They lounged around Dean's place for the rest of the night watching movies, munching on pizza and popcorn. ("because pizza is the ultimate movie snack, Dean!" "No, Cas you're delusional it's obviously popcorn!" "Fine, why don't we just get both then if you love popcorn so much!" "Fine." "Fine!")

"I had a good night tonight," Cas said as he walked down the stairs, taking his jacket from Dean when he handed it to him. "We should do it again sometime."

Dean chuckled and nodded his head, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. "Yeah, yeah we should," he answered, eyeing the smaller man over and beckoning him closer.

Castiel shoved his phone into the pocket of his trench coat, padding across the floor and walking back over towards Dean, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

Dean met Castiel's gaze for a few seconds before he ducked his head, ghosting his lips gently against the other man's before pushing into the kiss with a little more force. He moved one hand to rest on the boy's hip, using it to pull him closer.

"Mm," Cas hummed, leaning up on his tiptoes to press harder into the kiss, pushing Dean so his back was resting against the door this time. He moved one of his hands to tangle in the other boy's hair, running his fingers through his hair before forcing himself to take a step back.

"I better get going. Don't want Gabe getting the wrong idea y'know," Cas chuckled, pecking Dean on the lips twice more before backing up towards the door.

Dean watched him go, smirking as he leaned back against the door. "See you round," he offered, lifting his hand in a small wave.

Castiel grinned, before he stepped out of the house, practically beaming as he skipped down the steps of the porch and jogged over towards his car, climbing into it and starting it up.


He pulled up outside of his house a short while after that, taking the long way home to try and calm himself down. Cas tried to unlock the door as quietly as possible, but that didn't stop Gabe from cornering him as soon as he closed it.

"You're late, lucky night?" Gabe asked, leaning back against the wall (similar to how Dean had done not so long ago). The similarities made Cas grin, which obviously Gabriel mistook. "Oh, so you did get lucky then?"

Cas turned his head to glare at Gabriel, narrowing his eyes at him. "No, I didn't and no it wasn't," he shrugged, biting down on his bottom lip to stop himself from smiling again. "At least, not in the way you think it went."

Gabriel cooed and stuck his bottom lip out in a dramatic pout, fluttering his eyelashes. "Please, Cassie. You can tell me!"

"Nope," Castiel stated, brushing past Gabe with an air of confidence. He hung his jacket up on the way and sighed to himself. "Also thanks, by the way. Dean found the stupid c-… the stupid stuff you got me. And no we didn't use any of them," he added, holding his finger up when Gabriel tried to speak.

"You're so boring," Gabriel scoffed, snatching a tootsie pop from the bowl on the table.

"That's not what Dean was saying a couple of hours ago," Castiel smirked, laughing when Gabriel almost choked on the candy he had in his mouth. "You're going to rot your teeth with those. And I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Gabriel."

Castiel grinned as he made his way out of the kitchen, hearing Gabriel still spluttering as his mind tried to comprehend what had just been said to him. He padded up the stairs and into his room, shutting the door behind him and getting changed; he didn't realize how tired he was until his head hit the pillow. Cas flinched when his phone vibrated against the bedside cabinet, quickly picking it up and reading the text.

'I had a great time tonight, can't wait to do it again. –DW'

'Yeah, me too. –CN'

Cas grinned and switched his phone to silent, putting it back down and curling up – falling asleep almost instantly.