A/N: On My Way To School xD But I HAD To Write This Story Or Else It Would Have Killed Me! I'm Typing And Trying To Fix My Hair At The Same Time! haha Just A Short And Cute Kenlos.

When Carlos was little, he had to stand on his tiptoes to reach the cookies on top of the counter . He would bite his tongue in concentration, trying to reach far enough but when his fingers grasped on to the sides, the jar always slipped and would move back a little more. Carlos would pout and whine, because no one was home to help him . Then he smiled when he remembered Kendall only lived next door. So, Carlos would run next door and ask for Kendalls help. The blonde boy would always smile and nod going over to help the shorter latino friend . Kendall easily reached the jar for Carlos . Then, they would sit on the floor laughing and eating cookies . Even though inside, Carlos wished he could be tall enough.

When Carlos was in middle school, he had to stand on his tiptoes to reach his books on the top shelf of his locker. He reached and reached but could never reach far enough. He would sigh and grab the rest of the things he needed. Then, he would smile when Kendall walked around the corner and came up to his locker. Carlos would give him a pleading look that Kendall would always shake his head and smile at. Reaching up Kendall would hand Carlos his books . Carlos would smile and thank him. Even though inside, Carlos wished he could be tall enough.

When Carlos was in high school, he had to stand on his tiptoes to kiss his boyfriend . Kendall was still taller than . And Carlos was still to short. But for now in this moment where his lips met his boyfriends, Carlos knew he was the perfect height . He never really had to stand on his tiptoes anymore to kiss Kendall. Kendall had to bend down to kiss him . And the only thing Carlos could do was smile at that. Payback was a bitch if you asked him. Even though deep down inside, Carlos knew he would be the perfect height for something. So if Carlos had to stand on his tiptoes to kiss Kendall, he had no problem doing that.

A/N DONE. And Yeah /: I Know Its Kinda Crappy And Short . Reviews ? Now...im off to school! lol.