Why am I writing this? Where's the next chapter for Lost? Well, I'm not really sure. But while watching Hawaii Five 0 last night I had a one-shot idea I could not ignore.

I don't own anything.

Kono sat proudly on the edge of the boat. Even having been kidnapped and duct taped, she would not show any emotion to this man, if you could call him that.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. Kono looked at him curiously, then went back to staring straight ahead.

Without warning, the man shoved Kono, tipping her overboard into the dark blue Pacific Ocean.

Water swirled all around Kono as she struggled to get herself free of the duct tape, but it was too tight. She couldn't get it off.

That was when she knew she was going to die. She knew she would be one of the drowning victims, washed up on the shore a few days later, all pale with blue lips. She knew that was what was going to happen, but she wasn't afraid. She didn't blame Chin Ho, either. She didn't feel anything at all.

She didn't want to die, of course. She had hoped to eventually get married and have kids, but that was out of the picture. The game was up, and she had lost.

As she sank further into the ocean, she thought about how her coworkers would take the news. Chin would blame himself. Max would have to do the autopsy on her-that would be hard for him. Danny would be upset. And Steve would be devastated.

Steve's face burst into Kono's mind, and even though she was drowning, she smiled. She loved Steve, there was no use denying it anymore. The look the Steve in her mind gave her told her that he felt the exact same way.

"Come on, Kono. You can do this! Help is on the way!" the Steve in Kono's mind said.

But Kono was weakening from the lack of oxygen. "I can't," she thought back to him.

"Yes you can! You're the strongest woman I know, and dammit you need to fight!" yelled Steve.

Kono tried to break the duct tape, of just swim with it on, but she couldn't. "I'm sorry. I love you," she thought weakly.

Right before her vision blacked out, she thought she saw Steve's hand reaching out to her, but whether it was really there or not, she did not know.

So, there we go. This works fine as a one-shot, but if anyone wants a follow up chapter, I won't say no!
