I have decided that every time before I get into a fanfic, I'll give you guys my opinion on the actual movie/game/whatever I'm doing a fanfic on. It won't just be me saying if it's good or not, but it will be a rather detailed mini-review. There will definitely be people who disagree with me on some if the things I say, but it is just my opinion. So please, no haters.
Personally, I have and always will be a huge cartoon/anime fan. I absolutely loved Kung Fu Panda 1&2, all the actors that have been picked fill the role perfectly and the story is very well done as well. There are a few things I would like to see in any future Kung Fu Panda movies, such as, a deeper look into the origins of the Furious Five, Master Shifu and possibly Master Oogway. But above all of that, I want to see Po and Tigress get together! They're just perfect for each other and it would be so heartwarming and hilarious to see them as a couple. According to good old Mr Google, there are another 4-5 Kung Fu Panda movies scheduled, but I'm guessing that it will just be another movie and one split up into 2/3 parts. Which is just stupid and pointless in my opinion, but it's been getting increasingly popular for some reason. Hopefully we will be seeing PoxTigress on the big screen soon. I'm going to shut up and let you enjoy my story now.
Chapter 1, The Journey Home
Po had saved not only China, but Kung fu as well from Lord Shen. He had gained the respect and gratitude of Gongmen city, and of Masters Storming Ox and Croc. The city had sustained many wounds from Po's battle with Shen, but they would rebuild easily. However, now that Po had the Furious Five had done their job: they had to return to the Valley Of Peace. Po, Master Shifu and the Five said their goodbyes their many fans and to the remnants of the kung fu council, as they left for their home.
It had been a very exhausting adventure for the group of kung fu masters. While they were travelling back to the valley, in their boat, they were getting some much needed rest. All except Po, he was sitting outside: contemplating on the events that occurred. He had attained inner peace, but he still could not help but feel sad. He never knew his real parents, how could he mourn people he had never known. In spite of this he still felt a pain in his heart. The panda stared aimlessly at the argent moon, trying to make the pain fade away.
Master Tigress had woken up; her throat was dry and needed something to clear it before she could enjoy much needed sleep. She walked over to her belongings and relished in some refreshing cold milk. As she was about to go back to bed, she noticed the giant panda outside, sitting all by himself. She did not know Po as long as she had the rest of the Five, but she was close enough to him to know when he needed someone to talk to. Tigress was about to walk outside and comfort the giant panda but was stopped in her tracks when she heard Master Shifu's voice.
"Going somewhere, Tigress?" Master Shifu asked with a curious smile on his face, while standing infront of his room and while holding his late Master's staff. He knew that she wanted to go to Po, but was intrigued to see what Tigress would say.
"Master Shifu...uh...I-I was just going to...Um...Get some f-fresh air. That's all!" Tigress' loss of words made the red panda laugh, as he observed how the feline was being slowly overwhelmed with embarrassment. She was rubbing here paws, uncertain why Shifu was laughing.
"Tigress please, I may be old but I'm not stupid" Master Shifu said as he walked towards the feline, but was looking at the lonely panda outside
"I simply wanted to..." Tigress tried to make up some sort of excuse, but was stopped midway through her sentance by the red panda, who had an ever increasing smile on his face.
He had raised Tigress as his own, and though they did not do much more than train together, he could read Tigress like a book. He saw right through her attempt to change the conversation, to save the feline from embarrassing herself.
"You care for him don't you, more than a friend I mean?"
Tigress' eyes widened. She did not know what to say, or what to do. She had focused all her time on training and kung fu, and had bottled up her emotions; revealing them to no one else but herself, and at times Master Shifu. Yet, she felt a strange feeling begin to wrap itself around her: a feeling she had never experienced before. It made her paws sweat, her legs wobbled and her heart beat at an increasing. But before she could even begin to consider what this new feeling was; her mouth opened and she felt words come out, against her will.
"That's obsered! How can one care for a pathetic fat panda. He treats everything like a joke and made a mockery of kung fu!"
Tigress did not mean to say these hurtful words. Truth be told, when Po came into her life she felt alive once more. She and the rest of the five had forgotten what it was like to have fun. Po reminded them of the joy they had excluded from their life, and for that she wanted to thank him. But could never find the right words to use, so she could show Po how grateful she was. Master Shifu still carried that huge grin on his face, and lifted an eyebrow as he said.
"Then why have you turned red?"
Tigress had not realised it, but her face was overwhelmed by a sea of red. As she opened her mouth the moonlight, which was glistening through the door to their boat's sleeping quarters, was blotted out by a round and fury shadow. Po had walked back in and saw Master Shifu and Tigress still awake.
"Hey, guys, what are we talking about?"
Tigress was bewildered when Po walked through the door. Despite her facial expression, she was relieved that Po did not hear their discussion. Master Shifu decided that he had flustered Tigress enough for one night, and quickly saved her from further embarrassment.
"Don't worry Po; I'm sure you'll find out soon. Anyway, it's late and we should go back to bed"
Tigress rushed away from the two of them, before Shifu had even finished his sentence: avoiding eye contact with either of the warriors. Her whole face was still red and she did not want Po to get any ideas. The red panda simply looked at Po with a smile before he retired to his quarters as well. As for Po, he had no clue as to what happened, as usual. He just shrugged his shoulders and went on to his room too.
So this is pretty much my first story, go easy on the new guy :). I have read some of your reviews and would like to thank you for the positive feedback and advice. I will try to upload new chapters as quickly as I can, but at the moment, I'm struggling to squeeze in time for the story in my busy schedule. Keep those reviews coming!