Sorry about taking so long, but my computer broke and I had a major case of writer's block. Feel free to sen input in regards to the progress of the story through private messages or reviews.

"Seriously, Hermione!" Oliver exclaimed. He couldn't believe it. "You give me constant grief because my friends don't know about you, but your friends don't know about me!"

"Ollie, it's not like-"

"Like what, Hermione?" He interrupted. "You are such a hypocrite! And do these doctors even have-"

"Don't speak to her like that!" Ron yelled angrily.

"And who are you?" Oliver frowned.

"More of a brother then you've been." Ron snapped.

"Ronald, really, that's enough. Enough from all of you." Molly reprimanded.

Madame Pomfrey had been prodding at Hermione's wound, muttering about obscenities of hospital procedures and muggle methods and violence ("Really, at least wizards are somewhat civilized in their methods.")

Hermione winced at a particularly sharp poke from Pomfrey. "Oliver. Just listen. Harry and Ron did know all about you. I used to talk about you all the time. But I couldn't let everyone know about you. In my world, you're a-a liability." Hermione searched for the right words.

Oliver slowly relaxed. "What do you mean? And what do you mean by your world?"

Hermione realized a breath when Madame Pomfrey ushered all the others out of the room so she could concentrate on her patient.

In the hallway, Oliver sank in chair, worried about his sister, but looked up to see her sister's dark haired friend's hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "Don't worry about Hermione. She's faced worse than a gunshot wound." He gave Oliver a half-smile.

"How does she know all of you?" Oliver questioned.

Gesturing to each respective person, Harry began. "Hermione was in the same year as Ron and I. We met on the train to school, but didn't become friends until Halloween." He smiled slightly at the memory. "We're known fondly as the Golden Trio. Mrs. Weasley is Ron's mother. As Hermione and I are both orphans, Mrs. Weasley is sort of the mother to the group. We met Fleur in our fourth year in a ….foreign exchange program-tournament of sorts. She ended up becoming Ron's sister-in-law with his oldest brother, Bill. Madame Pomfrey was the school nurse and is a close friend to us all. She's with Mione now. And Luna is a close friend. We didn't get to know her well until our fifth year, but we all became fast friends."

Oliver nodded, slightly taken aback with processing all the new information, but his heart leapt when he heard his girlfriend's call. "Oliver!" He stood up to greet her.

"Chloe." He breathed.

"Is she alright. The News mentioned she was hurt, but-"

"She was shot, but she'll be fine, Chloe. Take a breath." Chloe took a visible breath. "These are some of Hermione's closest friends." He then turned to the magical beings. "This is my girlfriend, Chloe."

They exchanged quick greetings and small talk. Oliver learned about Hermione during her schooling (edited, of course), but everyone's heads whipped around when the hospital door slowly opened.

Madame Pomfrey was the first to exit. She shook her head. "Honestly, if it isn't a troll, it's something else with that girl." She humphed.

Hermione followed, slightly ashen-faced, arm in a sling. She greeted everyone. "Thank you all for coming."

"Seriously, Hermione, stay out of trouble for a bit. Give it a rest."

Hermione laughed. "Like I don't try, Ron. At least my rat wasn't a killer." Ro frowned, still sore about the whole Wormtail-subject.

Harry smiled at his best friends' antics. "We've best be leaving. We have work. And Kingsley will want an update on his favorite heroin."

Hermione hugged her family and quickly added "Tell Ted and Andy I'll be seeing them soon. And I miss them." She got slightly teary-eyed. "I miss Teddy so much."

"And he misses you." Molly assured. "But he's a baby, and he'll get over it." She laughed.

After her friends left, Hermione turned to her brother. "Ready to go home?" Oliver's heart leapt with Hermione regarding his loft as their joint-home. "Sure thing, but first I want you to meet Chloe." He beckoned Chloe forward, from where she was standing at a diastase, leaning on the nurse's desk. "This is my girlfriend. Chloe-this is my baby sister, Hermione. If you haven't been able to tell, she's a danger magnet."

Hermione punched her brother (with her good arm) and greeted Chloe. "It's nice meeting you. You've seemed to have slightly tamed my brother."

Chloe laughed. "I try. It's extremely difficult."


"Hush, Ollie."

"Yeah-Hush Ollie" Hermione mimicked while sticking her tongue out.

Oliver's mouth hung open. "That's it." Hermione backed up from her brother's advance, but the sling severely hindered her movements. He easily picked her up, bridal style. "You'll have to be carried home if you're going to act like a child."

"Ollie!" She hit his chest in protest. Oliver smiled, even though he was joking, it felt good being able to keep his sister close-safe-for the time being.

Chloe laughed at the siblings antics as she opened the door for a Hermione-toting-Oliver, where he continued to gently toss her on the couch.

"Thanks, Oliver."

He threw his body next to his sisters."Hermione. I have to go out for a couple of hours. Can you stay here. I'll leave my phone number, and Chloes, and Clarks, on the fridge. You can call us for anything."

Hermione nodded. Her smile had dimmed. "Of course. I'm quite tired. Good night." She got up and quickly retreated up the stairs, to her room.

Oliver frowned, but turned to Chloe. "Can you take command from Watchtower. I'll look for the robbers."

"Sure thing. I'll do it from here, so Hermione isn't alone, though."

"Perfect." Oliver called as he was pulling his suit and armory from his secret closet. "Be safe, Ollie."

With a dashing smile, a small peck, Ollie whispered "Always." And left the room, leaving Chloe, alone, with a teenage witch in the apartment. Things were looking up