Okay... This is my FIRST Super Sentai fanfic. (Well, the first one posted, I've been working on a Shinkenger crossover fic for months that I just haven't been happy with) I'm hoping to turn this into a multi-part story, but I'm satisfied with a single one-shot experiment for the moment. Please R & R.

Disclaimer: I don't own it. If I did, I wouldn't be writing fanfiction...

Kaizoku Sentai: Gokaiger

The Hardest Thing

It wasn't hard to figure out, once he finally sat down and looked at all the evidence. Marvelous folded his arms as he stood at the edge of the lake. His stomach had been tied in knots like this before, but the anxiety eventually went away after a time. But since coming to this planet, the knots just got tighter and tighter. At first, he believed it was because they were coming closer and closer to achieving his dream of finding the greatest treasure in the universe. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that the knots only appeared when he was in the presence of a certain petite pirate. And they were unbearable when she was in danger.

Damn it... He was in love… with Ahim…

Gai may have seen it, but who knew? Gai could have been making a simple innocent ovservation. He was quite naïve. But what about the others? Looking back at all of the evidence, they'd all have to be blind not to see it. Which brought him to another question… Did the Zangyack know? Was that the reason they had attempted to kidnap her that one time? After another Zangyack encounter, Gai had pointed out that Ahim was the something Marvelous was afraid to lose.

And he was right. Marvelous was afraid to lose Ahim. He would gladly give his life to her, and for her. He'd even go as far as to say that she was his greatest treasure. He wouldn't hesitate to…

He frowned, staring at his reflection in the water. Was finding the greatest treasure in the universe worth it if it came down to having to choose between it and Ahim? That was what he had come to this backwater planet for, dragging along a ragtag crew whose only thing in common was the desire for the treasure. Except Ahim. Her only desire for survivors of her homeworld to see their princess willing to stand up to the Zangyack, even if it meant becoming a wanted criminal, that she wasn't about to let the lives of her parents, her people, be lost for nothing.

That was one of the things he admired about her, he mused, a small smile forming on his lips. Her resolve was a great strength. Nothing stood in her way of obtaining whatever dream or goal she had for herself. She was equally as strong at keeping the team in check. Before Ahim came along, there was nothing that could settle the differences between them. They fought, constantly. Then, Ahim's calm presence just seemed to automatically tone things down. It seemed they were all afraid of tainting the princess' innocence.

Marvelous scoffed as the frown settled over him again. Innocence… Pirates are not innocent. Until he allowed her to join them, Ahim had never taken a life. She'd never even held a weapon. It took long hours, days, months of training before he was comfortable enough giving her the Mobirate and the Gokai Pink Ranger Key. And during her first battle as Gokai Pink, he wasn't so sure he had made the correct decision. She was eager enough to fight, though clumsily, but when it came to delivering the killing blow, she hesitated. It cost them the victory, but none of them had the courage to scold her for the loss of supplies they had gone after. She knew her mistake. And for many more weeks, she worked hard to try to overcome it.

This was really the first time Marvelous realized how amazing the princess really was. Also he figured out that patience was needed before she could realize her true potential.

He wished he could really dwell on all the things that made him fall in love with Ahim. But all things led back to the problem at hand. If the Zangyack learned of his attraction to her… If Basco learned…

His hands dropped to his sides, clenched in tight fists as a scowl spread across his face. Basco's ultimate interest may be in obtaining the Ranger Keys, and the 34 Grand Powers of the Super Sentai needed to find the greatest treasure in the universe. But he's also made it known quite well that he'd do anything to make Marvelous suffer. It was entertainment to him. Before now, Marvelous hadn't given it much thought. Ahim, as well as his other comrades, would gladly put their lives on the line to keep Basco from getting the treasure. But as he had shown Basco before, he wouldn't give them up easily. But Basco hadn't used his bait properly, and he underestimated their dedication to his each other. While they might willingly risk their lives, Marvelous wouldn't let them if he could help it.

But things were different now. He didn't want Ahim in that position, period. It was bad enough with that kidnapping attempt. And if Basco found out exactly how much Ahim meant to him… He let out a cry of anger and frustration as he pelted a nearby tree with an array of bullets. He couldn't bear the thought about what someone like Basco would do to Ahim…

His thoughts were disturbed by the sound of his Mobirate ringing. He took a few breaths to calm himself before answering, the device straining under his trembling grip. He could hear the plastic beginning to crack when he finally relaxed his grip. He finally answered.

"Yeah… I'm on my way…" He flipped the Mobirate closed, looking out over the lake for one last moment of reflection before turning away, taking off into a run through the trees, removing his Gokai Red Ranger Key from his inner pocket.

He definitely needed to dwell on all of this, to come up with a plan of action. He needed to keep her safe without making it look like he was keeping her safe. And that meant not telling any of the others. It's already apparent that they take great care around the former princess, but knowing about Marvelous' feelings for her will cause all of them to be more obvious about protecting her. And he didn't dare tell Ahim…

How does one keep such a secret? It frustrated him so much. He was in love, an emotion that should be making him feel overjoyed, warm and fuzzy. All he feels is guilt and anger. A milestone in his life that he should be sharing with his comrades, with the woman he loves, but he has to keep it secret. For how long? Once Basco is defeated, someone else will just take his place. The same with the Zangyack. They're pirates, damn it. They may be classified as heroes here on Earth, but what happens when they return to space?

Damn it… this was the hardest thing he'd ever had to do…

So... please tell me how I did? I'm trying something new, because I've slammed into a brick wall labeled 'writer's block' with my usual stories.