New Kid On The Block

Chapter 1 – Escape!

Hey Guys! I'm Mitch 566. This is my first Fic and I hope you guys enjoy. Please give me your comments and feedback and any ideas you might have. And Before I go any further, I would just like to remind you that I don't own LU, but I do own the plot of this story and any characters that you are unfamiliar with ;). Enjoy!

It was a beautiful evening in the city of Acmetropolis. The sun was slowly setting as dusk engulfed the city. All over the city, lights were turning on one by one as if millions of fireflies were slowly awakening from sleep. It looked as if it was going to be another lovely evening. But all was not well…

Sirens echoed everywhere as the streets below were engulfed in a sea of havoc. Acmetropolis' new squad of police robots were out in force. Since the robots had been introduced to the streets, the crime rate had dropped dramatically.

Slowly but surely, a calm feeling had begun to settle onto the city like cool frost resting on the grass. But tonight was different…

An anthro tiger looked over his shoulder as he sprinted down the street to see a wave of flashing robots in hot pursuit of him. Man, these guys just don't quit do they the tiger thought to himself.

Blaze Tiger was a 21 year-old anthro tiger. He was tall and modestly muscular for his build with deep golden eyes and a spiked up crop of black hair. His clothes were tattered and he had muck on his face, but other than that, he was a magnificent looking anthro. But a key feature of Blaze was that he loved a challenge.

"All this for a loaf of bread!" he chuckled to himself as he ran.

Blaze had endured a very hard life so far. As a youngster he had been abandoned by his mother, although from what he remembered, she was a very loving mother. He had never understood why she deserted him. Blaze had joined a gang of homeless boys and for 2 years, he ate rough, he slept rough and he suffered rough along with the others. But after these two years, Blaze and the others were taken in by an orphanage. It treated them well and for some time, the boys had a taste of the good life. However, while the other boys had come out of their shells and had become normal young boys, Blaze had distanced himself. The scars of his past had never left him. Even the kindness that the people at the orphanage had shown him could not heal his wounds. It had left Blaze with a cold manner; he bottled everything up and never released it. He had only shown his true feeling to one person... But other than that, the young anthro had kept to himself. He had developed an aggressive attitude. And since he was a tiger anthro, he was unpredictable… The orphanage had no choice but to let him go. And from then on, Blaze had lived as an outlaw.

He had been alone for 15 years and in that time, Blaze had become a master of survival. He knew all the places to hide, and all the places to steal food from without getting caught. Blaze didn't like stealing food, it left him feeling guilty, but how else was he going to survive? Because he had grown up on the streets, he hadn't gone to school so he didn't have any qualifications. And in this day and age, that meant getting a job was very tricky indeed. But the important thing that Blaze had achieved while being on his own, was that he had discovered who he was. He still came across as cold to others, but he had become at peace with himself, he had begun to show his true colours. A young, boisterous tiger that loved a laugh and although he didn't show it, deep down he was kind.

But since the robots introduced, life had become much harder for Blaze, he had to work extremely hard for even the simplest things such as food. And today, was no exception.

Phew, I dunno if I can keep this up much longer thought the anthro tiger. And what was worse, as he looked back again he instantly saw that the wave of robots was gaining on him like a predator closing in on its helpless pray. At this rate, there was no way he was getting away. Up ahead however, he saw an opening to an alleyway. It was an alleyway he knew well, and one he had used many times to escape. Let's see 'em keep up with me in here Blaze thought to himself triumphantly.

As he reached the opening, like lightning he darted left. The tiger's sudden change of direction surprised the robots and many of them flew right by it before stopping and turning back.

Blaze turned his head to find that his trick had worked perfectly. "Haha, too slow" said the tiger in a cocky voice. But the tiger was about to get a surprise. As he turned his attention back towards the way he was running, he saw it. "Darn it!" Blaze shouted to himself as he skidded to a halt. He had reached a dead end.

"I had a funny feeling I turned too soon" stated Blaze to himself as he smacked his head. "It's the one AFTER the Hover-bus stop Blaze, not BEFORE it!" He dropped his head in disappointment at his mistake as he told himself off. Blaze was in the middle of a large square surrounded by tall buildings from all sides. And the only way out, was the way he had come in. He was trapped.

Behind him, the square started to fill with robots. Their lights were flashing but they had turned their sirens off.

Blaze knew they were there but didn't turn around as he thought about what he was going to do now. Hmm, looks like I'm stuck the anthro thought to himself doesn't look like I'm getting outta this one does it. Unless… Blaze hadn't used his powers in a long time, and he had never used them in public because he knew that if he did he would draw a lot of unnecessary attention to himself. But the situation that he was in right now meant that didn't really matter anymore. It's the only way I'm gunna get outta this. And anyway, I've kept this a secret for too long. Well, here goes nothing… said Blaze to himself.

"Don't move, you are under arrest." stated the lead robot from behind the tiger.

Blaze chuckled, and slowly, he turned around.

"Thanks for the offer metal head, but I think I'm gunna decline" said Blaze with a smirk. As he said this, his deep golden eyes turned a dark blue and his whole body was surrounded by a deep sea blue aura.

Blaze smiled showing his brilliant white teeth. And then, raising his clenched fists he shouted "This Party is over!" And with that he launched himself high into the air, did a couple of graceful summersaults and then, like a missile he smashed down onto the ground right into the middle of the robots and in a wave of dark blue light, they all flew backwards, many of them smashing into pieces as they collided with the sides of the buildings. The ones that were still intact stood back up to face the tiger anthro.

Blaze stood with a confident look on his face, he smiled again and took a fighting stance. And in a cool and collected manner, the formidable tiger anthro asked the dazzled robots: "Ready for round 2?"

Haha didn't expect that didya? :-P hope you guys enjoyed the story, and Blaze! Next chapter will be up soon.