianni said "... what is this?"

"It's Brogan's coin pouch, I took it from him when I got your bracelet back... he shouldn't have taken it in the first place" Agron said unblinkingly.

Shianni's eyes widened as she said "what? You... how did you even do this?"

"... I have quick hands" Agron answered shrugging.

Frowning and speaking in a hushed tone Shianni said "but won't Brogan find out and come looking for you?"

Agron shook his head said saying "no, Brogan was already drunk and I made sure he'd get two more drinks... that would have made him too drunk to remember and he'd probably think he dropped his coin somewhere."

Shianni opened her mouth then closed it thinking how does Agron do these things

"... you should keep the money, I already got my bracelet back" She said.

"Brogan shouldn't have stolen your bracelet in the first place... keep his coin and get something nice at his expense" Agron said calmly before Shianni could protest.

There was silence for a moment then Shianni thought what the hell... I'll go for it.

Shianni awkwardly reached over and hugged her cousin saying "you're the best, you know that."

Agron blinked genuinely surprised by her hug before slowly and awkwardly returning it.

Shianni released Agron and looked at him saying "I... haven't been a very good friend to you... have I?"

"You were never mean to me" Agron replied honestly.

Shianni looked down at her hands saying "I wasn't mean, but I wasn't very nice either."

"... it's okay" Agron says awkwardly but Shianni shook her saying "no it's not... I'm sorry."

Getting to her feet Shianni said "let's change that."

Agron blinked slowly as Shianni held out her hand and Agron shook it. Glancing back at her door then turning back to Agron, Shianni said "hey would your parents mind if you stayed for dinner? Soris is."

"They wouldn't mind, I just have to let them know" Agron replied still a bit surprised.

"Great, let them know" Shianni said as she and Agron left her room and exited Shianni's home.

Shianni went to the kitchen with the rest of family and got ready for dinner waiting for Agron and Soris.

After a few minutes of waiting they both arrived, Soris talking with Agron saying "that's nice, I'd glad they invited you over."

"Me too" Agron said truthfully as he and Soris took a seat beside Shianni and her parents.

Shianni looked around the kitchen table as she ate noticing how her parents and her cousin we're together and that Agron seemed to fit in slightly better.

She looked at Agron as she ran her fingers along her lucky bracelet once again on her wrist smiling as she thought my slightly odd cousin Agron... he truly is one of a kind.

This was something of an experiment for me so constructive criticism would be appreciated
I'll most likely add more chapters to this on the side since I'm also writing Rise of a Champion
Though I will add more
But I digress
Thanks for Reading and please Review