Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the characters. I simply own the story itself. Naruto belongs to Sasuk…. I mean Kishimoto.

Just in case: Due to Naruko being the name created by fans, therefore being a fandom name, it is not required by me to use 'Naruko' as the name for female Naruto. Kishimoto was not the one who created this name for that version of Naruto. I will however, place any and all female Naruto stories I have within the 'Naruko' category due to the story being about the FEMALE Naruto. {Since previously I was complained to for placing my stories in the Naruto Character category; since the story was about a Female Naruto.} Note: For those that feel to call me retarded and say that I am wrong on this information, I have provided a link on my profile that requires you to read the 'Trivia' section of the Sexy no Jutsu and see the part where it states that Naruko is a Fan base made name.

I do realize that I am not the characters however I write my stories in first person perspective. If you do not like first person stories, then feel free to leave if you are not willing to give it a shot. I can understand people's preferences towards stories. Third person is more centered on description, whereas First person is more centered on feelings/emotions.

No Criticism, Flamers or any of that. Don't like, don't read. That is why they invented the "X" at the top of your browser and the back key in the address bar. Do not leave the story via the review section, seeing as that keeps you within the story that you possibly didn't give a chance.

Warning: I speak more Japanese than I do English; therefore you will find some translation errors or possibly a few grammar or spelling errors floating around. I don't have a beta reader and, honestly, I do not want one. The last time I tried to have a Beta Reader; they tried to change everything that would happen in my story. It takes me a while, but I do go back to older chapters and rewrite them or check them for errors.

Here is Chapter 1 to Naruto no Bunshin. It has been slightly edited, but it hasn't been changed much since I wanted to keep the same touch as the original. I only added several words here and there to boost it and make it a little longer than what it was originally at.

Little notes from the original Author note that I would like to repeat here since it wasn't anything stupid or ridiculous like the chapter Author notes tend to be. Here are small edited bits from my original chapter that I wish to restate:

This story originally had no day to be updated, but it is weekly updated on Thursdays. This story is currently rated 'M' since there will probably be a lot of violence and language in this story. This is a FEMALE Naruto FanFiction, so if you wanted a MALE Naruto, this is not your story (I believe.)

Akuma is NOT an OC, but is the name I use for the female Naruto which naturally has a different purpose in each story. I have warned you, so please do not complain about the name not being used, I have warned people twice on this.

This story was created out of boredom and has no true meaning to me. I do not care for the reviews (however you can review if you wish) however, no criticism, flamers and trolls. Don't like, then don't read.

This story is a First Person Perspective type, if there is any Third Person, it would be rare. I know I am not the characters before people complain, but this is called a 'FanFiction.'

That is the main information I wanted to restate, since I seem to have a run in with trolls and people who don't seem to read any of this information.

To my new readers, I hope you enjoy the story in its renewed state. To my old readers who came back to reread, I appreciate your interest in my story as it progresses.

For the longest time I was treated differently. I really never understood why I was, but I knew I was very different from everyone else. I hated it… the looks, the glares… I hated everything. Wouldn't you?

Rumors were definitely a frequent thing to cross my ears. Even if I had no one there to actually teach me what the meaning of the words were that were spoken; I understood everything. They called me a demon and never referred to me by my name. What was my name? I still wonder if what the few call me by is truly my name.

I wasn't allowed to attend the academy with the children around my age; since their parents had pleaded with the people that were in charge of this nation, to never let me set foot within the same building as their children. How sad. Even if they didn't want that to happen, the academy was still connected to the office for the leader of this town, this village.

He was a well respected man and everyone even knew him. I wanted people to respect me and know me by my name like they did for him, rather than being known as a demon. So even I, the orphaned child, respected this old man. But I wonder; does he accept me?

In my mind, when I think back, he was always lecturing me. It took me a while, though, to realize it wasn't because he hated me, but because he wanted me to grow up properly. I never could grasp that thought though, but I respected everything he did for me.

But… was I too late?

"Naruto! Please don't you dare die on us now! Come on, keep breathing!" Shouts echoed through the halls of the only hospital located in Konoha. It was filled to the brim with many patients; sand ninja and leave ninja alike. It was a war, a war where the sound ninja had betrayed their alliance with the sand village. It killed many and wounded thousands. Among the thousands to be wounded was the Third Hokage himself.

"Naruto, don't you dare close your eyes!" He lived through one of the forbidden sealing techniques that would have naturally killed anyone; however he came out severely wounded by Orochimaru's weapon. They said that he was in a critical condition and may not make it due to the sealing technique he used and the addition of Orochimaru's blade. He would soon fall among the many that has died.

"We need a unit of blood, stat!" The yelling was futile, they say, but with the frustration of the war, it was the only thing that humans knew how to do.

I held up my unsteady hand, gripping onto the medical ninja's hand. Their eyes met with mine as a small smile formed on my blood covered face. A different look graced her eyes. For once, instead of there being hatred in her eyes, I was met with another look. Sympathy.

"Cancel the blood…" She practically whispered, lifting her other arm as she gripped my hand. A single tear fell from her eyes as she slowly closed them. She was praying, but even that was futile during times like these.

"Is Naruto going to be alright?" Moving my head slowly, I could see the girl I once tried to get into a relationship with. Her teal eyes were glossy with tears. Her pink bubblegum hair was a mess, showing that she had been through quite a lot during the time of the attack. Her pink dress was completely torn; just like her spirit.

"I am sorry…" The medic ninja said as she slowly faced toward the bubblegum haired girl. "Even if we tried to save him, it would already be too late. His injuries are far too severe, more than we thought."

"Tch… is this really what you have become? Are you truly giving up your dreams?" I glanced over towards the new voice. His face was scorning me with anger while his eyes pleaded for me to jump up and shout an 'I'm fine-ttebayo!' but, I wasn't, and he knew that.

I smiled softly to him as a trickle of blood slid out of my mouth and right down my chin, onto the collar of my torn orange jumper. I had already died; my spirit and my mind were long gone. He knew that too, though, I could tell.

It was just earlier that we were having our normal verbal fight before he took his fight with the sand ninja. The next thing I knew, Sakura and I were bolting through the trees in a huge hunt for Sasuke and Gaara; that sand ninja.

When we had finally reached where they were fighting, Sasuke was at his final wit while Gaara was surrounded by some strange form of sand. We struggled in fighting against him, but eventually I managed to summon the right frog and beat him. Or did he actually beat me?

I had not realized the damage that I had undergone due to his technique. I thought I had successfully avoided it when I had summoned the boss frog, but of course, I did not. All my internal organs were crushed, so it was just a matter of time before the wounds would kill me. I guess this was when I had died, though.

The fox no longer spoke; his voice had already left before we even reached the hospital. I was living off the little chakra he had though, but it was fading fast.

"Are you truly giving up your dream to become the Hokage? Are you really giving up the dream to protect everyone!" I continued to smile up at Sasuke, as his wild black hair flung around as he shook his head. I lifted my other arm then gripped onto his. He instantly stopped what he was doing then stared down at me.

He stared deep into my eyes before he nodded, standing up straight. I once again smiled before slowly closing my eyes. He got the message, but the question was, would he keep true to it? Maybe he won't have to keep my dream close, but he can maybe keep our memories close.

"You will always be my greatest bond…"

Break/Jiraiya's POV†

It was quiet and gloomy all around. It was as though Konoha had become just like Amegakure with its gloomy weather and sunless days. The knowledge towards this was painful; knowing why the village was at such a downfall like this.

"I have a mission for you." I glanced over to my old teacher. "I don't know how much longer I have before I pass… but I know that you are the only one within this village that I can trust with this task." I frowned. I knew what he wanted.

"Don't you think it is too early?" I asked, giving my former teacher my full attention. "It isn't too early for the village to know about the truth. It may be better for them to know, seeing as we have already lost our sunshine within this village."

I stared out the window as my heart twisted in a knot. "Can you do it, Jiraiya?" I held my breath before exhaling.

"As you say, I am the only one that is fit for this task." I stood up, letting my geta clang against the tiled floors. "Don't let your fire die until I get back, you hear?" I could hear his laughter echo around the room before a soft smile graced his wrinkled face.

'This will be the hardest mission I have ever been given, and the last one ordered to me by Hiruzen-sensei.' Narrowing my eyes in determination, I set off.

"I cannot fail."


I enjoyed how the original chapter 1 came out, so I didn't want to change it too much, so I only added a few words now and then in order to make it reach the minimal amount of words I accept in my stories, which is 1.2k. I managed to get it up to 1.3k so that was nice for me, since I didn't change much.

A little information I left in the original chapter: This story was originally produced several years back in a notebook. This notebook contained a bunch of Naruto stories plus notes for ideas of future stories. It was the reason on the sudden increase of stories being produced. This chapter was edited and rewritten so many times before frustration took over, causing me to take a break from writing FanFiction. I was working on my book (An original story) when I realized that the beginning of it was a perfect fit for this story in general and Naruto himself. Any Italic you see is edited bits of my book, fixed to fit the Naruto universe.

Geta: A type of Japanese sandals.
Naruto no Bunshin: Means 'The Clone of Naruto.'

I have created accounts on Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook for you guys to follow me so that there isn't as much confusion on when chapters will be posted or information like that. You do not have to ask for permission to add me, as long as you aren't a troll or something like that.

My username for Tumblr and Twitter are also DaemonDeDevil but for ease, I have the links to my accounts for those sites in my profile at the top.

That is all.

-Ja ne