Chapter 7: Decisions

"What's with you today, Ice Shit?" Natsu narrowed his eyes at the said person.

"Not in the mood, Pinky." He grumbled, while his hand balled into a fist.

"Oh really now, don't tell me you finally accepted that I'm-"

"I said shut it!" He shouted as loud as he could, making Natsu startled. Levy, who was watching behind the scenes, came up to him with a sad and disappointed look.

"G-Gray…" She mumbled nervously.

"What is it Levy?!" His eyes never left the other boy as he asked the blue haired girl.

"It's…about Lu-chan, isn't it?" Upon hearing her statement, Gray widened his eyes in silence. "You found out, right?"

"Levy, you also…knew?" He asked with an unbelieving look.

Normal POV

"…Apparently," A nervous look appeared on Levy's face.

"…" Gray unknowingly gave an exasperated sigh. "Levy, why didn't she tell me?" The frown on his face grew bigger.

"I'm sorry but, I don't know either," The petite girl replied. "Although I do have this-" She took out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to the raven head. Written in the paper was a phone number with a certain name on the side…

xx-xxx-xxx Lucy

"This is…"

"Lu-chan changed her number because she knew you'd eventually call her." Levy said. "She gave me this but-"

Unfortunately, before Levy could finish her statement, their homeroom teacher entered the classroom and started their daily lectures.

Gray was having a hard time trying to listen throughout the whole lesson. He was too busy thinking about Lucy to even focus on what the homeroom teacher was talking about.

'Did I do something to offend her?!' Gray kept thinking of many possibilities. "No—Lucy isn't one to get mad that easily…" His finger kept tapping on the wooden desk.

'I need to clear my mind a bit…' He sighed, a scowl on his features. This caught the attention of the teacher…

"Fullbuster, is there something the matter?" He questioned as he laid the chalk down the table.

"Sensei…" He slowly stood up from his chair, surprising the others. "I need to go out for awhile…" With that said, he took off and ran out of the class room with an unbelievable look from the teacher.

'I need to know…why she…' He kept running and running until his feet stopped in front of a tall tree—the same old tree where he and Lucy always ate their lunch.

Gray took out his phone and, the piece of paper from his pocket that he slipped in minutes ago. His dark eyes scanned the hand-written numbers on the paper while punching them on his phone. It took about three rings for the call to get answered, and Lucy's voice was heard.

"Levy-chan? Don't you have classes at this-"

"Lucy!" The loud tone startled the person , knowing that the owner of the voice was…

"G-Gray…? H-How did you…?"

"Why didn't you…tell me?" He asked, before leaning on the bark of the tree. "You told Levy, and even that bastard knew!"

"Levy's my best friend, and Natsu…only found out by chance-"

"I'm your boyfriend, Lucy…" A solemn look washed over Gray. He couldn't though of a reason why Lucy didn't tell him the truth.

"…I was appointed as the successor of my Father's business industry," The blond spoke in a minimized voice. "I plan to study here until I graduate. I'm sorry but…I'm breaking it off…"


"I'm breaking it off, Gray…our relationship," She stated. "You're a very nice person, anyone would want to be with you but you have a life to live, I can't burden you more-"

"When have you burdened me?!" Gray finally snapped. He couldn't get why she suddenly wanted to break up when days ago, they were happy with everything. "Don't decide everything on your own…!"

"I'm…sorry," Lucy whispered over the phone.

"…" Gray stood silent for awhile before another exasperated sigh left his lips. "If you really want to break up that much then fine…"


"I don't think I can handle a relationship like this, anyways." He said. "…Goodbye, Lucy," His thumb pushed a button as their conversation ended. Gray slumped down the tree, throwing his phone beside. He couldn't care less now that it was like this.

"Damn it!" His hands gripped on the grass, almost pulling it from the soil.

Meanwhile at Crocus…

"If you really want to break up that much then fine…"

Lucy sat beside her bed as Gray's words kept repeating over and over. But unfortunately, it really was her fault to begin with.

"I don't think I can handle a relationship like this, anyways."

She took out her phone and examined the wallpaper. It was a picture of both of them wearing costumes at the school festival. The two of them were very over-rejoiced that day, not to mention the silly banters that ensued too.

Suddenly the door to her room creaked open, it was Lucy's Mother, Layla, who had a sympathetic look on her face.

"Lucy, I'm so sorry…" The woman took a few steps near her daughter before giving her a loving hug.

"I'm alright, Mother." Lucy tried to convince her companion but, the tone in her voice gave her reasoning away.

"No, you're not…" Layla patted the other blond's back. "You're already breaking inside, let it all out…"

The tears finally went out, streaking down to her cheeks. Her cries became louder and louder while her Mother could only do what was best. Lucy couldn't just believe what just happened. But, one statement seemed to have hurt her the most…

"…Goodbye, Lucy,"

Dame's Notes:

Oooh...the ending is near~

By the way, thank you to the ones who reviewed the previous chapter!

And, please do review...!