Holy freaking crap! This is going to be my first Hetalia fan fiction! I wrote Twilight ones, but that was with my friends…. I had another account that was just for me but I forgot the password and email. Aren't I so smart? I never finished any of my other stories, but I promise to finish this. I will try to update weekly on this. ~the newly and improved Emz!

Warning: Yaoi (do I always spell that wrong?) and some perverted stuff (I'm French okay!)I won't write sex though; I am 13 I don't need to be writing that. Also maybe some violence and sexual abuse as well, I don't know. (Do all good stories have sadness?) I am kind of just making this up as I go because I am awesome like that XD. Oh and swearing, obviously.

Pairings: Main UsUk, side ones will be PruCan, Spamano, and Gerita. More stuff could pop up, and if you want one to be added in just tell me. I write virtually any pairing.

Disclaimer: I am only doing this once soooo, I DO NOT OWN HETALIA! THAT BELONGS TO FUNAMIATION OR WHOEVER OWNS IT.

Side note: My friend told someone to suck their dick…. I have messed up friends

Chapter 1

Alfred knew that he was sexy. When everyone surrounds you and talks about you, it is kind of obvious. When you are muscular and tan it's hard not for people to love you. When you have stunning blue eyes and perfect blond hair it's really hard not to be loveable. He has the perfect smile and the stunning personality. He is the hero of the world! Wait why am I talking in third person? Did I just say that about myself? I am starting to sound like Gilbert. Crap.

Well, hello! My name is Alfred F. Jones and is 19 years old! I am an American! GO AMERICA! I live in New York State and in some city that is really small that even I forget the name! I have a twin named Matthew Williams. My parents are divorced so he has a different last name. He lives with our mom and I live with my dad. He lives up in Canada but that's enough about him! I know you all came here to read about the awesome hero that's me!

Okay so I seem like a happy guy right? Well I wasn't always….. When I was younger I found out something about myself. I am gay. Gays weren't exactly accepted in my school. I got made fun of constantly. Sure, I find girls hot but never really liked them. I just thought none of the girls was qualified to date the hero. That was until Junior year of high school. In the grade above me there was the British dude with really big eyebrows! I mean they were really big! Like two caterpillars crawled on his face and died! I tried petting them once- I just got off topic didn't I? Well anyways, my friend Kiku told me I should join Drama Club and I did. That is where I met him. His name is Arthur Kirkland. He has messy blond hair and emerald colored eyes. He was stunning, and he had a sexy accent! When I first saw him I couldn't keep my eyes off.

* 3 years ago*

'Great, first day of Junior year, oh what joy.' Alfred thought. He had to wake up at 6:30 IN THE MORNING! DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW EARLY THAT IS? He screamed in his head as the alarm clock went off. He slowly got up and took a quick shower hoping that would wake him up. He got out of the shower in 5 minutes and ran a towel through his hair drying it quickly. He threw on a pair of jeans and his favorite Captain America shirt. He put on his converse and went downstairs. It seemed quiet in his house.

"Dad must of have left for work. Figures," he said out loud talking to himself to fill the quietness. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed the first thing he could find. That happened to be cold pizza. He ate it even if it really isn't breakfast. He could hear his mother yelling at him for that in his head. He sighed and shook his head. He hasn't seen his mother or brother in two years. Two fucking long years might I add? He still blamed himself for the divorce even if his father told him it wasn't his fault. If only he had been better behaved they wouldn't have fought so much. He mentally slapped him to get rid of these thoughts. He can't go to school crying. That would only mean more humiliation. He looked at the clock that read 7:10. He quickly finished eating and grabbed his backpack. His backpack was his pride and joy because it was an American flag one. He might have a little too much pride for his country. Or an unhealthy obsession, who knows? He grabbed the house keys and his beloved bomber jacket before exiting the front door. He made his walk down the sidewalk to his school. He lived about 10 minutes by walking so it wasn't that bad, unless it was winter, or raining. He entered through the main doors at 7:15. He spotted Kiku entering through the doors and walked over to him.

"Sup bro!" Alfred greeted.

"Hello Alfred-san," Kiku greeted politely. "I was wondering if you wanted to join that club I talked to you about earlier."

"Drama Club? Umm I don't know dude, isn't it kind of lame?" Alfred asked.

"No, not at all, I thought it would be fun." Kiku replied. Alfred thought for a moment and told Kiku his answer.

"Sure! I will join! But I can't go when I have football practice, you know when I make the team," Alfred said and added the last part quieter.

"I am sure you will make it. If you excuse me, I have to get to my locker," Kiku said as he turned around and went off in the direction of his locker.

"See yah!" Alfred screamed over his shoulder as he made his way towards his locker. When he got to it he put in his combination and grabbed his stuff he needed for first class. He walked off in the direction of his first class which just so happened to be Global.

**Time skip to end of the day because do you really want to read about school? Like honestly! **

At the bell ring Alfred exited his last class like the rest of the school. He went to his locker and threw his stuff in there. He shut his locker and went to go find Kiku only to find his friend right behind him waiting.

"Dude! You scared me!"

"Sorry Alfred-san, I didn't mean to," Kiku apologized.

"How did you even get behind me?" Alfred asked.

"I am a ninja," Kiku smirked at his reply.

"No you aren't!" Alfred fought. "Anyways let's get going." Kiku nodded and they started walking to the drama room was. When they entered there were a good number of people there ranging from all four grades. He recognized a brunette kid named Toris from Earth Science. Alfred waved at him, since they were lab partners, and Toris smiled back sitting next to a blond guy, girl, person. He looked around and saw a group of Seniors in the corner. They were known throughout the school called The Bad Touch Trio. The French blond one name was Francis and he was quite the pervert. There was an Albino named Gilbert who claimed to Prussian and awesome. The last was a Spanish guy who had an angry Italian at his side. Alfred noticed they seemed more then friends and no one made fun of the couple. Maybe this year will be different, well he hoped. Alfred turned his head to another corner and saw a blond boy reading by himself. The boy looked up and blue meet green. They stared at each other for a moment before the boy looked back to his book. Alfred barely knew this blond boy but already wanted him. He noticed Francis walk over to the mystery boy.

"Why bonjour Arthur, fancy meeting you here non?" Francis said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Get away from me bloody frog," Arthur said. So he is British, Alfred noted. Arthur looked over and saw Alfred staring. "What are you staring at you git?"

"Uhhh… nothing," Alfred stuttered and looked away. The teacher came in and started introducing herself and talking about the club. Alfred couldn't hear a thing because he was only thinking about one thing.

'I want to know Arthur.'

Not as bad as thought, yay for me! I hope the switch of views don't confuse you. I write better in 3rd person but I thought Alfred could introduce you to his story! Don't worry, you will be seeing more bad touch trio! I love them to much! Please review! I will try to reply to most reviewers! I will update next week hopefully! Please? I wrote this while my cat was jumping and staring at the computer screen. Well I guess she discovered the greatness of the computer. Well tell me if I have some mistakes or if anything doesn't make sense, I don't feel like rereading this….. I am too lazy!

Fun Fact: During World War II, the very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo. Poor elephant…