I'm not sure if anyone's still reading this! Sorry, i haven't updated in forever, i had my final school exams (urgh) and some other stuff going on.
But now that's all over so, so hopefully i can update regularly now and i don't have all that school stress!
Sorry for the wait, and thank you for your reviews xx

Jeff sighed with relief as the bell rang for the end of English. He hadn't minded the lesson, they were just reading through Hamlet, each student voicing a different character. He almost found himself laughing when the other boys attempted their seemingly rehearsed Old English accents. Their voices became more and more odd as they progressed through the acts, with Miss Hawthorne drawing the line when they insisted on voicing The Ghost with a South African accent.

But he was glad to be out of the classroom, every five minutes or so Trent had decided that he needed to be reminded of his apparent disinterest in the Warblers.

Come lunch time he opted to avoid the cafeteria, deciding breakfast was enough to get him through the day. He trudged up to his room, glad to find it empty and collapsed on the bed, willing himself to keep his eyes open. It was almost the weekend, he wondered if he could just sleep through French and into Saturday.

Nick, Thad, Josh, and Ben sat laughing in the cafeteria as they began to eat.

"Where's Jeff?"


Thad cocked an eyebrow as he stared at Nick, faced stuffed with at least half a sandwich.

"Pardon me your grace?" he inquired sarcastically.

"I don't know," he replied, swallowing and reaching for Josh's bottle.

"Hey...hey!" Josh shouted snatching his water back, "honestly, can you learn to chew your food...please, I think it would make you, at least...twice as tolerable.

Nick began splutter, as part of his lunch threatened to resurface.

"I stand corrected," Josh said, rolling his eyes.

"No but seriously, he's been here a week and I haven't seen him...you know...hanging out with anyone," Thad continued.

Nick just shrugged, disinterested, "plans for the weekend?"




"Well aren't you all fascinating creatures?"

Nick was still excited though, the weekend was the weekend after all. As he got up to leave to Math class, he was jerked back by Thad who had grabbed a hold of his hand. He waited until Josh and Ben had left before letting go.

"What?" Nick demanded.

"We didn't finish our conversation from Tuesday...regarding Blondie"

"I think we did."

"I think you stormed off."

"I think you're annoying as hell."

"I think you're being all touchy because you haven't gotten laid in months."

That shut Nick up, as he sat glaring at Thad, unsure of how to reply.

"What are you talking about?" he finally spat.

"I'm talking about you and Jeff and getting off with – "

"Just leave it okay."



"It's not like you have anything better to do anyway."

"I don't even like him and I don't even know if he's-"

"So," Thad interrupted.

"So yeah, why would I...you know"

"Oh god, Nick Duval suddenly has a set of morals."


"Why don't you just try?"

"Um, yeah, maybe because he's been here one week, and he freaking locked himself in a bathroom and is inept at engaging in any form of conversation...I have standards you know."

"First I've heard of it..."

"Ha, rich coming from you."

"I'm just saying," Thad smirked, "you've had worse...remember that guy, oh my god, when you were so pissed and-"

"Yeah don't need reminding thanks...and could you stop playing matchmaker...it's freaking creepy."

"Why, because I'm scarily accurate?" he announced, perhaps a little too pompously.

"No because..."

Nick frowned and stood up abruptly, making a mental note to avoid Thad for a while.

Whilst making his dramatic exit he bumped into Trent.

"Hey, have you seen Jeff? He won't answer me about Warbler practice and I-"

Nick sighed and calmly knocked Trent's empty lunch tray out of his hands, hoping to shut him up, and continued down the corridor without looking back.