Summary: Sasagawa Shun has an assignment for class in which he has to exchange emails with an alumnus of Nami-chuu. When he finds out that his new pen pal is a mafia boss, he's intrigued; when he finds out how he was betrayed by his wife, he sympathizes; when he finds out the man is his father, his whole world is turned upside down. Three-shot.
SkyGem: I know, you guys don't like Kyoko and yeah, this will be a bit OOC on her part (which of my fics aren't at least a little OOC?), but she's the only person I could think of that would work for this. I hope you enjoy, ne?
Disclaimer: I don't own KHR.
"Tadaima!" called Sasagawa Shunpei as he slipped off his shoes.
"Ojamashimasu!" was what his best friend, Kaoru Kukai, said.
Moments later, Shun's mother, Sasagawa Kyoko, came in, drying her hands on a towel, a sweet smile on her face.
"Okaeri," she said, and just like every time, Kukai was shocked at how his best friend's face changed as he returned his mother's smile. The delinquent's normally emotionless face softened with a smile almost as beautiful as his mother's, and his eyes danced with loved and kindness instead of cold uncaring.
"Why don't you two boys go on upstairs, ne? I'll bring snacks up for you in a few minutes!" the Sasagawa matriarch told them kindly, and Shun nodded once before turning to head up to his room.
Upon getting there, Shun threw himself down in front of his desktop, turning it on, and Kukai slipped out his laptop, his previously content mood now distinctly disgruntled.
"I don't know why we have to do this stupid assignment. I mean, who cares about a bunch of old guys that used to go to our school more than twenty years ago?"
Shun, who was reading his assignment over again, looked up at his friend for a second to say, "Urusai."
The boy immediately shut up, albeit with a slight glare, and Shun turned his eyes back to his assignment sheet.
Objective: You are to exchange a minimum of 5 emails with the alumnus assigned to you regarding how Namimori was like when they still went to school here and write a five paragraph essay on the changes and how their schooling helped them get to where they are now.
- Do not exchange full names during this assignment; this is supposed to remain anonymous. Whether you do so after the assignment is your choice.
- You may choose to focus either on the academic or personal aspect of their school life depending on what they feel inclined to share with you.
- These people are your elders, so show them some respect, and don't expect them to answer immediately; they have families and lives of their own.
- If there are any disagreements or difficulties, talk to your teacher immediately and they will sort it out as best they can.
Due Date: [Some random date]
Email address: tunafish27 *
Letting out a snort of laughter at the ridiculous email address, Shun turned back to his desktop to begin composing his email.
From: ssshun33
To: tunafish27
Subject: School assignment
Konnichiwa Alumnus-san. My name is Shun and I'm currently a second year student at Namimori-chuu. You probably already know the purpose of this assignment, so I won't explain it to you, but I was wondering whether you would be comfortable telling me about the personal aspect of your school life? Please reply as soon as possible. Arigatou gozaimasu!
Shun reread the email again and, seeing that there were no mistakes, was about to send it when there was a snort of laughter from behind him.
Turning around to glare at his best friend, who had come to stand behind him and read the email over his shoulder, he asked, "What's so funny?"
Kukai just laughed again, asking, "And since when have you been so polite, mister 'I'm-so-dangerous-everyone-in-the-school-is-terrified-of-me'?"
"Urusai!" repeated Shun, annoyed. "This guy has our sensei's contact information and can tell her about it if I do anything out of line. Anyways, my okaa-san has raised me to respect my elders, which, unfortunately, can't be said for some people in this room!"
Kukai merely laughed at this and ruffled his much taller friend's hair, saying, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. It's still weird, though."
And at just that moment, the door opened to let in Kyoko with a tray of sweets and two cups of tea.
Immediately, Kukai's face lit up with glee and he went over to where Kyoko had placed the tray and practically attacked it before saying with his cheeks full, "Arigatou, Sasagawa-san!"
"No problem, sweetheart. Call me if you two need more, ne?"
And with that, she was gone.
Shaking his head in amusement at his friend's gluttony, Shun went over to get his cup of tea, but ignored the sweets; he'd never really liked sweet stuff.
As he went to sit back in front of his computer, ready to move on to more interesting stuff now that his homework, the teen was surprised to see that in the ten minutes since he'd sent the email, he'd already gotten a reply.
Ignoring Kukai, he opened the email, slightly curious as to what this person was like.
From: tunafish27
To: ssshun33
Subject: RE: School assignment
Hello there, Shun-kun. I know I'm probably old enough to be your father, but you don't need to be so formal. You can just call me Tsuna, and I went to Nami-chuu around…twenty-two years ago. I know, shocking isn't, it? I'm so old! But anyways, before we get started, you should know that I live in Italy, and we're seven hours behind Japan, so anything sent before two o'clock your time will have to wait to be answered. Sometime after your school day is probably the best, because that's when I'll be working at my computer and will be able to reply the fastest.
Now, on to the more important stuff. Yes, I'm completely fine with telling you about my personal experience at that school; ask me any questions you want, and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities. Ciao, my new amico.
Kukai, who had come finally finished devouring all the sweets, came up behind Shun to see what he was staring at.
Once reading the whole email over, Kukai whined, "Aww, that's not fair! Why do you get someone cool who lives in Italy? He probably has loads of cool stuff to tell you!"
Shun just smirked at his friend and turned back to start composing a reply; he felt that he'd really like this guy.
From: ssshun33
Subject: RE: School assignment
Arigatou, Tsuna-san, for agreeing to tell me about your personal life, and for replying so quickly. For my essay, I plan on focusing on the disciplinary committee, how the teachers treated the students, and what the sports teams were like, so would you mind telling me anything you know about those three things? Arigatou again. Ja ne.
Kukai stared incredulously, asking, "The disciplinary committee? That useless thing? Why would you want to know about that?"
Shun just smirked as he leaned back in his chair, saying, "I'd heard a rumor that it was completely different in my mom's time, but she refuses to tell me anything about it. Now we get to see if that rumor is true."
* I didn't put the [at] part because otherwise it wouldn't show, so just imagine that part for yourself.
SkyGem: Well, that's the first chapter. I know I shouldn't be starting a new fic, but this will definitely be a short one, okay? Two or three more chapters, probably done within the next two weeks. I promise. And the next chapter will be an extra long one (hopefully). Anyways, let me know what you thought, ne? Ciao!