Disclaimer: I do not own PJO I do not own anything at all, it all belongs to Rick Riordan
IMPORANT:Okay, the prologue is really bad but it will make sense later sorry if you don't like it but the quality will so get better. Now, without further ado here is the Prologue sort of thing
It was a late foggy night and all who was out were two figures, "I love you Jenny," the tall, boyish figure voiced, "I don't know what I would do without you."
The girl merely smiled, "I you,"
"Let me walk you home," the boy held the girl's hand but she laughed.
"Oh Percy, it's only a few blocks away, I'm fine, I know it's been a hard day for you, get some rest."
Percy had to agree, today was the day Chiron at Camp Half Blood sent him and his best friend, Jason away due to the new great prophesy "There's a new one," the camp director told them. Neither of the boys needed to ask what he had meant by 'a new one' both Jason and Percy had been on 5 quests and were always the only one to come back from each. luck wasn't on their side. "The gods want you dead, I can't kill you, but I do instruct to flee. They will be after you, I want you both to live, but whatever you do, don't reach the age of sixteen," his eyes full of sorrow, "you will regret it." Those were the last words he had told the 2 before he had packed up and left, not even saying farewell to Jason or Piper, Jason's almost girlfriend (they were just about to make it official). I'll never come back, the boy thought, never. That was when the Jenny had found him and both had found love. The rest of the afternoon was spent laughing away, sharing it.
"No," the boy in the mist told the girl, "I'll walk you."
The newly formed couple was only a block away from the girl's home when lightning thundered. The girl went closer to the boy, "It's okay," Percy said, stroking her hair, she managed a smile.
Suddenly, a hooded figure came out of nowhere, "We told you to die, Perseus, you did not, suffer the god's wrath." (I know, it's too sudden but I can't think of any other way to do it, sorry)
"Hades," Percy growled, his hand reaching for his sword, Riptide.
"Percy," the girl whispered.
"Jenny, run to your house, I'll explain later." And the girl looked at him like he was crazy.
"No, you're my love, I can't leave you."
It didn't matter at that point; the lord of the dead brought up skeletons and commanded them to attack the couple.(I know, I know HORRIBLE bleck just go with it. It gets way better) Their teeth chattered- their version of communicating- and charged.
Percy pulled out his quill that turned into a sword, (A/N: I know I said quill, it is right now but it is going to change into a pen later into the story besides, it's 100 years ago right now.) "Percy!" Jenny gasped.
"Stand back, Jenny, it isn't your fight."
"You- you monster how could I ever love you, slaying children?"
Percy cursed he forgot about the mist.
"Jenny, wait, they aren't children!" he cursed about the mist but the girl didn't listen and walked straight up to the lord of the dead.
"You. You dick!"
Hades' eye's flared. "How dare you, you mortal, you don't know the half of it." The lord of the dead snapped his fingers.
You could see realization go through the girl's mind. "Oh Percy, I'm sor-" but she got cut off by the skeletons waiting for an attack with hunger in their eye sockets.
"Jenny!" Percy yelled.
"Now, your turn."
The skeletons attacked, but Percy was ready. As the first one came, he slashed his sword right through the middle. The others were a blur: cut, jab, block, par, kill, slash, and duck. By the time he killed all of them, he realized they were reforming. He was just about to get ready for another attack when he felt something in his spine. He carefully pulled it out and saw small but sharp enough to kill dagger. He clumsily dropped it and tried to reach for nectar- the healing medicine drink of the gods- but couldn't find it. He was losing blood fast and Percy knew it. With no healing medicine, he was over, and he knew it, he saw a red haze, I'm going to die he thought, when he heard the sounds of metal against metal wait- the sounds of weapons. That was his last thought before he passed out.
It has been 100 years since that happened and I now wish that I had died. You see, the hunters of Artimis saved me on her orders but had abandon me ASAP. So I had gone into the woods, made a shelter, waiting for death, but it never came. I am still about a month from 16 and I never looked into a mirror but I could feel my hair grow longer, not by much, only a few inches so it's centimeters from my eyes. I know my eyes are darker but I don't know how maybe it's because that I've been in the forest for so long that it just changed that color. I only rarely go into town if I'm starving and have no food for the time being. Mugging people now is easy. People used to watch their stuff like hawks. Now, it's like they don't care. But that's the only time I ever come to town. Besides, the technology is so different it scares me.
Just as I finished slamming the door to my hut door, an Iris message popped up right in front of me.
"Ahhh!" I yelled
I examined the face of who sent the message- my dad. I hadn't contacted him since the prophesy came out- this couldn't be good.
"Son," he said with much urgency in his voice. I perked up a bit. "I'm sorry, I had to tell them, but that's not important." What? I thought? No, he must have revealed where I am… but how did he know? "Get to Camp Half Blood, the prophesy is starting and- and you are the child of it." He said the last part like he knew something I didn't.
I got mad. "No, I can't I'm immortal, I can't turn prophesy said a child of 16." A thought came to mind, "What- what about Jason, son of Zeus, he's older than me!"
"No, you are aging. The fates are cruel, son, hurry."
"But-" I started.
"But you may not have to wait that long, if you ask, they will help. I am sorry my son I cannot help any more, now go to camp, tell Chiron, he will understand." With his last word, the Iris message faded.
I took no time to waste. I started to pack up my things.
I didn't have many things. Just a few clothes and my pen (now a pen. It changed into one as soon as 1974 hit. But why"?) Sword. I put my belongings into a backpack I found (well, stole but potato potato) And I ran out.
It took me a while to find the Camp again. I haven't visited the mortal world in quite sometime so I had to stick with the forest besides; the mortal world freaked me out. All these gadgets, how do you keep track, ahhh!
After a few boring miles of walking, my stomach growled. Stupid! I didn't have breakfast! I scolded myself. Oh well… just need to find camp…
Suddenly, I reached a hill. This must be it I thought. My journey is over. But I was wrong. There was a large pine tree. That wasn't there before… I still walked up to it. When I almost reached the top, a girl with long brown stingy hair came out of nowhere. She held a spear to my throat. "What are you doing here, you're with no satyr you're a spy huh?" she growled but I just grinned.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm assuming the war started, eh?"
She looked stunned. "So if you aren't a spy…" she shook her head, "Get outta here, punk."
"I need to talk to Chiron."
"You'll die before you get even halfway there." She spit at me.
"No games,"
"As if."
I smiled and uncapped Riptide. A full sword got unleashed. I put it at her neck. "I won't fight you. Trust me, I'm better than you can even imagine."
She thrust her spear at me but I ducked.
"Why can't I see him, my father is making me come here, I can't refuse."
"Your father doesn't know anything."
"I wouldn't say that."
Then, within a blink of an eye I had her down on the ground.
"No," I said and marched off.
When I was halfway down the hill, she charged at me again but I just disarmed her and she growled.
I made down the hill and into the valley. The camp looked exactly how I remembered it but I couldn't ponder on the thought for too long, I needed to talk to Chiron.
I made it down to the Big House and saw the same old centaur I always knew. I smiled and walked up to him.
He was talking to a girl Athena I thought. She looked just like her mom. With blonde curly hair and stormy gray eyes who else? I almost laughed.
Out of the blue, the girl showed up again she just won't give up I thought. I sighed and said, "Come on, let me talk to him."
She grunted "You'll regret this, punk, ordering me around like trash." But she led the way (which I already knew.)
When we got there, the girl interrupted the conversation. "Sir, this person showed up and demanded to talk with you."
"One second Clarisse." Chiron replied. He turned to the daughter of Athena. "My dear Annabeth that is why no architect has ever gotten a blanket out of paperclips."? (Which made no sense to me.) "Now, Clar-"he saw me and his eyes got wide, "Perseus? You know about-"he looked at who must be Annabeth and Clarisse, "Come, child," we must discuss why you have come."
"Chir-"Annabeth started.
"Not now, I must talk to him. Come, we have much to discuss." And he led me into the Big House.
New and improved ;)