New story! It popped into my head earlier and it wont leave!

Warnings: Language, bullying, eventual yaoi, remains as M until all the naughty things come in :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any characters there in :(

Title: My Personal Trainer

Chapter One: The Taunts

"Haha, look at chubby over there!"

"When you stand on the scale it says 'To be continued'!"

"I bet your bellybutton has an echo! Haha!"

"The back of your neck looks like a pack of hotdogs!"

Those were just some of the things they would say, then the laughter would erupt, not a single one them caring about hurting anyone's feelings. I knew I was overweight, I couldn't help it. I wasn't going to blame it on a medical problem, I was overweight because I ate too much, simple. It was comfort eating, after my Mom had passed away I found my solace in food, it calmed me and stopped the tears. Two years after my Mom had died I had soared to thirteen stone and at only ten years old, I was already big for my age. Now though, nine years after her death later I was toppling the scales at ninteen stone, I didn't like looking this way, I had looked for help, I tried not to eat, I tried excercise but everytime I would walk into my house and see the picture of my Mom hanging on the wall, I would remember her and I would instantly head to the kitchen for something to eat.

I had bullied through the years, teachers told me to ignore the bullies, easier said than done, even if you tried to ignore you couldn't help but hear it, everywhere I went, I didn't eat lunch in the school cafeteria, I would just be giving them a show, more reason to demoralise me so, I wuold sneak off and eat lunch on the school roof, a restricted area but it was the only place where I could be at peace, without the taunts. You could see the cemetary from the school roof, I would often have talks with my Mom, I would imgaine her telling me 'It's alright' 'Everythings going to be fine'. I craved her support even from beyond the grave, I missed her so much, I cried my self to sleep every night, my Dad tried his hardest to take on her role but he could never take her place, she was the comforting hand that kissed away the pain, wiped your tears and tucked you in. I missed her but I knew nothing would bring her back. No matter how much I ate.

I walked home from college, a few boys from my class followed a little bit behind, throwing their insults and literally throwing things at me, things like small sweets. They would shout at me and tell me to eat all the sweets, I never responded to their insesant laughing, I would pull my hoodie further over my face, to try and hide from the world. I tunred onto my street and the boys went their own way, not without a few more insults though. I sighed when they were gone, glad they never followed me to my house, I knew they never would, each of them being to scared. My Dad was Cheif of police, who was going to going to get caught bullying his son? They were wise, dumb in most aspects but wise to stay out of the street. I glanced at the house, it had been passed down through my Mom's ancestors, it really was a nice house. It was a five bedroom, painted white with old style victorian windows, a large porch and a swinging seat. I sighed, it was a nice house but it wasn't a home anymore.

I stepped on the porch and fished the front door key from the pocket of my jeans, my Dad wouldn't be home, he was hardly ever home, he'd rather spend his time at the station than come home, even on his days off. Dad had been getting distant recently, his dream for me had always been for me to be a art of the police, just like him, ofcourse he had seen my increase in weight over the years, I knew that he didn't beleive I was fit enough to be a police officer. I was determined though, I hated being doubted and I always drove myself to prove people wrong, I would get myself fit enough and I would show my Dad that I could do it, even if it was for all the wrong reasons. My Mom always wanted me to be a chef, I would make her jelly bean sandwiches when I was younger, adventuring onto making small cakes when I was a little older.

I kicked off my shoes and headed up to my bedroom, this house was too large for my liking, it seemed a lot bigger now that Mom's smile and laughter wasn't filling the empty hallways. My Granny always mentioned how I never smiled anymore, I apparently had a brillaint smile, so she had told me, I never felt like smiling anymore though, I didn't see the point, smiling when you weren't happy, some say it shows strength, I think it shows denial. I entered my bedroom and threw my backpack onto the bed, I flopped down on my back right next to it, I lifted my head little, I couldn't even see over my large stomach, I glared, this had to change! I had to do something, lying around and letting everything get to me wasn't doing me any good, it wasn't making me lose weight it was making me put more on. I ushed my self off of the bed and stepped over to my desk. I opened up my laptop which was used more for Facebook than what it was bought for, studying. I didn't check to see if I had any notifications and I headed straight for google.

'Fitness trainers in Konoha'

I hit enter and hoped for the best, it was miliseconds later that thousands of results flashed up on the screen. I roamed my eyes over them, looking for the perfect match. A lot of the websites told you how much it would cost you, I had money saved up but I didn't want to spend almost all of it on a week with some hyped up, over energetic fitness freak. I scrolled further down the page. Until something caught my eye.

'Live in personal trainer, you pay nothing'

This seemed interesting, I clicked on the link which opened up the website. I read a few of the details, the trainer would have you picked up and you would stay at a resort while he trained you to lose weight, it didn't matter how long it took, you didn't pay anything, it seemed too good to be true but it couldn't hurt to try. I clicked on the link for the online application, I filled in all of the details, including my height and weight, age and gender and clicked send. I sighed, for some reason I was shaking, I don't know why, I hated the fact that I had to find someone to help me become what I craved to be, that I couldn't do it alone. I slammed my fist against the desk in anger, I felt my stomach rumble, I wasn't giving in, it would all start today!

Can anyone guess who's point of view this is? I did this on purpose so you couldn't guess but give it a go! Hope you like the plot so far and I hope you like where you think this is heading :) Review and let me know if I need to change anything or add things!

Ja ne!