Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Sokka/Zuko
Prompt: "Don't make a scene…"
Zuko panted as he finished his training for the day. He looked up to the balcony that overlooked the training grounds, his eyes catching Sokka's. Zuko grinned as Sokka gave him his trademark grin and a little salute. Returning the salute Zuko sheathed his sword and turned to put the weapon up. He was stopped short by a guard, a handsome guard. Expecting some important message Zuko allowed the blatant disrespect of the guard not bowing.
"Well?" Zuko questioned when no message came.
"You looked impressive my lord."
"Years of training will do that," Zuko replied. The guard stepped closer, clearly invading Zuko's personal space but Zuko was not one to back down so he did not take a step back. Instead he fixed the guard with a glare and asked through clenched teeth, "What do you think you're doing?"
"You need someone… stronger at your side my lord. A firebender preferably, but a bender nonetheless. I presume…"
"You presume too much."
Zuko felt a surge of pride as Sokka forced himself between himself and the guard. The guard stumbled back, surprised by the intrusion. Sokka had also taken Zuko's sword, his stance clearly on the defense. Though Zuko trusted Sokka to best any solider in his army, bender or not, he did not want a chance of seeing him hurt.
"Sokka… don't make a scene."
Sokka snorted. "Oh don't worry Zuko. I'm not going to make a scene. I'm going to make a production so big the Ember Island Players will be jealous."
*Please note: I edited the prompt just slightly to fit the fandom.