DISCLAIMER - J.K. Rowling owns the masterpiece that is Harry Potter, i simply fantasize about what i would do with the characters if i did. Reviews are much appreciated, Happy Reading!

How do you do your grace? How lovely it is for you to inconvenience us with your hurried visit. While I would rather be riding horses and shooting arrows in the forest, I am now to be forced to sit at a table, smile at the inane chatter of the court and worst of all wear a gown which not only chokes the breath out of me but which is adorned by the most hideous pink lining I have ever seen. An added pleasure to this arrangement, of course, is that I am forbidden from saying anything deemed remotely intelligent for fear I may offend you, my great lord. Now do not misconstrue this letter as evidence that I am hesitant for you to visit, on the contrary my lord, I am convinced that you should cancel the visit all together.

With greatest regards,

Lady Hermione Granger

"Hermione! Have you finished drafting that missive to the King informing him that we are prepared for his arrival?"

Oh drat, mother's going to kill me. I crunch up the parchment in front of me and throw it on the side of the bed, pulling out a fresh sheet and jotting down the most infuriatingly polite words I can think of. "Nearly done! Just adding some finishing touches," hearing her grumble, I slow down, if she hasn't barged in already it means I'm safe.

It would appear unusual for a princess to write letters for her father, but the Grand maître had taken ill and as there had been nobody competent enough to pen letters to King Malfoy, I was the logical choice. I had managed to learn how to write Latin and Greek by the age of 10; was speaking it fluently by age 12 and had far surpassed any tutor's capabilities by the age of 15. One would think these were rare qualities to possess, but Mother acted as if I had been branded by Hades himself, arguing that no man would wed me if I quoted Philosophy over dinner. Sadly, despite putting up a decent battle father had eventually caved into Mother's demands and my education was to be "toned" down to studying household crafts and knitting. A great success that's been, seeing as how I've sneaked out to ride every time I'm 'having a lesson'.

Oh bother, that reminds me, I had told Harry to wait for me in the forest with Snow, it was our daily routine, sneak out before dinner and ride back before anyone suspected anything, though I had an inkling father knew. I suspected he didn't say anything because he knew I was in good hands – Harry Potter was a knight of the Lord's Kingdom and also my closest friend.

We had grown up together, our families close friends, but it was only after the Dragon wars in which his family had been slaughtered that we became inseparable. Everyone at court thought we were lovers, and with Harry's dark hair and resonant blue eyes, it was no wonder that the rumour persisted. However, I had never felt the kind of affection that the silly girls at court described, Harry was so…. Harry. It was hard to envision him as anything else.

Oh Gods I was so late. Throwing my riding boots in a bag, I rush out of my room, making my way towards the back entrance of the castle.

"Hermione, where do you think you're going?"

I groan inwardly, not in the mood for another hindrance.

"Just going to deliver mother's message to the cook Celine, and I'm getting late so I really should be off." Celine, my elder sister, was on her best days, tolerable. Today was not one of them.

"I know you're going on one of your ridiculous escapades again, I thought for once, you'd want to behave like a lady, seeing as how Prince Draco and his friends are coming to stay."

Oh, how droll, the egoistic prince with his band of idiots, staying in our castle for a week, it was enough to make me stay locked up in my room knitting. But I knew that response would earn me a severe reprieve and a trip to mother's room. So I stay silent. With a your-hopeless-and-destined-to-be-alone-forever sigh, she moves out of my way, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Rushing through the kitchens, I grabbed a piece of freshly made bread as a peace offering and bolt out of the door.

The orchards and flower gardens in Emmeria that summer are among the first to bloom in the land, and as I race through fields of honeysuckle and tulips, I feel alive, as if the colour and scent of the gardens pulse with my own heart. This is why I loved Emmeria – the Kingdom of Peace – we were called, for it was the Emmerians that had negotiated the end of the terrible Dragon wars and had started a new era of prosperity. It was one of the reasons my father had been crowned Lord of the land. However, everyone knew his lordship was dependent on the royals – the rulers of the Dragon Islands – the Malfoys.

I had only heard fables about the great Malfoy family, but now they were coming to Emmeria, on a state visit, a useful guise for their true purpose – the marriage of King Lucius's only son, Draco Malfoy.

There had been rumours in the land that all was not well in the Dragon isles and so an alliance with Emmeria was being struck by the king himself. Celine had been gloating since the day father gave her the news, for Prince Draco or the Golden Prince as he was called, was a veritable Adonis and his exploits with women had reached even our sheltered ears; he was in Celine's words – the perfect catch. However, I had heard other stories as well – of his ruthlessness, his cruelty in war and his unparalleled arrogance. Celine had disregarded them as catty tales meant to poison her mind, but I felt only relief that I was not the one being bartered in this exchange between kingdoms.

"Harry! I'm so sorry" I shout, as his annoyed face comes into view.

Drawing the fresh piece of bread from my bag, I hold it out, mustering the sweetest smile I can manage.

"Hermione, this is the third time this week you've been late," I hear the reprimand in his voice and flinch.

Drawing myself in an exaggerated bow, I kneel down and exclaim, "Ah dear Knight, it is all for our Great King Malfoy, protector of our lands, father of our soil and provider of bread, for him we must toil night and day."

"You do a good impression of Lady Granger."

I smirk. Bingo.

Soon, we fall into our usual chatter, all anger forgotten. These are the moments I cherish most, away from the stuffy civilities of noble life, I can curse, run, ride – be free.

"Are the Preparations for the feast finished?" Harry says, after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"You know Mother, she's descended upon the servants like Zeus upon Olympus, I'd be surprised if she doesn't get someone to wipe King Malfoy's arse as well."

He laughs loudly.

"Okay enough talking, can we start riding before Snow tramples me to the ground?" And in a blur of hooves, we are off, riding with the wind, in unison with the sweet summer breeze.

"I can reach the hedge before you," I scream over the wind, spurring Snow faster and faster. Harry smirks and goads his horse on as well and soon we are head to head.

A few feet away, the hedge approaches and the elation of victory grows within me. I glance sideways at Harry and smirk.

"Hermione Watch out!"

I whip my head in front to see a man standing at the hedge - a golden haired stranger. Snow lunges and I pull back the reigns frantically, losing my grip as the horse stumbles and I am flung head first to the ground.

The last thing I see is a pair of cold grey eyes looking down upon me and then there is darkness.