Final Chapter

The late night air filled their lungs and the luminescing city lights flared as they hailed the first taxi they could find, rushing in both boys fought the urge to touch each other too much while in the backseat, the alcohol coursing through their veins. Exhilaration, excitement, anticipation swept through them both as their hearts pounded wildly in their chests and finally, after what felt like an eternity of finding it in their drunken state, they stumbled into their room, ignoring the stares and murmurs of others around them and almost forgetting to shut the door, their heated bodies pressed against one another in a desperate attempt to take in as much of each other as humanly possible. Ian was slowly leading them to the direction of his bed while passionately kissing his longtime best friend when a voice in his head forced him to acknowledge what he had been trying his damn well hardest to ignore.

iHe's using you.

He doesn't love you.

He said so himself/i.

Ian suddenly forced himself out of the kiss, still gripping onto Anthony's shoulders, only his trembling gaze was now to the ground.

"Ian? Ian… what's wrong?" Anthony asked. He worriedly tried to look in his eyes but the shorter man's fringe made it impossible to see his soft blue eyes.

"I-I can't, Anthony." He forced himself to tear away from his warm grasp, feeling the cold air of the room surround him, making him feel alone.

Anthony stood with his arms slowly falling, reeling from the loss of Ian's warm body to feel, his mind trying to comprehend why he suddenly so blatantly rejected him.

"But… but why, Ian? I thought you wanted this."

Ian tried to blink back the tears forming in his eyes.

"Because… it doesn't mean anything to you Anthony, when you know it means a lot more to me," Ian heatedly replied back. He could feel himself tremble, but the poor boy tried his hardest to hold his ground.

The look of hurt on Anthony's face was imminent, as he thought back to the scene from the restaurant and remembered his own words of rejection. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted Ian, despite his previous words.

"I'm not letting you use me while you wait out for your next girlfriend. I'm sorry Anthony." Ian was fighting through tears to get the words out, knowing he had to stop this before it escalated into something that would just end up hurting him, but it was difficult when he wanted Anthony this badly.

"Ian…" Anthony tried to move closer but stumbled slightly. He tried placing his fingers under Ian's chin to lift his head to his, but Ian quickly turned his back to him, a small whimper escaping him as he did so.

iIt's for the best.

Maybe he's right and we're better off as just friends

This is for the best./i

But before his mind could try to win him over anymore with what he didn't want to hear, he heard Anthony sniffling behind him and stopped. Ian turned to see an anguished look of guilt on Anthony's face.

"Ian. I-I don't know why I said those things," Anthony whispered softly. "I think I was just… afraid."

"Afraid of what, Anthony?" Ian blurted, trying to hold up his side of the argument but he just couldn't hide the small crack in his voice.

"Afraid of… fuck, I dunno, I guess realizing something I thought for a long time I wasn't." He sighed heavily. "What I'm trying to say is…" Anthony was at a loss for words, but to Ian the look in his deep auburn eyes spoke louder than his actions.

"You're gay?" Ian asked.

"No!" Anthony furiously answered back, almost too quickly. Then blushed.

"I mean… I-l think I am. I mean, I like you an' all, I think. I mean… fuck, man I more than like you. I guess what I'm trying to say is…I love you, Ian. I fucking love you, dude!"

Ian smiled at Anthony's stutteringly drunk confession.

"So does this mean then…?"

Anthony looked at him, apologetically. "I guess it means I was a dumbass and should have taken your feelings into consideration for once," he laughed. "I'm sorry Ian. Can you ever forgive me?" Anthony lightly nudged his shoulder in a teasingly adorable way.

"Hmm, I dunno…" Ian answered with a sly smile.

"Come on, dude," He whined, grabbing his arms and pulling him nearer.


His body moved closer, their lips inching closer. Anthony ran a hand over the shorter boy's brown hair, caressing him, forcing his lips to curve into a smile.

"Hm?" Anthony breathed seductively on his lips before they lightly brushed.

Ian playfully shrugged, no longer able to resist. "Okay." He felt Anthony press against his bottom lip before planting another kiss on his lips, wrapping an arm around his waist and one around the crook of his neck.

"So then this means we're boyfriend and…boyfriend? Wow, that sounds really cheesy," Anthony laughed.

"Naw, we're just a couple of bro's, y'know, who happen to be in love," Ian joked in a casual tone before snickering.

"Ah-ha! So you do love me too?" Anthony grinned.

"What's there not to love? Your sexy smile, your cute laugh, your…" Anthony was smiling skeptically at him. "Ha ha ha! Okay dude, I'll cut the crap! Anthony you're a fucking sex god and I wanna rip off your clothes and fuck you so hard you scream and beg for more. Better?"

Anthony laughed. "Much. You know," he purred with a glint in his eye, "We never did get to finish what we started last night."

"You're right," Ian smirked. He pulled him into another kiss, this one gentle enough to melt away any of the remaining tension. Anthony moaned, slipping his tongue into Ian's mouth, tasting him, while running his hands over his shirt. He pulled out of the kiss, sucking gently on his bottom lip lightly before breaking away and began planting smaller kisses on his neck and collarbone.

"I can't believe we waited this long to do this," he breathed hotly as he nipped gently against his skin.

Ian nodded absently, completely absorbed in the feeling of Anthony overwhelming his senses. "A-Anthony…" he trailed off.

"Mmmm?" the taller boy asked in between kisses.

"I… I really do wanna have sex this time, I mean, like… you know how…"

"You mean in the ass?" Anthony finished, meeting his eyes.

"To put it bluntly, yeah," Ian laughed a little. He felt a little nervous as Anthony smiled devilishly in his eyes.

"Okay. So… do you wanna get fucked or do you want me to fuck you?"

It was a question Ian though about since the very beginning. He was sure Anthony would want to be on top, but then again, he also wanted it. He didn't even know how gay couples established who got what role in the first place, since he never had to deal with it before.

"Ian, I think you should fuck me," Anthony finally said after seeing the conflicted look on his face. "I-I've always wanted to know… what it's like to be fucked… by you," he mumbled the last part shyly.

Ian was surprised. Very surprised.

"How long have you wanted to be with me? I mean, physically" Ian couldn't help but ask.

Anthony's cheeks blushed furiously and he laughed nervously.

"You mean how long have I been in denial, but just kept fantasizing about you?" He joked. " I-I don't… ha ha, do I honestly have to answer that?" he chuckled shyly, avoiding his eyes.

"Yes, 'cause now you got me all interested," Ian grinned.

Anthony laughed again. "Aaah Jesus. Honestly, um… about three… three years, maybe longer." He looked up to see Ian's reaction. Ian was still smiling.

"Yep, we're done here! Bye!" Ian said, slipping out of his grasp and pretending to walk away.

"No! Don't leave me! Come back!" Anthony whined, grabbing his arm.

"No way, you friggin' perv!" he laughed. Anthony pulled him onto the bed and started kissing him again. Ian kicked off his shoes and removed his belt while Anthony unbuttoned his shirt. "You know that shirt's way too tight on you don't you?" Ian smirked.

"Oh, you fucking love it," Anthony grinned as he pulled it off completely and went in for another kiss. Ian got his shirt off just as Anthony moved above him, the growing erection in his pants pressing against his, the friction causing him to moan slightly. "You like that too?" Anthony purred.

"Fuck yes I do," Ian breathed hotly. "Let's get rid of these, like NOW." Ian began to unzip Anthony's jeans then left him to finish the rest while he removed his own. Anthony looked Ian's fully fledged nude body up and down, unable to tear his eyes away. "What?" Ian asked, suddenly feeling his face flush red.

"Nothing. I just… never took the time to actually… admire you this close."

Ian's cheeks grew even more heated. "S-shut up dude. We both know I'm not as sexy as you are," he blushed, feeling his confidence dwindle.

"No," Anthony whispered, leaning in to kiss him gently. "You're sexier." He began working his way down, his tongue going over his neck, down to his chest and soft belly, where he began nimbly working his lips on his stomach, leaving a hickey. "Something to remind you tomorrow," he gently growled.

"What makes you think I'll forget, douche?" Ian whispered, voice soft with affection.

"Probably not this!" He exclaimed all of a sudden, wrapping his mouth over Ian's cock.

"Whoa-ly shit!" Ian gasped out loud in surprise. "Oh God, oh fuck Anthony! I did not exp…! Oh!"

Anthony couldn't help but laugh at Ian's sudden reaction while his mouth was still on Ian's erection, which only made Ian moan at the pleasurable vibrations he felt coursing within him. Anthony licked up and around the shaft, feeling the younger man below him involuntarily twitch as he grabbed hold of his shoulder. Ian let a hand run through Anthony's hair, gripping and guiding his movements. Anthony tasted a slight amount of precum as gently sucked the tip and he knew it was time. Ian's breathing was staggered and he watched Anthony get up to kiss him momentarily. Ian knew he was ready.

"I'll be right back, Ant," he flashed a smile and a quick peck as he raced off the bed and into his suitcase to grab his bottle of lube and a condom. His heart was pounding, the exhilarating feeling pumped through him along with the remaining alcohol as he raced back to the bed with a glimmering smile. He found Anthony already touching himself.

"I'm sorry… I couldn't help it," he said through hitched breaths. Ian placed his hand over his busy one and slowed to a halt. "Why does everything you do make me so fucking horny?" Ian murmured in a low growl, suddenly more turned on now than ever. He started moving his hand up and down Anthony's shaft, bringing Anthony to a whole new level of bliss better than anything his right hand could ever provide. Anthony was gasping Ian's name, one hand clutching the pillow, the other on Ian's bare sweat-beaded back, pulling him into fast paced, hungry kisses that he desperately craved like the hot humid air they were now breathing.

Ian felt a fire burning inside him, burning with lust and desire, but he knew what needed to be done. He withdrew from his boyfriend's reach, feeling a twinge of guilt at the disappointed whimper, to rip open the condom wrapper and roll it over his own eager cock. He emptied a bit of lube from the bottle onto his fingertips.

"H-hold still. I've never done anal, not even with a chick, but I'm pretty sure you're just supposed to relax your muscles though," Ian suggested nervously. Anthony breathed an acknowledging reply, nodding his head and lying back against the cool sheets and pillows. "You'll tell me if it hurts, okay Ant?"

"Yeah," he breathed. "Ian…" He looked up at him, slightly worried. Ian realized just how vulnerable and scared Anthony really was and placed a reassuring hand on his leg. "I-I'm nervous, dude…" Anthony admitted in a soft whimper.

"I promise I'll try to be gentle, okay? I promise Anthony." He slowly slid a glossy finger inside him, moving it around slightly. Anthony gasped at the strange sensation. Never before had he felt something… so intrusive, so invasive in an otherwise exit-only area. He felt his face burn with shame as doubt began clouding his mind. "Ian… I don't think I wanna do this anymore…" he whispered. "Please…" Anthony felt tears beginning to form around his eyes.

"It's okay, babe, just relax." Ian hadn't realized the pet name until it slipped out, but he was willing to do anything to get Anthony to relax. With his other hand he started touching Anthony, steadily gliding his fingertips over his tip and around the sides of his shaft. He knew Anthony was becoming much calmer with his soothing touch and he smiled. Ian slowly slid in another finger in and this time the auburn eyed boy didn't flinch, much to his relief. He started scissoring his fingers, stretching the entrance.

"I've, uh… watched a little… gay porn before," Ian mumbled shyly as he worked his fingers inside him. Anthony saw his face flush with a rosy color and smiled. "Who doesn't from time to time?"

Ian smiled back. "Heh. I'm pretty sure some of our videos might count as softcore gay porn if you think about it," he joked.

"Funny how you seemed to be the one who wrote all the gay jokes in the scripts," Anthony eyed him suspiciously.

"And who added most of the groping and touching, hmm?" Ian smirked back while pulling out his fingers. He slathered some lube on his dick as well, and tossed the bottle aside.

"Okay, okay, so we're both guilty. Come on, Ian. My body is ready!"

Ian snickered slightly and aligned himself with his entrance. "Okay Anthony Danger Padilla. Here I go." He slowly started pressing into Anthony, the feeling, so much tighter than anything he'd ever experienced. Anthony squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth at the burningly tight sensation.

"Hrrng, fuck!" he panted.

"Are you okay? Should I stop?" Ian worriedly asked.

"No, don't worry about it. Keep going," Anthony gasped. He definitely felt a lot more pain than he was showing. Ian knew it, but he also knew Anthony didn't want to give up now.

Ian kept going until he was all the way in. "It's supposed to start feeling good soon, don't worry," Ian reassured him. He started pulling out and in slowly. "Fuck, you're so tight, Ant," Ian gasped. He had to admit it felt amazing. Much better than having sex with a girl.

Ian continued thrusting, the overwhelming feeling of pure ecstasy almost unbearable. He firmly grasped Anthony's leg with one hand and his cock with the other.

Anthony on the other hand wasn't having as good of a time as he thought it would be. He just felt a burning pain from within, only slightly relieved when Ian began stroking his cock. He was thankful for that at least. He noticed Ian looked like he was having an amazing time though as his eyes rolled back and his mouth hung open. "Oh… oh fuck Anthony, you're so fucking tight. It feels so nice…" he trailed off while his breathing became more hitched and erratic. Anthony began to feel some of the burning wear down to a dull sting as Ian thrust inside him and then something unexpected happened when Ian shifted one of his thrusts slightly: he cursed out loud, surprised and overcome with a huge wave of pleasure.

Ian was startled out of his trance and his eyes flew open. "Oh my God dude, Are you okay? I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" Ian stopped mid thrust and was panicking. "Fuck, I'm sorry," he whimpered, as tears began to form in his eyes.

"Ian it's okay! That just felt… really good. I was just surprised." Anthony tried to explain. "Keep going, please," he encouraged.

"Alright…" he replied, still slightly uneasy. Ian went quicker than before, this time keeping close watch at Anthony and making sure he was enjoying it too. He made sure to jerk him faster too, timing each stroke with every thrust. Anthony felt the knot in his stomach grow tighter with each thrust. The feeling was rising and beginning to overcome him and he wanted it desperately. He gripped Ian's slick messy hair tightly, panting and groaning loudly, and using all of his remaining strength to maintain some kind of composure, but at this point Anthony grunted one last time as he reached his limit.

"Ian I- I'm cumming, oh fuck." He arched up as he came all over Ian's hand and chest. Ian barely noticed, too intoxicated by his own oncoming orgasm, which was now at it's peak. He let go of Anthony's cock and grabbed hold of him, thrusting harder than before and hitting that sweet spot. Anthony screamed Ian's name out loud which was just the push he needed, to take him over the edge.

"Ahh! Oh God Anthony!" Ian clenched his teeth as he came, his trembling body glistening head to toe with a mixture of sweat and Anthony's cum. He stayed inside for a few more moments before pulling out and dropping beside his best friend. Both were gasping, both sweaty in the hot and humid room. Ian slid off the slick condom and tossed it in the waste basket. His bright blue eyes shimmered in the moonlight as they turned to the sight of soft, reflective pools of cocoa looking back at him. A smile grew wide on his face and they laughed together.

"You were right, Anthony," Ian broke in, eyes beaming contently in his direction.

"About what?" He asked.

"This was the craziest night of my life!"

Anthony pulled Ian in for a kiss, their lips never wanting to part with each other ever again.


"Come on, Anthony! Hurry up," Ian yelled into the other room. "I'm not waiting all day for you!"

"Alright, sheesh!" Anthony murmured as he walked into the living room. "This better be quick 'cause I'm trying to get our video uploaded on time! You know they hate waiting!" Ian was on his Mac, sitting on the sofa with a big grin on his face. He looked up at Anthony and patted the seat next to him which he gladly accepted and gave Ian a quick peck on the cheek.

"Well, what is it?" Anthony asked, his undying curiosity getting the better of him as he peered at the screen.

"The fans can wait for our regular video. This video's more important. Better get comfy!"

He hummed a happy tune and pressed the play button.

Anthony watched as the video played on the screen, only vaguely recognizing the old footage of the two. Suddenly after each clip played he began to recognize the footage. It was footage they had previously cut from old episodes of Lunchtime, Ian is Bored and their Smosh videos, only with a certain… theme, he noticed.

"Oh… my god," he raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "This is all the stuff we cut that made us seem like we were…"

"Uh-huh," Ian nodded with a smirk. His eyes went back to the screen as they watched the once unspoken footage they deemed too Ianthony for the fans to see over the years. Subtle hints, flirting, hugs, and one very special moment in particular.

Anthony's face grew red and he laughed as he watched their first kiss. It wasn't really a kiss per say, but just their lips crashing together accidentally during an old episode taping of Lunchtime back in 2010. Somehow they had both turned while Ian was holding the camera on himself and their mouths somehow found each other, pressing together for a few brief seconds, then both blushed furiously with fumbled apologies and stuttered vows to cut and delete the footage.

"Holy crap Ian! I thought we deleted that!" Anthony laughed, grateful now that Ian didn't live up to his word.

"You know I never delete footage, no matter how much we tape," Ian said proudly. "I just end up buying more drive-space for it!"

Anthony smiled at his boyfriend and kissed him deeply.

"How long did this take you, Ian?" He had to ask after they pulled away.

"Ugh!" Ian exclaimed, "With all the regular editing, plus filming and traveling we've done, I'd say… about three… three months, maybe longer," he winked and Anthony chuckled. He then sighed happily as they snuggled into each other's arms to watch the rest of the awkwardly cute incidents in the video.



"Why did you have all those pictures of me saved on your computer, anyway?" Ian asked, nudging him. Anthony sighed affectionately and gazed into his beautifully light sapphire blue eyes.

"Because I needed a reminder every time I was feeling alone, that you would always be there."

The End