A/N: Sorry it took me so long! If you are reading This Is Home you already know that I kinda just got in a rut with writing, but I went on vacation, had a chance to relax and got back in the mood to write. Thanks for sticking with me even though it's been a month and I hope you enjoy this last chapter!


3 years later

Ziva stared down at the infant in her arms, smoothing down the dark brown curls on her head over and over again. She had only known this small little girl for barely an hour and already she was mesmerized. Ziva stole a glance at Tony and if the look on his face said anything it was that he too was wrapped around their newborn daughter's little fingers and not just figuratively. His pointer finger was clenched in one of her small fists and she smiled brightly as he moved her little hand around. Ziva just watched them for a while, thinking about how they had gotten there.

A few months after the attack on NCIS, Harper Dearing had been caught, and things were finally starting to get back to normal, although there was a slight shift in the team's dynamic; Tony and Ziva had officially started dating. Gibbs had thrown rule 12 to the wind, but made sure he was clear on the fact that keeping their relationship out of the office was non-negotiable. They managed as best they could and after almost a year of getting used to being in a relationship and openly expressing their love, Tony popped the question.

It wasn't some big elaborate production like you see in the movies, which coming from Tony was rather surprising. He'd actually been very spontaneous and that was what she had loved most about his proposal. They had just been sitting at the kitchen table in her apartment eating dinner when suddenly the words, 'Marry me.' came out of his mouth. That weekend they picked out a ring and six months later they were married.

The baby in her arms hadn't been planned. They hadn't been trying to have a baby, but they hadn't been trying not to have a baby. Somewhere along the line they had just decided that they weren't going to over think it and just let nature decided when it was time. It had, and that morning at 6:49 AM on May 15, 2015 their daughter had been born. As the date ran through her mind again Ziva's eyes widened.

"Tony, do you know what day it is?" she whispered.

"Mmm? Um…Wednesday?" He answered distractedly.

"No, I mean the date." She corrected looking at him, trying to see if he understood what she was getting at.

"I think it's the fifteenth, why does it…" Then his eyes widened and she could see him connecting the dots.

Ziva smiled, looking down at their daughter then back up at Tony, "Three years ago today we were stuck in an elevator."

He chuckled, "Three years ago I told you I loved you."

"Three years ago you almost died." Tears sprung up in her eyes and she inwardly cursed her hormones.

Tony kissed her, brushing away at the tears that fell from her eyes, "Yeah, but three years ago-"

"I saved both your asses."

Both of their gazes shot to the door where they were surprised to find Gibbs, leaning against the door frame, his lips turned up in a smile.

"Hey boss." Tony greeted with a smile. "Abby send you?"

"Yeah, nurse came out and she said I should go first." He took a step into the room, hands stuffed in his pockets. "Can't stay long though, she threatened to kill me if I was gone longer than fifteen minutes."

Ziva laughed lightly and nodded to one of the chairs on her side of the bed, "Come sit."

He took the chair and once he was settled Ziva moved her daughter's grip from Tony's finger and carefully placed her in Gibbs arms. She squirmed a little, but quickly settled against the older man's chest and went back to sleep.

"Gibbs, meet your granddaughter, Liora Kelly DiNozzo." She absentmindedly grabbed Tony's hand as she spoke their daughter's middle name, unsure of how he would react.

Gibbs was silent for a while, staring down at the baby girl in his arms. When he finally looked up there was a smile on his face and his eyes were filled with tears, "Beautiful name."

Tony kissed Ziva's head and she grinned brightly as Gibbs went back to studying their daughter, "Tony picked her first name. It means God's gift of light."

"Good job, DiNozzo." He chuckled, but when he shifted his gaze back to them, they could both see a hint of doubt in his eyes. "Not sure I'm really Grandpa material."

Ziva smiled reassuringly at him, but Tony was the one to speak up, "You've kept us in one piece all these years, even though we both came to you a bit cracked and rough around the edges. If you can handle us and our pasts, then I think you'll do even better with a Granddaughter that's brand new."

Ziva turned and gave him a brief, but loving kiss, then turned back to Gibbs, "He is right. I think you will make a wonderful Grandpa."

While they were talking, Liora had wrapped her fist around Gibbs finger and he moved it around slowly, "Guess there's no harm in trying."

He glanced up at them and found they were both grinning at him. Gibbs returned the gesture with one of his rare, full blown grins. They sat in silence for a while, soaking in the moment until Liora began to fuss and Gibbs handed her back to her mother and father. He stood, kissing his granddaughter's forehead softly and then did the same to Ziva. He held out his hand for Tony to shake, but instead Tony stood as well and pulled Gibbs into a hug.

When they parted, Tony sat back down on the edge of the bed and Gibbs went to the door, "I'll send Abs in next."

"Okay." They both murmured, already distracted by their daughter once again.

Gibbs remained in the doorway for a few more seconds and quietly whispered, "Thank you."

She had barely caught his words, and Ziva's eyes flitted up to meet his and she whispered back, equally quiet, "You are welcome. We love you, Abba."

Gibbs winked at her and then left, closing his eyes briefly as he walked down the hall, wanting to ingrain the image of his kids' happiness into his memory forever. He was back in the waiting room too quick for his liking and sent Abby on her way before taking a seat next to Ducky. Three years ago disaster had struck his family, but that same event had led to this, everything had led to this, and in this moment, for the first time in years, Gibbs felt at peace.

The End

A/N: So it kind of turned into a Gibbs moment at the end, but who doesn't love those?

Thanks for reading,
