OMG. Thank you for everyone who subscribed me! I didn't expect to receive so many positive replies for my Rise of Guardians Story, Once Upon a December. Furthermore, I am sorry for the delay because I was in Japan for vacation and I am in Korea for family visit since it's Christmas and New Year and all AND SOON HAVING FINAL EXAMS IN SCHOOL...Sorry for not letting you guys know but here ya gooooo OH AND I REALIZED…Gilbert's last name was wrong….I thought I was correct wth omg guys can you help me? When I searched up, it says it's Beilschmidt but than in other fanfics, I saw some Belichment. Derpderpderpabaha

Chapter 7

An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision

"Gilbert Beilschmidt! Come out of the loo right now!"

A muffled voice – barely audible from rushing water coming out from the tap – came through the white door. The owner of the voice was obviously enjoying the warmth of hot water. Gilbert hummed a random rhythm and ran his fingers through his wet silky hair.

"Awww Artie, come on! Let me enjoy a good long shower that I haven't taken for a long time~!"

"You, inconsiderate git!" huffed the English man with his dark eyebrows furrowed, "I've waited for 45 minutes! Forty-five! Four! Five! Are you a bloody snail?"

"Hey! That was mean!"

"Yes, for the snail."

Although Gilbert tried his best to sound he was hurt and whimper through the rushing water, he couldn't stop his laugh to escape from time to time. Indeed, he was having a good time and he wished this could last a bit longer.

"Arrg – Fine! Come out in 20 minutes or not…"

"Or not..?"

Gilbert closed the water tap and discarded the wrapper around the Kiehl's body soap into the trash can. He rubbed the soap to a small handkerchief sized bath towel and waited for the other to continue on.

"I am going to lock the Entertainment Room and the Sleeping Room."

Gilbert dropped the soap and the 'thung' sound echoed the fuzzy warm washroom.

"Hey! It's unfair!"

"Oh, of course it's fair; sleeping on cold hard floor after taking 1 hour and 15 minutes of shower. Isn't that generous?"

If Gilbert could see Arthur's face right now, he was sure that Arthur was smirking – in a hell sexy way; a corner of his well-shaped lips would naturally go up, making it look beautifully lopsided, and his eyes would glint with mischief, making his green eyes to go vibrant.

Ah, how he wished he could see that smirk right now. What? Gilbert loved beautiful things and yes, indeed, Arthur was beautiful to him. If only he could paint Arthur properly with acrylic oil…

He quickly closed the tap and looked around the warm foggy washroom. The misty atmosphere moisturized the pale alabaster skin. Gilbert took out a towel from a drawer and ruffled his hair with it, singing soft forgotten melodies that his aunt once sang to him.

Then, he blankly stared the fogged washroom mirror. As if it was a dangerous dare, Gilbert carefully swiped the mirror, revealing his reflection. He frowned upon it even though it was beautifully built – slim but built. He scanned down from head to toe until he saw his thighs.


He would have to change his shorts to sweat pants for pajamas.

"Stupid sensitive skin and stupid…stupid…stupid – ha ….whatever."

blinkyoureyesnushallreviewfo rmeforideasderp

Now, back to Arthur. You might have been thinking that Arthur was acting too normal to be madly in love. If that thought crossed your mind, you are extremely, extremely, wrong. Arthur was trying to act as normal as he could but the singing and rhyming of the attractive albino's husky voice didn't make anything better.

Usually, he never did care about others using the loo for too long. He would just wait patiently and do other things that he would need to do. However, in this kind of situation, it was quite impossible for him to do other things because his stupid brain was having a stupid shutdown by the name of first genuine love.

Oh, what a glory. His parents would be so proud.


Since the albino seemed like he wouldn't be coming out from the loo for a long time, Arthur decided to make a tea for himself and unpack his small amount of remaining belongings. He constantly tried to occupy himself busy, hoping that his thoughts wouldn't trail and make his imagination go wild.

No, of course not, he wasn't interested in that annoying albino's built up body that was right in front of him behind that white door. Oh, please, of course…maybe.

Arthur shook his head side to side and tapped his forehead with his palm. He was acting like a teenage girl who just fell in love with someone else for the first time. Okay, he would give the credit for the first love but not acting like a teenage girl part. He walked around, trying to find something to make him distracted; anything to make that stupid-too-handsome-gorgeous face of his roommate to disappear from his brain.

Then, Arthur saw a paper in the Sleeping Room. With curiosity, the man with limey hair walked towards the paper which was lying on top of the Amazon box. It was crumbled so much that Arthur thought Gilbert placed it there to remind himself later to throw it out.

But, oh boy, how wrong he was.

As Arthur gently unfolded and straightened out the paper, his eyes went wide and instantly, he placed both of his hands on top of his mouth to prevent any sound to come out from his mouth. He looked over the paper once again. Since he knew about Gilbert now, this was becoming more crucial than he thought. The paper, this bloody stupid paper, was clearly a threatening and done by a son of a bitch.

Hey Faggot! You freaky albino bitch. I am seeing a process here, ya know?

I thought you were used to changing

in the school's most unused washroom up in….what?

8th floor? Hahahaha! But today, you seemed kinda losty doty.

Coming to the boy's changing room and all. Ha!

You have a hella pretty face and hella good body too.

No wonder that freaky fucking Russian business guy keeps you like a dog.

But coming to the changing room in first block of the day was a bad choice, pretty boy.

We will spare your freaking creepy pretty face that totally looks gay and disgusting.

But we had fun with your body and don't ever come to changing room or we will actually fuck you up, bitch. Hey, maybe show up once in a while so that we can actually fuck you up.


By the time Arthur Kirkland read 6th times, he was fuming with anger and rage. He's face had turned white to red, and he's forest green lime eyes were no longer wide but narrow. He heard Gilbert coming out from his washroom so he quickly placed the paper where it belonged and turned towards the door.

As he has thought; Gilbert was covering his thighs and legs with his long body towel even though he was obviously wearing the black shorts. (Arthur would deny the fact that he was watching Gilbert going to the washroom with black tank top and black shorts.)


"A, Art..? What – why are you making that face?! Did something happen?"

"Oh yes."

The English stomped towards the albino and stood in front of him.

"I thought I already told you to tell me anything and everything that happened in school."

"H, huh? What are you talking about? Oh come on, I am acting like my normal self and we just went out for a dinner! I would have already – oh," said the attractive white haired man as he noticed the once crumbled paper.

He blankly stared at it and looked at Arthur. "…Oops?"


As soon as Arthur took away the towel from Gilbert, a small gasp escaped from his mouth. He had never seen a severe and big bruise like this until now. The bruise was turning almost black and it was so contrasting from the albino's pale skin. The most bruised sides were the inner thighs. Dirty arseholes and who says who's faggot.

"We need to treat this, Gilbert. This is severe. I will bring bags of ice so lie down on your bed."

"Arthur, I am fine – "

"Lie. Down."

With authority in his voice, Arthur raised his voice which made the albino to obediently lie down on his bed, surprisingly. Arthur sighed and went to kitchen to put some ice in ZipLoc bags. When he came back to the room, Gilbert was playing with Arthur's stuffed unicorn doll, Ms. Sugar Sparkling Unicorn.

"It will hurt but hold it."

"Yes, mother."

Arthur shot a look at Gilbert and gently placed an ice bag on one of the inner thighs. Gilbert hissed and grasped the blanket under him. Arthur quickly pulled the albino man into a hug and brushed the white silvery hair with fingers, muttering sweet soft words into the pale ear.

"Sssshhh – there, there you go…I am here. I am your friend so tell me everything if you have troubles at school. Okay? Friends rely on each other, Gil."

Gilbert was too busy to response because even though his bruised thighs were painful, he was enjoying the every moment when the beautiful angel of his was hugging and saying such honey sweet words to him. Arthur's fingers weren't harsh or strong like the bullies. It was soft that it made him wonder whether clouds were as soft as his gentleness.

Soon, drowsiness came over him as he felt Arthur rubbing his back, fully knowing that he had been pinned down to the hard dirty marble floor of the cursed changing room beside the gym. Arthur's soothing voice was spiced with his charming English accent., he understands why so many girls fawn over English accent.

"…..Thank you…Arthur."

Before he completely let the sleep devours him up, Gilbert wondered.

I wonder if I will be able to meet someone like Arthur to love me…

Quote is by James Whistler.

I am so sorry about my long stupid absence. I wouldn't be uploading anything in 2 weeks or so because I have my final exams coming up. I wanted to write this chapter longer but if I write it longer, it would be really….MAN, I JUST WANT TO PUT IVAN SOMEWHERE…AND DO YOU GUYS THINK IVAN'S A GOOD GUY OR BAD GUY?/wut


Well, then, C YA~!