A/N: Hi! :)

PLEASE READ: This is the continuation from the "D" story in my ABC Kames OneShot Series! :) I recieved such positive feedback and I really wanted to continue it for you guys.

I'm posting the first chapter here too, I know some of you have probably read it all ready, but just in case someone hasn't read my oneshots and can't be bothered going to read it there... even though you should read my oneshots anyway! haha.

But yes if you've been following my other fic you can just skip the first chapter and go on to the second!

I'll just copy and paste the notes and summary I had for this story from my oneshot fic: I was pondering thousands of different "D" letters and then suddenly I thought "What about D for Doctors? James totally goes to see Dr. Logan Mitchell, who then has a step son called Kendall..." And a star was born! So yes COMPLETELY alternate universe. Also, Logan is married to Momma Knight... say what?

In terms of the Kames relationship, it moves very fast I know, but it's a one-shot and I just can't help but write them being completely head over heels anyway.

Also, because I did my research and I'm awesome I actually used some Google magic and discovered Breck High School is the largest private high school in the Minneapolis area, and yes the hockey team has won three back to back state championships :D Not captained by James Diamond but still.. And I'm not from America so I'm not too sure how the schooling system works? So yeah please let me know if I screwed up their ages and what year they're in..

Is that it... oh no! Sarah! I just had to put in Sarah.. fucking Sarah... Rushers get me :P

So yes please enjoy this! :)

Baby, You've Got Me Under Your Spell (D is for Doctors)

"So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked, studying me from head to toe with a quizzical expression.

He was pretty hot, well for a doctor, and for an old guy. When I say old he was probably only in his late 30's or something but still, I'm 18 so I shouldn't be thinking such things... But he was freaking hot ok? He had dark chocolate hair with matching eyes, nicely complimenting his creamy pale skin. Dr. Logan Mitchell... I found it weird that I was so attracted to my Doctor. I've always thought other guys were hot, but I guess I've never really acted on it. James Diamond the captain of the hockey team isn't some faggot, I also have a girlfriend, Sarah, which may or may not impact on the whole "gay" situation. But damn... yeah I could definitely explore my gay side with Dr. Mitchell.

"Mr Diamond?" He asked, breaking me out of my current fantasy which involved something along the lines of him having me bent over the surgical table.

"Oh um yeah, I think I may have done something to my rib at hockey training. It's not that bad but my Mum insisted I get it checked out" I rambled in one breath.

"You boys and your hockey!" He laughed, standing from his seat. "My son plays too; he's had more broken bones than I can remember. Now stand up and I'll take a look"

I followed his orders and stood to face him. As I suspected he was almost a foot shorter than me... Maybe I could be the one bending him over and...

"If you'll just lift up your shirt" he said, raising one eyebrow at what was probably a sultry look on my face.

His wish was my command as I raised my shirt to reveal a black and blue ribcage; however I thought he would probably be more impressed with my washboard abs.

I wasn't sure if I was imagining it but yeah his eyes totally just bludged out of his head for a second there. Unfortunately though it seemed the good Doctor had more self control than I would ever have.

"May I?" He asked hesitantly, holding out a hand and looking up at me to convey he wanted to touch my ribs.

Part of me wished he would just touch me and lose control and we would just have to have sex right here and right now. I couldn't help but shudder as his hands connected with my skin.

"Sorry cold hands" he chuckled and rubbed them together quickly before placing them back on my body.

His hands weren't cold at all; they were more like fire to my skin.

I winced slightly as he touched a particularly tender spot but didn't want to draw too much attention to it; I couldn't have him thinking I was weak.

"Well" he said, taking a step back and returning to his chair, motioning for me to do the same "I think one of your ribs is broken, so I'm going to send you off for x-rays"

"Ugh great" I moaned "That's just what I need right in the middle of hockey season, I'm the captain!"

"It would be much worse if you had a broken leg or arm. Relatively speaking a cracked rib is on the same wave length as a sprained ankle or a torn muscle. It's not fun for a few weeks but you'll be better in no time" he said with a smile that was only slightly reassuring.

"Hey Dad I just - oh sorry!" Said a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see one of the most beautiful human beings I think I'd ever seen. He was perfection, when you look in the dictionary for the definition of perfect, it's this guy. He had said "Dad" which obviously putting two and two together meant Dr Mitchell was his father, which was weird because they couldn't look more different. This boy was tall, lean and wearing a green plaid shirt with a pair of grey, skinny jeans – not my personal style but he definitely made it work. He had beautiful sandy blonde hair to match his crazy eyebrows. Even the eyebrows were perfect in an unconventional way. He had striking green eyes that danced with sun and warmth; I wanted to lose myself in them. He was smiling; a perfect crooked smile with a slight gap in his two front teeth, and a smile which made me feel like I was floating. Is it true? Can you really fall in love at first sight?

"Kendall! What have I told you about interrupting me when I have patients?"

"Oh um sorry Dad, sorry" he said, cheeks flushing a bright red and looking at his toes.

So Kendall was this beautiful creatures name. It suited him. He was just too perfect. There was a tiny part of me that recognised him, but surely I'd remember seeing such perfection.

"I'm so sorry Mr Diamond" Dr. Mitchell saying, flashing me an apologetic smile before returning his glare to his son.

I couldn't find my voice so I merely nodded as if it were no big deal, in fact Kendall could stay as long as he wanted as far as I was concerned.

"What is it? You wouldn't come down here if it's not important"

Kendall was incredibly shy and embarrassed; it was so cute and endearing. I just wanted to give him a cuddle... And maybe a kiss... Maybe...

"Were going out for dinner remember? I wasn't sure you still had patients"

"Right, of course. Well Mr Diamond is my last one for the day, so just wait for me in the waiting room ok Kendall?"

With no final words and one last look into those emerald eyes he left, shutting the door behind him swiftly.

"I'm so sorry about that. That's my son Kendall, the one who plays hockey"

Of course he plays hockey, my dream man has to play hockey. I tried to do the math in my brain, sure Dr Mitchell wasn't young but he wasn't exactly old enough to have a teenage son. I couldn't help but ask,

"You look very different" I mused, trying not to make it sound like I was being nosy.

He simply laughed "Kendall's not my biological son. He's not a Mitchell either, he's Kendall Knight. I married his mother when he was only a baby, so even though I'm his step Dad I see him as my own son and he sees me as his true Father"

"Ah ok" I replied, trying not to make it look like I was freaking out over hot their family was, his wife/Kendall's Mum was probably a babe.

"Also, I hope you wouldn't think I was so old I would have a 16 year old son" He chuckled.

So this gorgeous Kendall Knight was 16... Two years younger than me. Well that was a little awkward if I was going to be honest. Didn't make him any less amazing though and yet there was still something oddly familiar about him.

"You said he played hockey didn't you? Does he play in the junior hockey team at Breck by any chance?"

"Yes! He's the captain actually. I knew I recognised your name. James Diamond, the famous captain of the Breck Senior boys' team that lead them to three consecutive State Championship wins!"

So I had a 30 something year old fan boy? Who was my doctor...? Yeah I could dig that.

"Kendall is in love with you! Well I mean..." He was almost embarrassed now, and possibly trying to recover what he just said as he probably noticed my raised eyebrow.

So I had a 30 something year old fan boy who was my Doctor and his 16 year old God of a step son? Yeah I could totally dig that.

"I just mean you're his idol, because firstly well the team is amazing and when you graduate he wants to take your place as senior captain"

He had me raising my eyebrow again. So my 16 year old lover boy wanted to replace me on the team? Yeah he would have to work pretty hard for that. One does not simply replace James Diamond, no matter how hot they are; but then I'm hot too so I guess that point is void. I'm also cocky it seems, but right now irrelevant.

"Well that's nice of him. And yeah the captain of the junior team usually just jumps on up, well I did anyway. I haven't seen the junior team play much though to be honest..."

It was true; I'd never really thought I actually needed to watch the teams bellow me because well my team was awesome and they were just some kids. I'm realising now that one of those "kids" is becoming the love of my life more and more by the minute. The love of my life? Yeah that's a new one. I thought I'd decided I wasn't gay... maybe just Kendall-sexual; or the whole Knight/Mitchell family sexual. I also have to keep reminding myself that I have a girlfriend, whom I am supposed to love. But whatever, I'm the captain of the hockey team and she's captain of the field hockey team so really we're a perfect match. She's hot, I'm hot and that's how these things go. Fucking Sarah... sometimes I was sick of her and her big ass mouth, always telling me how to dress, who to talk to, where to go, basically how to live, maybe I should dump her? But then again I shall repeat... she's hot. I'm also realising that Kendall and I could never be together, he's two years younger and a GUY for God's sake.

"You should, they're actually pretty good" Dr. Mitchell said with a small smile, it was obvious how proud he was of his son.

"Yeah I'll go to some of their games whilst my ribs busted and I can't be playing myself" I said with a laugh.

"I know this might be embarrassing for you" He said nervously "But do you reckon I could introduce you? I'm pretty sure he's your biggest fan"

"Of course!" I replied with a big smile, anything for a fan... an incredibly beautiful, amazing, sexy, gorgeous fan.

"He will hate me but love me at the same time I reckon" Dr. Mitchell said, unable to stop himself from laughing "But yes in terms of your rib, go get some x-rays and come see me again when you get your results and we will see if there's something that will make it heal a bit faster and reduce the pain a bit, sound good?"

"Well no it doesn't sound good, I would rather not have a broken rib at all!" I said, trying to sound all pissed but it was hard to be serious around Dr. Mitchell, he was too sweet.

"So, um, shall I just go say hi to Kendall or?" I asked awkwardly, now standing as he did.

"Oh yes! He will love it. I'll be out in a moment I just need to pack my things up for the day. And thanks for coming to see me Mr. Diamond" He said with a big smile and extended his hand.

"Please call me James, Dr. Mitchell" I said as I grasped his hand firmly for a shake.

"And it's Logan" He replied with a quick wink.

Before I rounded the corner to the waiting room I took a deep breath. What would I say? Would I act all cool and treat him like the junior he is, or actually be nice? It was a hard call. Part of me wanted to be the sweetest I could be, make him love me too and we could be happy... but then the other part of me knew I had a reputation to uphold.

"Hi, Kendall?" I asked hesitantly as I entered the room to see him texting on his phone.

Upon seeing me his phone flew out of his hands and landed halfway across the room. He made a move to get it but I was closer so being the gentlemen I was I stepped forward to pick it up. My eyes couldn't help but wander down and have a little look. The first thing I noticed because it was in capitals and bold letters on the screen of a text message was: JAMES DIAMOND IS HERE!

Instantly feeling awkward but insanely curious at the same time I quickly looked up and handed his phone over to him. I tried to not make it look as if I had been reading his message but my face probably gave it away.

"Thanks" he mumbled, unable to look me in the eye.

"No worries. So um this is probably embarrassing but your Dad wanted to introduce me, apparently you're my biggest fan" I said with a smile and a wink.

He whipped his head up in shock, all colour draining from his face. Yeah Daddy Doctor was going to be in trouble.

"Oh, um, I, oh" He stuttered. God damn it he was so adorable. "Hi! It's nice to meet you James" He said finally, extending his hand for me to shake it.

I'm trying not to be clichéd ok but seriously, when our skin connected there was a spark, surely he could feel it too.

"You too Kendall" I said, smiling back and probably holding on to his hand for a little longer than I should.

"Um so anyway" Kendall said awkwardly, finally releasing himself from my grip "Dad probably made it sound creepier than it was, it's just I play for the junior team at Breck, and the senior team is like our idols man"

"Oh I know, I recognised you when you came in, but I couldn't think from where straight away. The teams pretty good though, and they got a good captain to replace me" I couldn't help but smirk as I said that.

"I could never be like you!" He gushed "You're seriously the best hockey player ever; you could play for the NHL if you wanted"

"Hardly!" I scoffed "I just have a good team that's all. And right now I won't be playing for a while; according to your Dad I've broken my rib"

The complete look of shock and concern that flashed across his features touched me right to the core of my heart, this guy didn't even really know me and he was showing more concern in two seconds than either of my parents, any of my friends or especially Sarah had shown me.

"No way! That really sucks. And you have the game against Apollo this week don't you?"

"Ugh yeah I had almost forgotten" You're making me forget. I wanted to add on to the end of that sentence.

"I'm so sorry James" He said, his green eyes now piercing into the depths of my soul as he placed a hand upon my shoulder.

The urge to grab the front of his jacket and pull him in for a kiss was reaching a breaking point. Stay strong Diamond, don't let this 16 year old compromise everything you are.

"Thanks" I said with a small smile. "So who were you texting?"

I couldn't help myself; I was dying to know why he was texting about me. I felt slightly bad because I felt like we were making some headway and I had slowly been getting him out of that shy shell but I obviously just crushed all that.

"You saw that huh?" His cheeks now a bright red. "I mean as my Dad said, I'm your number one fan" He said with an embarrassed chuckle. "But yeah all you guys on the senior team are awesome, I was texting my friend Carlos who's also on the junior team. We watch all your games and you're pretty much a celebrity at Breck"

"Really?" I asked, genuinely surprised. I knew I was popular but apparently I was a teenage celebrity. Awesome.

"This is so embarrassing. You probably think I'm a freak"

"No I don't" I said quickly and taking a small step towards him "I think it's sweet"

Was James Diamond, the most popular guy at Breck High flirting with Kendall Knight, the nobody junior?

"I can't believe I've never seen you at school before" I mused, absentmindedly beginning to play with a zip on his jacket.

"If I was you, I wouldn't notice me either" He said. I couldn't tell if he was either creeped out by or loving my flirtation.

"Do you want to have dinner with me? Like tonight?" I asked suddenly. I didn't know what I was doing; I just couldn't help myself around this guy.

"What?" He replied with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"You know, you... me... food"

"I'm going out for dinner with my parents"

"Oh that's right, that's too bad" I said, still running the zip on his jacket slowly up and down, I instantly stopped however when I heard footsteps approach from behind.

"Dad, is it ok if I miss family dinner and hang out with James tonight?" Kendall asked, stepping around me to face his father.

"I don't see why not" Logan said as I turned around to face him. "Do you need a lift anywhere?"

"No, I drive" I said smiling; hopefully trying to convey I was a safe and trustworthy driver who wouldn't kill his son.

"Ok, well don't be home too late. James can I talk to you for a second?" He asked hesitantly.

"Um sure, Kendall do you want to wait out at the car? It's the black Jeep" I said turning to face Kendall who was death staring his Dad.

"Sure" he mumbled, turning quickly on his heel to leave the reception.

"I don't know what you're doing but please be nice to him" Logan said in a rush.

"Of course I'll be nice, what else would I be doing?" I asked, genuinely confused as to what he was trying to get at.

"I don't know it's just you've found out that he basically worships the ground you walk on and it's just, I don't even know what he would want from you. I've never thought about it before really but... anyway please don't lead him on or anything"

"Woah woah woah" I said, throwing up my arms defensively "I'm not trying to lay the moves on your son!" Partially a lie but whatever...

"As long as he knows that" Logan replied with a sympathetic smile before turning to talk to his receptionist at the front desk.

I felt semi bad now. Also was Logan implying his son was probably gay? I didn't really know. I also didn't know really know what I was doing when I asked him out... to hang. Yes I was only asking him to hang out, not asking him on a date.

It was totally a date though. I took him to my favourite Italian restaurant down by the river. We sat on the deck outside overlooking the water with a single candle on the table, softly illuminating his beautiful face. We looked into each other's eyes as we spoke about all our likes, our dislikes, our passions, our desires, our fears and what we loved most in this world. What I loved most in the world was slowly becoming him more and more by the second.

"I have to admit something to you" He said with a sigh after our meals were long since finished and time was running out on this perfect night.

"What is it?" I replied, fighting the urge to reach out and hold his hand that was placed gently on the table.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I kind of love you"

Excuse me?

"Don't look so shocked" he said with a chuckle "I would have thought it was pretty obvious. Just sitting with you here now... it's sending my heart into over drive. I don't even think I'm gay; it's just something about you James. I've always thought you were amazing, in a hockey, popular guy sort of way, but seeing this whole other side to you is... it's incredible. I don't expect anything from you, I know you're just being nice and probably showing me some pity for being such a stalker but I just thought you should know"

Again I was faced with that dilemma. Do I tell him I pretty much feel the same way after this short amount of time? Or do I be the asshole everyone expects me to be? He didn't really give me a chance to talk though.

"I'm only saying this because I know after tonight we will probably never talk again. I don't even know why you took me out in the first place. I know you didn't mean for it to be a date but whatever it is, it's the greatest most amazing 'thing' I've ever been on"

I certainly couldn't argue with him on that. I'd been on a lot of dates in my time, a lot of dates, and none of them compared to this.

"Even if it was a date or whatever I know the likelihood of anything working out is a million to one. I mean look at you, you're James Diamond, captain of the hockey team with a stunning girlfriend, and you own the school. And then there's me, no one like you could ever take me seriously; I'm only 16 for Christ sake. And then there's-"

"Stop talking" I said suddenly, finding myself getting more and more anxious with each word he spoke.

He didn't argue with me, thankfully. I paid our bill, no qualms over who would pay (yeah it was totally a date) and motioned for him to follow me out of the restaurant.

I didn't know what to do or what to say to Kendall and it was freaking me out. What would I do now? Just take him home and pretend nothing ever happened? As he neared my car though I did something I didn't think I would be doing, I was acting on impulse or maybe some divine intervention was contributing but I fisted his jacket and shoved him into the side of my car. We were shrouded in complete darkness, hidden from prying eyes and as I looked at his face I could tell he was probably panicking over whether or not I was going to beat him up, it was quite the opposite however.

I brought my lips to his, quick and hard. For a second he was stunned, but it didn't take long for his lips to kiss back with matched hunger and desire. It was magic, complete and utter magic. I didn't know kissing could be like this; sure it had always been fun with Sarah and other girls, but never at a level of this intensity and passion. His hands snaked around my neck and gripped my hair which had me moaning into his mouth instantly. Our tongues briefly battled for dominance but it was soon becoming clear I was the dominant one in this whole situation we had going. His mouth was so sweet on my tongue and I wanted to explore every inch of it. My groin was also starting to tell me other things I wanted to explore...

"James" He breathed hot and heavy against my lips "Do you want to come back to my house?"

My brain could barely comprehend thought, so I merely mumbled some incoherent words that I hope sounded like a yes. I realised though that I would have to drive, therefore we would have to stop making out for a bit; damn.

I finally managed to pull myself away from him, placing one or two final kisses to his neck before regrettably moving around to the driver's side of the car.

We didn't talk for the drive, apart from him giving brief directions to his house such as "turn here" or "left ahead". Talking was unnecessary though, no words needing to be shared as our joined hands on the gear shift was all I needed.

"Wow" I whispered when we pulled up outside his house. Actually mansion was probably a more appropriate term. "Nice house"

"Thanks" He muttered, as if he were embarrassed by his wealth.

So Kendall Knight wasn't really a "nobody" he was a hot, hockey captain, millionaire God. Surely he had to be popular at school?

"Before you ask, Mum's a neurosurgeon, kind of makes a lot of money and as you know Dad's a doctor"

"Wow" I repeated.

"Like you can talk though" He said with a slight chuckle.

It didn't surprise me he knew I was wealthy; everyone knew who my Mum was. My Mum was the founder and CEO of "Brooke Diamond Cosmetics" a billion dollar company which had her labelled as "the Estee Lauder of the Mid West" – but yeah our money was from cosmetics... not as impressive as saving people's lives.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I said whilst rolling my eyes and climbing out of the car.

"So um are your parents going to be home?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yeah but its fine, I'll quickly go say hi and then when we can go to my room"

"This is so weird, not even a few hours ago I had a doctor's appointment with your Dad!" I groaned as he laced his fingers with mine, squeezing tightly in reassurance.

"It's fine. What did he say to you though before we left the doctors surgery? I've been dying to know"

"Oh that" I said with a sigh "Basically he said "I don't know what your intentions are with my son, but please be kind to him, you're his idol" something like that"

"Oh my god" he groaned "he's so embarrassing!"

"He's just protective. And I think he was a bit confused, I don't know if he thinks you're gay or?"

I figured we better get the awkward talk out of the way now before we were in the confines of Kendall's room where talking was going to be the last thing on my mind.

"To be honest, I don't even know if I'm gay. But then when you kissed me... I can't be completely straight. There's also many other things I want to do with you tonight that definitely wouldn't be classified as straight" He said with a wink, leaning over to kiss me softly.

His quick kiss had my brain spinning again, we hadn't even entered the house yet and I was already consumed with lust.

"What about you though? What are you doing?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're probably the straightest person I know. No one would ever think you're gay, James Diamond into guys? No way"

"Hockey captains have their secrets" I said mysteriously with what I hoped was a twinkle in my eye.

"Tell me about it" He muttered, I kept forgetting he was the captain of the junior team.

"You're so young" I said suddenly, quickly stopping us before we reached the front door.

"I'm 16, not that young"

"Yeah and I'm 18... I'm a senior and you're a junior"


"So... this is so wrong"

"No no no, don't you dare James Diamond" He said as he placed both his hands on the side of my face, bringing our faces so close they were mere inches apart.

"When you kissed me, did it feel like you were kissing someone who is "so young"? When we talked at dinner, completely and utterly baring our souls to one another; did it seem like you were talking to a child?"

"No" I sighed.

"Exactly. So shut the fuck up and come on" He said, quickly closing the gap between our lips before pulling away.

I was silently dreading seeing Dr. Mitchell again, especially since it wouldn't take much for him to put two and two together when he saw Kendall and I. Hopefully he wouldn't want to have another little chat, or worse still; tell me to leave.

I followed Kendall quietly through the enormous house, trying to distract myself with how awesome it was. However no amount of fancy leather couches, stunning pieces of art work or shiny marble floors could distract me from the nerves that were festering in the pit of my stomach. Sure, I was nervous to face Kendall's parents, but I was also slightly nervous as to what Kendall and I were about to do. It's not that I have any lack of experience when it comes to the bedroom, it's just that's with girls... with a guy I really had no clue what I would be doing.

Kendall released my hand with one final squeeze as we rounded the large hallway into an incredibly, open, beautiful living room.

"Hey Mum, Dad" Kendall said, drawing the twos attention away from the large plasma screen on the wall.

"Oh hi honey" Said the woman, who I naturally assumed was Mrs. Knight, or Mrs Mitchell I suppose.

I was right in my suspicions, she was extremely attractive. She had long, thick auburn hair which framed her gorgeous pale skin beautifully. I saw Kendall's eyes mirrored in her own, not only in colour but in warmth and kindness. She gave me a dazzling smile, revealing pearly white teeth that lit up like the sun. Doctor Mitchell was a very lucky man.

"Who's this?" She asked kindly, standing and walking over to where we stood.

"Hi, I'm James Diamond, it's lovely to meet you Mrs Mitchell" I said with what I hopped was an equally as dazzling smile on my face.

"It's Jennifer" She replied with a loving smile, hugging me quickly and kissing me on the cheek.

Yep it was official, I loved Kendall's family.

"This is my husband, Logan" She said, gesturing to him to stand and join us.

"I know, I mean um he's my doctor" I said awkwardly.

"Oh well isn't that funny!" She chimed, putting her arm around Logan's waist.

Logan didn't exactly look unapprovingly of me being there, more confused I guessed.

"Now I take it this is the guy who was good enough that you would skip family dinner?" Jennifer said with a laugh, turning to face her son "How come we've never met before?"

"James is a senior; he's the hockey captain at Breck" Kendall replied with a sheepish grin.

"Oh I know" Jennifer said smiling "How many games have you dragged us to Kendall? Millions?"

She had Kendall blushing at that, it was cute.

"Um but yeah he was at Dad's surgery this afternoon and we met and got along instantly, kind of helps when you both love hockey"

"Well it's always nice to make new friends! Are you hanging out here for a bit James?" She asked me.

I had no idea how to respond; luckily Kendall jumped in and saved me.

"Yeah, if that's ok? I promise it won't be too late, seeing as school is tomorrow and what not"

"Of course it's fine sweetie. I might not still be up when you leave James, I have surgery early tomorrow morning, so if I don't see you it was lovely to meet you and hopefully you'll be over more"

"I hope so too" I said with a smile, meaning I wanted to see her again but also meaning I wanted to be here with Kendall... like a lot.

"Well have fun, and James?" Said Logan, and causing my heart to start pounding out of my chest.

"Yes?" I said nervously.

"Remember to be careful with that rib"

Yeah he knew, there was no denying the double meaning behind his words.

"I will, thanks" I mumbled, now wishing I was anywhere but this room.

"Ok, well night!" Kendall said, grabbing my elbow and dragging me out of the room, leaving Jennifer smiling happily at me and Logan sighing softly.

"He knows" I mumbled to Kendall as I followed him up the large marble staircase to the second floor.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on Kendall! "Be care with that rib" he knows what we're going to do in your room"

"As long as he doesn't stop us, it's all good" Kendall said with a smile, finally stopping outside one of the many doors on the upper floor.

His bedroom was a typical teenage boys bedroom. Clothes all over the floor, posters of bands and hockey players scattering the walls and a large TV on the wall which was above a shelf containing what looked like 100's of DVDs and Video Games. I also noticed he had Guitar Hero set up in the corner, alongside a real guitar; I was so going to challenge him to a game at some point, James Diamond is the king of Guitar Hero.

Before I had much more time to look around his room however I found myself getting shoved rather aggressively up against the door Kendall had just shut.

"Rib!" I yelped quickly before he kissed me, very much aware of the sharp pain radiating through my chest.

"I'm so sorry I forgot" He said frantically, eyes clouded with concern.

"It's fine" I said smiling "Just go easy on me"

"Ok, but I'm not injured so you don't have to go easy on me"

"Damn you're sexy" I moaned, grabbing him by the buckle of his belt and pulling him towards me.

None of the previous fire or passion from our first kiss was lost as our lips connected once more and now especially that we were alone and there was a bed mere feet away it made things a whole lot better.

"Hey Kendall?" I asked as I now began to undo the belt on his jeans.

"Yeah?" He breathed as he started to practically suck on my neck, surely to leave a nice bruise in the morning, marking me his.

"Have you ever, like, done anything with a guy before?"

"No, have you?"


At least we were in agreement on that, which made me feel slightly better. We could explore this new, wonderful world together.

We had now moved over to his bed, both of us extremely eager for what was to come and the clothes couldn't be flying off fast enough. Kendall was straddling me, but being careful to not be too forceful... damn my stupid rib. After ripping off my shirt he paused slightly when he saw my bruised rib cage, but then he leaned down and began to softly place light, butterfly kissed across the worst spots. This much sweetness was almost becoming too much.

"I love you" I blurted out.

Crap... what are you doing James Diamond?

It was way too soon to be saying something like that, but I just couldn't help it. No one had ever made me feel like Kendall did. Damn him.

"I guess I love you too" He sighed.

"...You guess?"

"Well you know I'm just so young! How can a 16 year old love?" He said with a big dramatic sigh.

I pushed him off me and flipped him over so I was the one now in control.

"You're such an ass" I chuckled, bringing my mouth down on his.

It was perfect, words can't even describe. At first it was slow, and slightly painful, well more so for him, I guess it was painful for me because of my rib, but it was easy to ignore. As I looked into his eyes I knew he trusted me with everything he was and that was all it took to send my heart into overdrive.

I'd had sex with quite a few girls, and since dating Sarah sex was a weekly thing in my life, but this was so different. Not only was it full of love and trust, it was also highly fuelled with such a raw passion and incredible... what's the right word to describe it... it was fucking hot. Just thinking about it again now, his rock hard torso glistening with sweat, the feel of his abs against my palm, his length against my hand... how tight he was around my...yeah it was enough to have me feeling all hot and bothered.

We lay together for awhile afterwards, not talking much, just enjoying each other's company and the feel of his heavy breaths against my chest as I cradled him in my arms.

"I don't want to go" I whispered into the crook of his neck.

"Then don't" He replied, pulling me closer to his body.

"I don't think your parents would like it too much if I stayed over"

"I'm sure it will be fine, I have guy friends stay over all the time"

"Oh do you now?"

"Shut up" He chuckled, turning his head to kiss me softly. "But yes you should stay; I don't think I ever want to leave your arms"

"And I never want to let you go"

"Good, were in agreement"

I couldn't help but smile against his back.

"How did this is even happen?" I mused.

"What do you mean?"

"It all went so fast. I went to your Dad for a simple doctor's appointment, met you; cute, embarrassed, shy you, and now here we are?"

"I know, it's crazy. I feel closer to you than I have to anyone my entire life, and yet at the same time I barely know you"

"Mmm. Maybe we should have taken it slower" I said with a chuckle.

"No way, this is fine" He replied with the same sense of humour.

"Can I ask you a favour though?"


I felt like a bastard for what I was about to ask him, I just hoped he would feel the same way.

"Can we not tell anyone?"

I braced myself for his response, would he hate me? I don't think I could deal with that.

"I understand. As I said at dinner, I don't expect anything from you." There was slight bitterness in his voice which stung a little bit.

"You do understand though don't you? You know how hard it would be at school if people found out about us? The rumours, the bullying, the slander... it would be horrendous. I don't think we could handle it"

"I could handle it. I just don't think you could"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just that I fly under the radar, my friends support me and would be happy whatever I do. But you? Yeah you're in the public eye too much. James Diamond fucking the 16 year old hockey captain? Doesn't sound good does it"

"I know you're right, I'm not going to argue with you" I said with a large sigh "But, would it be too much to ask... well would I be asking too much if I said I didn't want this to stop? I still want to see you"

"Same. But it's going to be hard."


"Well firstly, if you're just going to ignore me at school then booty call me at night I think that might kill me. And what will equally kill me is seeing you make out with Sarah in front of my face. You realise you've cheated on her, right?"

"Yeah I hadn't forgotten that." I said with a groan.

I felt bad, honestly I did, but not bad enough it would make me regret what I had found with Kendall.


"So what?"

"Ugh James, so how are we going to make this work?"

"Well, firstly I'm not going to ignore you at school, I promise. And secondly, Sarah's a bitch, so I'll dump her"


"Yeah, really. Even if we're a secret I don't want to be with anyone else. As far as I'm concerned, I'm off the market... and so are you"

"Ha, you think the ladies are lining up to date Kendall Knight?"

"Seriously? Yes. Why wouldn't they be?"

"I don't know... I guess it's just I've never really noticed girls. I have a lot of girl friends, as in friends that are girls, and I've dated here and there but nothing that has ever stuck you know?"

"I can't believe you've never thought you were gay" I chuckled, placing a kiss between his shoulder blades.

"And I can't believe how in the closet you are!" He replied.

"It's true. I guess I've been hiding from it for awhile now. I was thinking this earlier today actually, I've always appreciated other guy's looks, like understood how a guy is attractive but I've never wanted to act on it, not until I met you... Or well..."

"What?" he asked suddenly "Who else made you realise?"

"Don't punch me"

"I won't"

"You will"

"You're so infuriating, who was it? Someone at school?"

"Not exactly..."


"Fine! It... It was your Dad"

Yeah... I didn't think he would have much of a response to that. In fact I was pretty sure he'd hit me, I would hit me.

"So... you want to have sex with my Dad?" He said slowly.

"No! No it's not that, he just sort of opened my eyes to the possibilities... you're Dad's pretty hot"

"And you're pretty disgusting!"

"Oh come on! Surely it must be fate or something. I usually go to a different Doctor but it was such a last minute appointment he was booked, so Mum said "Open the phone book and just pick one"' – my finger landed on Dr. Logan Mitchell... and here we are. Someone in the universe was obviously intending for us to meet and also opening my eyes to my love of guys, in preparation for you"

"My goodness James, that has to be the gayest thing I've ever heard"

"Seriously? You're telling me, that you don't think we were meant to meet each other today? I could have gone to any doctor but I chose your Dad?"

"You know, we probably would have met at some point, we do both play hockey at the same school"

"Shut up. You're ruining my amazing moment of fate I've discovered"

"Did I say before that I loved you?" He said with a chuckle turning his body around so we were now facing each other, legs intertwined and faces mere inches apart.

"I think you did. Did I say I loved you too?"

"I might need to hear it again"

"Kendall Knight" I said, placing a kiss to his forehead.

"I" Nose.

"Love" Cheek.

"You" Lips.

What turned into a light kiss became increasingly deeper with each passing second, I knew if I didn't stop now I never would.

"I really should go" I said regrettably, pulling away.

"Fine" He said with an exasperated sigh.

Getting my clothes back on probably took longer than it normal would; especially seeing as every time I put another item of clothing back on Kendall would pout so naturally I would have to give him a kiss to soothe his soul.

Seeing as it was pretty late I didn't want him to worry about having to get his clothes back on to show me out, although any extra minute I got with him would've been amazing.

"Now, remember, what are you going to do tomorrow?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist as I stood in front of his bedroom door.

"I'm going to pick you up and take you to school, probably also squeezing in a quick hand job in the parking lot, because you're a horn dog."


"And I'm not going to ignore you once we're at school, in fact I will sit with you and your buddy Carlos at lunch."

"Really? Awesome. And one more thing?"

"I'm going to break up with Sarah"

"Good" he said smiling, rising slightly on his toes so he could kiss me gently.

"I'm so happy I broke my rib Kendall"

"Me too, in a weird way"

"Love you"

"I love you too, now get out of here" He said, with one last quick, but passionate kiss.

It was past midnight by the time I stepped out of Kendall's room, so much for his promises of not staying up too late. I was really wishing that both his parents had gone to sleep, I really wouldn't be able to face one of them now, especially with my hair all messed up and what was probably a handful of hickeys across my neck. However, it seemed I wasn't going to be so lucky.

"James?" Came the voice of Logan.

Damn it. I was so close to the front door.

He came out of what I assumed was his study, looking me up and down and quickly figuring out the whole situation in front of him.

"Bit late isn't it?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Um yeah sorry, we were just um"

He simply raised a hand to silence me "It's fine James. I know what you were doing and it's ok."


"Yes and no. All I want is for Kendall to be happy, and I'm not prejudice as to who can provide that for him. And that's exactly why I say this next point; please don't break his heart"

"I won't" I replied, no lie in my words.

"You'll soon learn that Kendall doesn't do anything half assed, he throws everything he has to give in to something. Especially when it comes to love. He will give his whole heart to you; he's an incredible human being"

"I know" I said, with what probably looked like a big stupid grin on my face.

"This is just so unbelievable. How did this even happen?"

"I guess... well I guess when love is meant to happen it just happens"

"That's true. Love is a very complicated thing, yet when it's there, it makes everything so simple"

"I hope so"

"And so do I. Just please James, don't break his heart"

"I promise"

"Thank you. I guess I'll be seeing you a lot more then?"

"Hopefully. Good night Mr. Mitchell"

"It's Logan, remember?"

And with one last smile I was gone.