A/N: Hello peoples! This is my first fanfic ever, so sorry if it isn't very good. Also, this first chapter is VERY short. Only about 450 words. I just couldn't figure out how to make it longer. Hopefully the next one will be longer.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 1- Into the Night

Harry stood nervously on the revolving gargoyle going up to Dumbledore's office. Harry hadn't known what to expect when he had heard he would be having private lessons with Dumbledore. He thought Dumbledore might teach him advanced spells to use against Lord Voldemort. Harry certainly needed some hints. He had no idea what he was going to do to defeat Voldemort. Still, Harry was slightly in awe of the wizened old man and a bit nervous to be alone with him. When the gargoyle finally reached the top, he knocked three times on the solid wooden door.

"Come in." said a muffled voice from behind the door.

Harry slowly opened the door and found Dumbledore kneeling silently next to his phoenix, Fawkes. At first Harry found this very strange. Then, he noticed that Fawkes didn't quite look the way he usually did. There was a manic look in the phoenix's eyes and his normally glossy red and orange tail feathers looked dull and ruffled. His talons were curled tightly around his roost. Dumbledore's brow was scrunched with worry and he barely seemed to notice Harry.

"Is Fawkes okay?" Harry asked, alarmed. The only time Harry had ever seen Fawkes sick was when he had visited Dumbledore's office in his second year, and that time, Fawkes had died and been reborn. His tail feathers had looked just as dull then, but their hadn't been the same gleam in his eyes.

"Good evening, Harry. Please come in." Dumbledore said wearily. "I have never seen Fawkes this way." It sounded like he was talking more to himself than Harry. He looked up at Harry and seemed to remember why he was here. "Forgive me Harry, I'm being rather rude." He stood up with a sweep of his pale grayish blue billowing robes. "I have summoned you here today to discuss a matter of great importance." He walked gracefully over to the pensieve Harry discovered in his fourth year.

Harry cast another quick, worried glance in Fawkes's direction. He was about to walk to the pensieve when he did a double-take. Fawkes had started shaking violently and he was poised to take flight. The gleam in his eyes had intensified and he was looking straight at Harry.

"Dumbl-" Harry was cut off when Fawkes gave a fierce cry and took flight. Coming right at Harry. Harry screamed as Fawkes grabbed his robes with one of his sharp talons and swiftly turned to grab Dumbledore's as well before either of them had time to react. With a soft pop Fawkes disappeared into the night with the two wizards grasped firmly in his talons.