Authors Note

Wow hello everyone!

First off let me start by saying I am so sorry for the longest absence ever! Eight years is an extremely long time to not be around and leave everyone hanging and I am so sorry!

When I first started this story I was 12 years old and now I'm 22 who just recently graduated college (virtually unfortunately, damn you COVID-19). Anyway, growing up I went through a lot and experienced many changes going through puberty obviously and lost my touch with anime! I just got interested in other things and got very focused into my studies of being a Physician's Assistant and working I didn't watch much anymore.

However, with the recent global pandemic happening and being so bored in quarantine with all this time on my hands, I got right back into anime and started feeling nostalgic from my middle school memories. This also led to me reading some fanfiction again and wow what a ride down memory lane, especially reading fanfiction never thought that would happen again (but it's such a guilty pleasure).

Anyway, long story short I saw my three precious babies that I took so much pride in when I was 12 year old sitting on my profile unfinished. I thought to myself "hey why not right? What else do I have better to do now that I'm done with school." Not to mention, with everything going on in the world I definitely believe everyone deserves a pick me up and something to just make them a little bit better!

So I am almost positive I am gonna be bringing this story back to life! However, I want to know if this is really gonna be worth my time cause I really am not sure who still even uses fanfiction, if anyone even does? But I see that there is 112 people following this story, and I have this burning desire to watch my middle school dream of writing a book (or in this case fanfiction) come to life.

There would definitely be a full rewrite of the story because I am 8 years older and re-reading this story and seeing my writing style was …. A nightmare I have never cringed so hard. Same story, same characters, same couples, just a lot better written!

If any of you are still there please let me know your thoughts and if you guys would be still interested. Also let me know if there are still people reading fanfiction on this website! I know about the other websites, but my heart will forever belong to this one because it's so nostalgic.

Stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
