I do not own doctor who or the BBC or any of the characters you are about to see (read)

..your honour…I have seen many with schizophrenia…I have seen those who are epileptic, others with a combination of the two…. They can be terrible afflictions of course…but they don't scare me…

...But what you saw that night in him…that did scare you …

...God, If I'd known….I never would have been there…

... describe his behaviour from the night of the failed exorcism...until the time of his death….

...he drove his hands through walls and windows...tried to bite…he screamed until they were forced to gag him… tried to bite holes in the walls…he almost broke his teeth…

...you witnessed this?…

...some of this...yeah...I wanted to help...

...you wanted to perform the exorcism?...

...yes…but his friends refused…. And without the consent of the possessed… the ritual can't be performed...

...Did you encourage him to eat?…

...every time I saw him…but the few times he tried, it was like…he couldn't swallow, or he couldn't keep it down...

...what about medical care?...

...we had none...he was the only one we had...

..the dual voices we just heard on this tape…your certain that they both came from the same man...


...and you have not tampered with that tape at all...

…no….no I have not…

….Father Moore, you consider this tape to be proof of the supernatural?...

….I think it's a record of certain indications that Emily was possessed….Signs of possession you may call them...

….By "signs of possession," would you mean him speaking in languages we might assume he couldn't possibly know?…..And the vocalization of two distinct voices simultaneously?...

...Yes... Among other signs that I observed and described to the court while the tape was playing…Things I saw….Things you can't hear on the tape….

...Father is it my right in saying that the main speaker in this tape is you?...

...It is...

... And the other man...is the possessed...

...It is...

...and the woman?...

...one of his friends...

...ok...may we listen to the tape please?...

(Tape recording - static)

Priest - Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. Christ hear us.


Priest - God, the father in heaven. God, the son, redeemer of the world. God, the holy spirit. Holy trinity, one God.

Possessed - God!

Priest - As it was in the beginning, save your servant!


Priest - Let him find in you lord a fortified tower. Let the enemy have no power over him. Lord, send him aid for your holy place. Lord, heed my prayer.


Priest - I command you, unclean spirit, whoever you are, along with all your minions now attacking this servant of God!

Possessed - I...am...no...servant!

Priest - I command you, moreover, to obey me to the letter, I who am a minister of God; nor shall you be emboldened to harm in any way this creature of God, or the bystanders, or any of their possessions.

Possessed- AAAAAHHHHHH! RRAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW! I...am...no... creature!

Priest - God almighty, come down from your kingdom and seek to release you humble servant!

Possessed - (singing) God…didn't…make…me

Priest - In the beginning was the word and the word was with God

Possessed - The word what a word and what a wonderful word it was


Priest - Through him all things remain. Without him, nothing was made that has been made. And the 70 disciples return with joy saying: Lord, even the devils are subject onto us through thy name. I beheld Satan as lightning falls from heaven…and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Possessed - Nihil! (Nothing!) …AAAAHHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF ME!

Priest - Demon! I command you in lord Jesus Christ!


Priest - Tell me you name!

Possessed - Een, Twee, Drie, Vier, Vyf, Sheta! (one, two, three, four, five six)

Priest - He who commends you is he who orders who thrown down from the highest heaven into the depths of hell! In the name of our lord Jesus Christ. I now command you! Tell me you name!

Possessed - Een, Twee, Drie, Vier, Vyf, Sheta!

Priest - Hear, therefore and fear Satan, enemy of the faith. Give me your name demon!

Possessed - NAMES! NAMES! Een, Twee, Drie, Vier, Vyf, Sheta!

Priest - Ancient Serpents. Depart from this servant of God! Tell me your six names!

Possessed - We are the ones who dwell within.

Ego sum qui egit cum CAIN!

Ego sum qui egit intra NERO!

Iche habe einmal befasste sich mit JUDAS!

Iche war mit LEGION!

Ego sum BELIAL!

And I am LUCIFER! The devil In the flesh!

Woman - Stop it!

Priest - I can't, not now!

Woman - It won't work. He said it himself, he's not a servant!

Priest - I know that, he is possessed by a demon. A servant to Satan.

Woman - No! He's not human!

Possessed - AAAAAHHHHHH!

Woman - DOCTOR!

(End of tape)

So tell me what you think, i hope to get enough reviews to push me to write the rest:)