Yes another 'post Always' story but i needed to get myself back into the game somehow. This is really just a test story to see if yall like my writing. If you like it review it and let me know. Enjoy. And yes the R is captiol on purpose ha ha


The sun was just starting to rise over Manhattan and as the mornings warmth began to dry the city from the night's rain a couple slept quietly in a loft apartment. As a new day started so did a new chapter in a long love story

Former Detective Kate Beckett slowly opened her eyes, the light form the windows blinding her for a moment. As the haze cleared in her vision and she sat up slowly she turned seeing the soft face of Richard Castle still asleep next to her, she smiled at him and reached out with her hand to stroke his face as he breathed slowly.

'He saved me' she thought 'he loves me...'

She smiled again this time at the thought of what happened last night. After 4 years the walls came down and 'came down with a bang was putting it softly' She waited for a few seconds waiting to see if any regret started to surface as she stared at the face of the man she loved. She found none.

Yes she loved him even if she hadn't said it out load for the him or the world to hear. But she admitted it to herself. On the roof holding on for dear life, on the swings in the rain last night , in the front door of his apartment soaked to the bone. She loved him and he loved her.

She shifted a little on the bed bending herself down to kiss his cheek.

"thank you" she said barley whispering

Castle shifted at the touch and slowly opened his eyes looking up at her with his handsome blue eyes. Eyes that saw so much of her. He smiled at her and her heart warmed at the sight.

"So it wasn't dream" he said with a soft sleepy smile

She smiled at his joke and leaned in again kissing his lips this time "No it wasn't."

He searched her face for any signs of regret and came to the same conclusion she had minutes ago. None. He smiled and sat up a little and she snuggled in laying her arms across him and resting her head against his chest listening to his heart beat slowly.

They lay ed in silence just enjoying each other company watching the sun come over the city through the window, Kate tracing slow circles around Rick's chest that sent shiverer's up his spine. He held her close, closer than he had ever held someone except maybe for his daughter or his mother who both still were out enjoying the respective activity's until Castle broke the silence.


"Yea Castle?"

"Do you want some breakfast?"

Kate smiles and looks up at him about to make crude remark about men and food but the trance of the moment has been broken and she felt her stomach complain slightly at the lack of food.

"You know i could use something..are you offering to cook?"

Castle smiled looking "My dear Detective Beckett you are in for a treat...i shall make you my famous chocolate chip pan cakes" he says puffing his chest with pride

"Famous hu?" she says through a smile "Are you saying the great word smith Richard Castle is also a master chef?"

"Yes of course just ask my critics" he says

"And who are they?" she asks raising a eyebrow

"My mother and Alexis of course" he says again with pride but the joking humor is unmistakable in his voice. She rolled her eyes and slides from off of his chest to allow him to escape from her embrace.

Rick starts to get out of bed not wanting to leave her side, her warmth, her touch but he dose reluctantly. She sits up the sheets dropping away from her chest revealing her beautiful body and for the first time he notices the bruises on her body. He rushes back to her careful to avoid touching the bruises as he looks her over.

"Kate...did I?" he says looking at her with concern

She took his hand and kissed it "No..never..Ill explain when we eat OK?" she smiled at him and while not all the worry leaves his eyes some of it dose ease away.

"OK.." he finally says standing again this time finding some sweatpants and a loose fitting t-shirt and heads for the door. He stop at the doorway looking back at her just staring at her a moment before he disappears towards the kitchen.

Kate through herself back onto the bed looking up at the ceiling just laying there listening again and thinking to herself before deciding to take a shower. She longed to have Rick join her but knew that they wouldn't be able to focus on getting clean.

She draged herself out of their bed.

'Wo Kate take it slow its still his bed not their bed' she reminds herself.

She smiled as she enter the bath room.

'Their bed dose sound allot better though' she thought as she closed the door.