My second fanfic ever o_o My first is called 'Hate Turns to Love' for Shugo Chara… so if you're a fan of that anime, I wish you good luck if you dare read that fanfic. It's not a very good one in my opinion, but I'm still continuing it. That series is 16 chapters, with side stories that include my OC's backgrounds and all and it isn't even at the romance yet .. Back to this, THIS IS MY FIRST G.A. Fanfic… and I know that I made the characters unbelievably OOC. But what can I say? I'm sorry x_x

Oh, and since I'm obsessing over Naruto and G.A, I wanted to make 'Alice Academy' ninja style xD Only the Special Stars are highly skilled assassins/ninjas. So just letting you know :]

And Hotaru and Natsume aren't enemies in my story. They're pretty good friends o.o so yeah :D You'll understand how much good friend they are when you read. Sorry for my blabbering, ENJOY ~

A certain auburn haired girl slowly opened her eyes. Her head was throbbing in pain, and she doubted that she could even awaken. Her eyes finally opened completely, and the first thing she saw was crimson. Crimson eyes to be exact.

She stared at the crimson pair of eyes, for a good minute or so before finding her voice.

"Who… are you?" she asked, quietly. She could see the pain in the person's eyes, as soon as she asked who he or she was. Why was he/she pained? Where was she? Who is he/she? And the strangest question, who on Earth was she?

"Sakura-chan… lost her memory?" a voice asked. She turned her head slightly, and caught glance of a gorgeous young man. He had blonde hair that she wished she could run her hand through, and beautiful cerulean eyes.

"Unfortunately yes. All memories she once had is completely gone. I don't even know if there's a possibility that she'll remember the things she did in the past again…" another voice replied to the gorgeous young man.

"Ruka, I'm going to go to my dorm now. You can stay with her if you want" the crimson eyed child said. The auburn haired girl took a better look at the crimson eyed stranger. Turns out, it was a guy. He had messy raven hair that she found attractive, and shimmering rare coloured eyes. Crimson eyes to be exact. The girl took notice that there was another person in the room. This time it was a female, who has raven hair like the crimson eyed boy, and she had amethyst orbs. All of them were wearing uniforms, except for the crimson eyed fellow.

"N-Natsume? Are you sure?" the blonde boy asked, as he ran up to the crimson eyed boy. She assumed that 'Ruka' was the blonde haired boy, who was attractive and cute in his own kind of way. She also assumed that 'Natsume' was the crimson eyed boy, who surpassed attractive by miles.

"Yeah. Imai, you stay with Ruka" the boy said, leaving the room. The female, who she assumed was 'Imai' since she was the only other person there, kept her stoic face and simply nodded. For once, she was actually doing what someone told her to do.

"Oh! You're awake!" the blonde boy exclaimed, as he ran up to the bed where the auburn girl lay. The girl simply nodded.

"Who are all of you?" she asked, as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. The two of them looked at her, frowning.

"So it was true…" the blonde frowned. He sat on the edge of the bed, and looked to the ground.

"What did you think Nogi? Subaru isn't a doctor because he would tell a visitor that the patient is completely blanked out right now" the girl explained. She looked over to the auburn haired girl.

"My name is Hotaru Imai. And I am your best friend. That's Ruka Nogi, your close friend" the girl explained. The auburn haired girl's assumptions were correct.

"And the crimson eyed guy? Also, who am I?" the girl asked. The two others sighed.

"You are Mikan Sakura" Ruka explained. The girl nodded. So her name was Mikan eh?

"And the crimson eyed boy is?" she questioned again. This time, it was Hotaru to answer.

"Natsume Hyuuga" she plainly said. Mikan nodded again. She turned her attention to the handsome blonde.

"And what's his relationship with me?" she asked, curiously. Ruka gulped.

"He's your…" he started, but unfortunately he was interrupted by Hotaru who glared at Ruka to make him stop speaking.

"Unfortunately… he too is your other best friend…" Hotaru replied, monotone. Her face remained stoic like it did before.

"And the person you loved" Ruka muttered under his breath. Thankfully, Mikan didn't hear what Ruka had muttered.

"Sorry to interrupt!" a cheerful voice greeted. Mikan looked over to where the entrance was, and found herself looking at two boys. One with dark blue hair, and matching eyes. He also had an unforgettable feature, excluding Mikan since she lost her memory. That unforgettable feature was a black star tattooed onto the bottom of his left eye. The other boy had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He had a huge smile plastered onto his face.

"What's the situation with Mikan?" the blue haired boy asked, as he walked over to the bed where Ruka and Mikan sat.

"Lost every single thing in her memory. She doesn't even know who Natsume is" Hotaru replied. That was a huge surprise to the blue haired boy, and the boy who was grinning nonstop. The boys' grin immediately turned into a frown when he heard the information that Hotaru had shared with them.

Why were they surprised? Because Natsume and Mikan had known each other basically even before birth. How? Their parents were the best of friends when they had attended Alice Academy ages ago. Everyone knew very well that Natsume had feelings for her since the age of 10. And that was 6-7 years ago for god sakes. A few people had also realized that Mikan had some romantic feelings for Natsume for the past 2 years. Of course, it was only Hotaru, Ruka and the blonde haired boy to have known this. Hotaru, being the observing person she is, figured it out in less than a week when Mikan had come to start this little crush. She knew way before Mikan herself knew. Ruka figured it out, since Mikan had told Hotaru and him about it, after half a year from when Hotaru figured it out. And of course, the blonde haired boy only knew of it since he eavesdropped on their conversation. But he swore to keep that a secret, and thank god he did promise and it never slipped out. Natsume had grown suspicious about it, but he wasn't one hundred percent sure. And now all his hopes were crushed, since Mikan had lost her memories.

"Why is it such a surprise that I don't remember this Natsume guy?" Mikan asked. The blonde haired boy, who had yet to be names was about to speak when Mikan interjected with another question.

"And who are you two?" she asked, eyeing the two "strangers" who had walked into the room, less than 5 minutes ago.

"Tsubasa Ando. And this is Kokoro Yome, but call him Koko" the blue haired boy explained, pointing to the shorter blonde beside him.

"Ah… can I also ask, do any of you know why I'm in the hospital?" Mikan questioned, once again. Ruka looked at her, and then to Tsubasa and Koko. Both of them shook their heads.

"Imai knows" Ruka replied, as everyone directed their attention to Hotaru. Hotaru stared back at them.

"Like hell I'd tell you. Go to Hyuuga to get your answer. He's the only other person who knows about what happened" Hotaru replied. Mikan frowned, and everyone else just looked at Hotaru. They figured that she'd do that.

"I don't even remember my way around the school anymore. How the hell am I supposed to ask this idiot 'Natsume'?" Mikan hissed. Everyone turned to her, surprised by her sudden outburst. This was the first time Mikan had ever spoken so rudely.

"Figure that out yourself. None of us will help you" Hotaru hissed back. Knowing Hotaru, the three boys nodded since none of them wanted to be blackmailed, or even deal with an angry Hotaru.

"What the hell? I just woke up, forgotten all my apparent memories and you're acting like a total bitch to me? Just how the hell were you my best friend?" Mikan shouted, glaring daggers at Hotaru.

"Excuse me? You're calling me a bitch? You're the one who fucking started yelling at me for no fucking reason! How was I your best friend? Don't fucking ask me. Ask yourself" Hotaru retorted, standing up furiously. Her hands were now fists, and the skin started turning white.

Everyone stared in complete and utter shock. Never in their life had they heard Hotaru have such an outburst. Never had they heard her yell. They've only heard her speak in her normal voice, but in a deadly way. And never, in their entire life, had they even think that Hotaru would ever say those words to her best friend.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Go to a mental institute. While you're at it, go to some anger management classes, you whore" Mikan shouted. The old cheery Mikan everyone knew and loved had completely disappeared. She was now an epic cold bitch who would surely be hated by everyone. The three boys already knew that Hotaru basically hated the person who once was her best friend. They also knew that Natsume was upset that she'd forgotten him, and he was in some ways angry at that fact. Surely, he wouldn't want to have any interactions with her. Knowing Natsume, he'd leave her to die just so she could figure out a way to save herself, use her brain. This was like any other time; he'd probably leave her alone and come back when she remembers everything.

"Mikan, calm down!" Tsubasa interrupted, before Hotaru could start cursing at her again. He didn't want their friendship that had existed for more than 10 years to instantly be broken because of memories forgotten.

"Calm down? This whore is cursing at me for no reason! Why the hell should I freaking calm down?" Mikan shouted. Everyone hated the new Mikan already, only after minutes of her awakening.

"You know what? Fuck you. Come back when you're the Mikan we all knew and loved" Hotaru said, storming out of the hospital. The three boys hated to admit what Hotaru had said was true, but they agreed one hundred percent. They all turned to Mikan and nodded, all leaving together to follow Hotaru.


It had been days since Mikan had been set free from the hospital. She had been aimlessly walking the corridors looking for her dorm. If not, she was looking for Natsume's.

"Polka?" a voice called. Mikan turned around, and found herself staring into a pair of crimson eyes.

"What did you just call me?" Mikan answered back, in a cold tone. Natsume raised an eyebrow.

"Forget it. You wouldn't understand anymore. Are you looking for Imai's dorm?" he replied, as he started walking again, eventually walking past Mikan.

"Hell no. I'm not going to that bitch's room. I was looking for my room" Mikan replied, as she joined Natsume walking. He stopped right after Mikan's sentence.

"Did you just call Imai a bitch?" he asked. Mikan stopped and turned back to look at him. She raised a brow and nodded.

"Yeah, so what?" she replied. Natsume couldn't believe what he just heard. The teenage girl he fell in love with six or seven years ago had completely changed from one measly incident. The cheerful girl he had become attached to, although he acted as if he hated her, had turned into another version of Hotaru Imai – the ice queen, only bitchier.

"Do you have a fever?" Natsume asked, concerned. Mikan looked at him as if he were high.

"Does it look like I have one? Use your eyes for god sakes" Mikan replied, bitterly. Natsume stared at Mikan, and instantly felt hurt. He was never one to be emotional, but it couldn't be helped. His cheerful best friend will probably never come back again. And to add to that, the one he loves is cruel to him, and his friends. Yes, Hotaru included.

Natsume did what he usually did when Mikan had a problem. Leave her alone until she figures it out. It pained him to leave his best friend and the person he loved, to be all alone and probably befriend people completely different. It pained him to know that it was basically all over. They'll all just move on without Mikan Sakura. The sun to everyone's darkness.


Mikan once again, sat alone for lunch. It had been about 3 weeks since she was released from the hospital, with this new persona of hers. At first, during lunch Mikan would sit with her usual friends, who included Anna, Nonoko, Sumire, Misaki, Aoi, Luna, Yuu, Kitsuneme and Nobara. It was different, since Natsume, Ruka, Hotaru, Koko and Tsubasa no longer sat together with them. The five of them would go and sit together at the far end, far away from where Mikan and the rest sat. Everyone found it odd and suspicious. That is, until they started feeling the same way the other five felt. They truly lost their good friend Mikan. First to leave was Sumire and Kitsuneme. Then Misaki and Yuu. After that there were only five who stuck by Mikan. Until her attitude got worse. She frequently fought with Luna and for some reason, Aoi. So Luna left, dragging Aoi along with her. Aoi let herself be taken away, since she didn't want to deal with the new Mikan either. Like the others, Anna and Nonoko left not long after Luna and Aoi did. That only left Nobara. She didn't want to leave Mikan, for she felt guilty. But she did so anyways, despite being the nice quiet girl she was. She just couldn't stand it. She was so close to choking someone to death if she listened to anymore of Mikan's arguments and complaints.

"She's eating alone again… is her memory loss permanent?" Nobara asked, concerned as she eyed Mikan from a distance. Like everyone else, they were the usual group eating at a lunch table, excluding Mikan that is.

"We'll have to ask Imai's brother. He is the doctor who was watching over her during her recovery time" Ruka explained. Everyone looked over to where Hotaru and Natsume were, who just so happened to be sitting beside one another.

"Explain how Mikan lost her memory. Ruka mentioned that there was an incident that only you two know since you were the only ones there. So, what happened?" Luna asked, as she stabbed her spaghetti with her fork.

~.~ On the day of the incident (Flashback) ~.~

"Hotaru!" Mikan smiled, as she ran down the hall to one of her two best friends. She jumped and surprisingly, she was able to hug Hotaru without being knocked to the ground with one of Hotaru's crazed inventions.

"Eh? Are you feeling alright?" Mikan asked, concerned. It was rare for Hotaru not to shoot her with her baka gun. It was a day to day basis that Mikan would get blasted miles away by the usual Baka gun or in some instances, her Baka canon. It would be once in a blue moon that Hotaru would let her best friend cling to her like a koala.

"Fine. Now get off me" Hotaru replied, maintaining her monotone voice. And as usual, the facial expression stayed the same.

"Oi, pull your skirt down, Polka" a low voice interrupted the moment. Mikan of course, knew who it was. Natsume obviously. Who else calls her 'Polka' or 'Strawberry'? Hotaru, being the smart person she was also knew. But it didn't matter if she was smart or not, considering Mikan – someone who had an IQ of a peanut, knew who it was.

"You pervert!" Mikan pouted, as she stood straight on the ground and pulled her skirt down, so it covered her bottom.

"I'm not being a pervert when you're flashing your panties in broad daylight" Natsume replied, smirking. Mikan continued to pout cutely, as Hotaru just sighed.

"Yes, yes we get the daily routines. Now stop having your love quarrel!" Hotaru said, interrupting their argument. Mikan sent one of her glares to Hotaru. Although, to a normal person her glare could just end up being a normal stare. Unless she's pissed, and when I say pissed, I mean pissed. Her glare was weak, compared to the glares that Hotaru and Natsume send to people.

The three of them started walking towards their class, while Mikan was talking about random things. Especially her favourite candy/food, howalons.

After classes, Mikan skipped along the hallways. Of course, the day had ended an hour ago, therefore the hallways were deserted. For Mikan though, the day had just ended for her because of her 'loveable' math teacher, Jinno-sensei, had given her detention once again for sleeping in.

Mikan skipped along the hallway. Passing by a familiar window, she stopped skipping and looked out. There outside, was the Sakura tree that Mikan and Natsume always hung out at. At times, Ruka too would be there, but only when he didn't have to watch the animals that we being taken care of at the local farm that was a few blocks from Alice Academy. Only those helping and trustworthy were allowed to leave the property for things instructed by teachers, who had permission from the principal.

There, standing at the Sakura tree, was one of many fan girls of Natsume, who think they even had a chance with him. Usually, fan girls would come to their Sakura tree knowing Natsume would come there to relax and hang out. That's their opportunity to confess their love to him.

"Mikan! Get out of the way!" a low familiar voice shouted from the distance. Mikan turned around to see what was going on. The instant she turned, she was in a headlock and a knife was to her neck.

"Fuck!" Natsume shouted, as he stopped running dead in his tracks. Mikan took a closer look, and could see Hotaru behind Natsume, running to stand beside him. Both of them were bruised and injured. On Natsume, he had a cut across his cheek that had blood gushing out of it. His fists were bloody as well, and he had a lot of bruises around him. Hotaru had some blood on her lip, and she too was bruised all around. Her left arm was clutching onto her right, as she was biting down on her lip in pain. Through her blazer, you could tell she was clashed in the arm since the sleeve of her blazer was slashed.

"Mikan!" Hotaru shouted, glaring daggers at the man who held Mikan in his grasp. Mikan tried struggling, however the man who held her put the knife extremely close to her neck up to the point it was touching her skin. Little droplets of blood started rolling down her neck.

"You bastard!" Hotaru shouted, taking a step closer to Mikan and the unfamiliar man. The man smirked, and started digging the knife into Mikan's flesh. Mikan let out a cry, indicating that she was in a lot of pain, for a knife was slowly being shoved into her neck.

"Take any more steps closer, and she'll die. I'll slit her neck completely, without hesitation child" the unfamiliar man threatened, as he stopped digging the knife into Mikan's flesh. Mikan had tears streaming down her cheek, while Natsume and Hotaru tried figuring out what to do next, in a way that Mikan wouldn't get injured any further like the two of them. They knew very well that their opponent could easily slit Mikan's throat and kill her right then and there.

"Don't you fucking dare" Natsume replied darkly. The unfamiliar man's eyes grew in fear, but continued to hold Mikan captive.

"And if I do dare?" the man replied, continuing to smirk. Natsume's glare darkened even more than before. If one weren't brave enough, then that person would die just by the look of Natsume's glare. No… that's too exaggerated but it's extremely scary.

"You'll regret it. You have think that he's a scary now? You really think he's acting 'strong' right now?" Hotaru said, glaring darkly at the man as well. Mikan let out a little whimper, as the man began digging the knife into her throat once again out of fear.

Natsume sent a signal to Hotaru to activate one of her inventions that were set up at this area from the very beginning after receiving information about this crazed man. The only thing was, they didn't expect Mikan to be there at all. They didn't expect her to get caught up into this, and be held hostage refraining them from attacking the man and beat him senseless.

Hotaru got the signal and activated the invention. The invention was attached to the wall, and it grabbed the man by the waist, making him loosen his grip around Mikan. Mikan tried breaking free; however the man still had a strong grip on her.

"I can't do what was purposely supposed to have happened" Hotaru replied, clutching onto her right arm even harder. Natsume sighed, knowing the reason.

"How can we get Mikan out of the bastard's grasp when he has a knife to her neck?" Natsume replied, taking out a knife from his back pocket, but not revealing it so the unfamiliar man could see that he was armed, and rip Mikan's throat open.

Hotaru saw Natsume's knife hidden behind him with her peripheral vision, and had an idea. She let go of her right arm, which was bleeding nonstop, and reached for the remote with her left hand filled with blood. She pressed a button on the remote that released some sort of gas that made the unfamiliar man become dizzy. The man's grip stayed strong, but he moved the knife only a few centimetres away from Mikan's neck. Natsume took this opportunity to throw the knife at the unfamiliar man, and the knife landed straight into his gut. He coughed out blood, and Hotaru pressed another button on the remote which caused the robot's arm to lift up the man and throw him out the open window. They did this, so he could loosen his grip from Mikan and she wouldn't be dragged out with him.

Unfortunately, their plan didn't go as planned. The man was thrown out of the window… but he took Mikan with him. Natsume and Hotaru could hear Mikan shriek as she fell two stories down to the ground. Hotaru and Natsume ran to the window to see where they had gone. There on the ground, was a bloody scene. Natsume immediately jumped out the window landing on his feet when he arrived to the ground. He ran to where Mikan's bloody body lay.

"Fuck!" he shouted, as he crouched down to her body and picked her up. Hotaru jumped out the window following Natsume and the three of them left for the academy's hospital. Hotaru left her robot to take care of the unfamiliar man.

Mikan was in critical condition, but luckily she actually survived the two story drop the way she did. It was amazing since she wasn't a skilled assassin/ninja like the other Special Stars. Because she was the niece of the Principal/Director, he made sure she stayed complete oblivious to the other side of the Special Stars' lives, and he made sure she wouldn't have to battle. He insisted that Natsume and Hotaru didn't put their lives in danger by being an assassin/ninja to protect the school. But they denied the offer, in order to protect their friends.

Mikan was in recovery for exactly 6 months and 2 weeks. Everyone was worrying about her, and when she finally awoke she had forgotten everyone and everything.

~.~ Present time ~.~

"So… it was your fault she's like that?" Sumire accused, slamming her hands on the table and standing up. Everyone in the cafeteria including Mikan turned to the sudden outburst from Sumire, and stared. Hotaru glared at everyone, and they all broke off eye contact with the group.

"Well…" Hotaru started, but was cut off by Natsume.

"Shouda, sit your ass down. And yes, it was my fault now stop making a fucking scene!" Natsume snapped. Everyone turned to Natsume except for Hotaru, Ruka, Tsubasa and Aoi. They knew why he took the blame for himself. Even though Hotaru was part to blame, Natsume took all the blame onto himself.

"Stupid Reo" Hotaru muttered. Sumire sat back down, and bit her lip fighting back tears. Knowing her 'Natsume-sama' had been the cause of one of her best friend's memory loss, had hit her hard.

"Sumire, surely it wasn't Natsume's entire fault. It must be that stranger who grabbed Mikan!" Nobara said, trying to make Natsume feel less bad.

"So what'll we do? Apparently it's permanent memory loss. Meaning, that girl we all loved is now a splitting image of the Ice Queen over here, only Mikan is bitchier" Luna said, continuing to stab her spaghetti. Everyone took a minute to think about it.

"Oh I know! Why don't we all act the same way we did before when Mikan-chan was her old self? That way, even if she isn't one hundred percent the same Mikan-chan, we'll at least get her to open up to us again. Like how we got Hyuuga-kun to open up to us!" Nonoko suggested. Everyone thought about that suggestion for a minute.

"Correction, I never opened up to you. Only Ruka and Polka. In some ways Imai. And obviously my sister knows everything about me" Natsume replied. Everyone sweat dropped.

"I'm not going with that suggestion" Hotaru replied, in a monotone voice once again. Natsume, Ruka, Tsubasa and Koko knew that she didn't want to go back to her best friend after the words that were said when Mikan awoke. Natsume knew because both Hotaru and Ruka came to his dorm after their visit and explained what happened.

"Then what the hell are we going to do?" Sumire exclaimed, pounding her fist onto the table once again.

"Dear lord Sumire, stop hitting the table!" Luna shouted, sticking her fork only inches away from Sumire's face.

"Hotaru-chan, why won't you do it?" Anna asked. Hotaru didn't want the subject to be brought up. She reached for the knife that was in between Natsume and her, but Natsume grabbed her hand only centimeters away from the knife, stopping her from picking it up and throwing it dead center in between Anna's eyes. He's seen her throw it dead center at the enemies during missions.

"Don't bring it up" Hotaru replied, as Natsume let go of her hand and she slowly pulled it back onto her lap. Her head was facing downwards, and Ruka who was on the left of Hotaru patted her on the shoulder.

"So what are we going to do? Leave her, and move on without Mikan Sakura?" Yuu asked, frowning. Everyone sighed not knowing what to do. Only Natsume, Hotaru and Ruka stayed silent.

"Onii-san, what about you? What should we do?" Aoi asked, staring at her brother. She wanted to hear his suggestion, what he would do to get his best friend back.

"Nothing. Let her die or something" Natsume replied in a monotone voice. Everyone knew very well that wasn't what Natsume really meant. But there was nothing any of them could do. It took them all (excluding Hotaru and Ruka) 4 years just to get him to open up to them.

A/N How was the first chapter of Lost Love? Alright, I have included Luna into the main group of friends. Why? Because in my POV, I don't think Luna is that bad compared to the bastard she apparently "loves" and "accepts" her. Also, seeing Luna as the slutty bitch is starting to get boring… and it doesn't really fit into my story since my story is all dramatic. Sort of… Also, I wanted to include Luna in any sort of way. As I said, I made Natsume and Hotaru more… friendly with one another.

Sorry for the OCC…

Review ~