Okay guys, let me speak words to you about important stuffs.

I tried to discontinue this series so long ago. I just hated the thought that people saw the word "sex" and come reading with horny horniness surrounding them. Well, that's why I didn't update in a long time. I didn't want this story to be just sex, or sexiness. I wanted it to have a meaningful plot. That means more to me than anything, when people read the story for plot and not porn.

So I tried to stop.

But you guys...

You guys wouldn't shut up. You guys were like "OMG I LOVE THIS STORY! UPDATEE!" It got annoying. Especially when you only read three chapters in. I hardly say one could love a story from that.

But you guys wanted sexiness. You wanted more porn. Well guess what.

Many many months ago, about a couple months after the last update, I came up with the idea for a plot for a new story. It involved nekos, yes, and a breeding program. Well, since this plot intrigued me, I was thinking of just stating this fanfic from scratch, changing it entirely.

The thought of the plot stuck with me in the back of my mind, gnawing at my gray matter, always wondering what I could do with it.

Eventually, other works came into mind, most of them original works I'll probably never be posting on this site because people only rarely ever read a person's original work that they worked so hard on. The original works in planning consumed my time, as well as school, dance, and tae kwon do class. So I never really had time to expand.

Recently, the plot came back to me, and I mulled over it with my pervert friends who helped me out with it. Then, a week ago, I found a way to connect it with Love and Toys.

So you see, Love and Toys will have a plot. It is starting to become apparent in this chapter. However, I only thought of it after I started the series, so the first three parts have nothing to do with what I have in store. It might even through you off a bit. But whatever. I'll make it work.

And, yes, I will try to update this story as regularly as I can, but with classes to focus on, it's hard, man. It's hard. But, I'll try. Just for you. 3

Enjoy, you bloody wankers. *kisses*

Now, when someone says, "We're going shopping," normally girls would go get their hair done and get some expensive clothes while boys went out to eat and possibly went to the sport store or some shit like that. Meanwhile, nobody considers the boys in a rut when it comes to going to a banquet in disguise to spy on their masters, in which the girls' day out and the boys' time would intertwine together.

In simpler words, all hell broke loose.

"Why the hell do I have to wear a dress of all things?!" I asked, clawing at my blue beret that hid my ears anxiously. "And why do you need to wear one too?"

"Because, my dear Watson," Alois said under his plum fedora, picking out a skimpy purple dress before putting it back. "Who would expect refined young ladies to be Nekos at a banquet? Plus, if we go in suits and ties, well, it doesn't really look good with hats. With dresses, we can wear hats to cover our ears. Duh!"

"… Damn." Without regard of finding a single damned disguise, my eyes roamed half-heartedly around the store. It was one of those silly prom dress stores that sell their ostentatious garments with tons of unnecessary glitter and lace. Alois seemed too busy in his own world of frills, so one little roam around the room, I figured, wouldn't hurt anyone.

Sauntering around the room, picking out clothes that would seem of interest, was not what I liked to do. However, if it meant that it could pass the time, by all means, I started to look through the racks of fabric and rhinestones. That was until a group of girls from the high school came up to me.

"Hey, runt, what are you doing here?" asked one with brown hair pinned up in a claw. How the hell did she know?! "As if your bony ass could fill one of these gowns."

"Yeah!" said a blonde bobbed bimbo. "And don't forget your size A cups. Seriously, what are you? Ten?"

"Look, girls," I said, holding my hands up. "I don't want to cause trouble. I just want to get out of this place as soon as possible."

Like a pack of hyenas, they cornered me to the nearest rack and I suddenly felt vulnerable. It was as if they were gnashing their jowls hungrily at my bony ass and completely flat chest. "You don't belong here. Try the ninety-nine cents store. Maybe they'll have something for you, like footie-pajamas and a clown costume."

All the other whores nodded and yipped in agreement as some tried to grab on to my arms to haul me out. As I had such grace, charm, and no upper body strength whatsoever, I smirked at the leader of the group, which was a busty bouncer-like girl wearing black pumps and a long stole. "Didn't know you were so jealous of me."

"What?" the leader scoffed. "Why would we be jealous of you, pirate slut?"

Those words made me cringe, not because they were hurtful per se, but they reminded me of the truth behind my damaged eye.

"Aww, look. The Chihuahua is shaking!" squealed one of the girls holding me. The dark aura of the area was soon felt by all the bimbos and they quickly made haste in evacuating my presence. I was not in the mood for dealing with them, and I made that clear.

Hissing to myself, my face in a shroud thanks to my fedora and my back hunched predatorily, I turned on my heels to find an exotic creature that was nearly extinct these days; the homo idiotus, otherwise known as the Alois, smiling in my face and hiding something behind his back. "What do you want?" I spat at his face, which sadly did not deter him.

"I found the perfect dress for you. You should be happy."

"Why the fuck would I be happy about that?"

"You tell me," he said, holding up cascading rolls of pink frills and silk.

"… Fuck no."

The past hours had been a blur as Alois and I sat side by side, still in our pools of pink and purple, guilty written on our faces. Sebastian was leaning on the wall with sickened expression while Claude paced to and fro in front of us. Their scowls were evident, and they made me all the more anxious.

"So…" Claude started, finding a place to stand on the rug and lacing his fingers together. "Whose idea was it to come follow us to the banquet and completely embarrass the four of us in front of our record dealer?"

Alois snuck a glance at me, pleading for me to give a white lie. He had always been terrible at these things.

I sighed. "It was both of us. We were bored and a breakfast banquet sounded good."

Sebastian shook his head disapprovingly. "It's not so good when you trip on your heels and spill iced tea all over our man's shirt before ripping his jacket in half."

"Yeah, how did you do that anyway?" Claude inquired.

"That's not the point," Sebastian warned. "The point is, now we might have just lost his trust. Or at least you two have. Do you know how much that will damage our reputation?"

"The man was a pervert anyway!" Alois testified. "He had his eyes all over Ciel and I the entire time. If anything, we made you two look good."

"Was that before or after you spit in his hair and nearly choked him to death with his tie?"

He had a good point.

Sebastian took a deep breath and walked over. "Look. Leave the business world to us. You two belong in here."

That made me growl. "What if I don't want to belong in here?" But Sebastian silenced me with his hand.

"I don't mind your shenanigans during the day if nobody gets hurt. But Aleister Chambers and I really needed to talk about something today, and now I don't believe he will help me."

My curiosity was piqued. "What was he going to help you with?"

Sebastian's lips tightened. "That's for me to know. As much as a perverted French man he is, he runs a good business in recording music and other things. We've been in business with him ever since we started."

Alois sighed. "Alright, alright, we get it. Can we at least have a copy of the hotel key and cell phones if we'll be allowed outside?"

Claude hung his head. "Of course. The next time we come across a store for them."


"Now change out of those dresses," Sebastian commanded. "You two have a lot to do today. Returning those dresses and refilling Claude's bank account is just one on the list."

Groaning loudly and falling upon ourselves, Alois and I picked ourselves up and dresses, still making these zombie noises as we walked sluggishly out the door. I've never heard of undead nekos, but we must have looked the part until Sebastian threw a butter knife at our heads, missing our ears by mere millimeters.

"Get to it already!" he growled, and we picked up the pace without question.

"Well, that was a bummer," Alois whined. "Just when I thought—"

"Stop," I interrupted. "Stop right there. That's when you went wrong."

"You mean when I thought—"


We were walking the streets of the town area with our fedoras covering our ears nicely, avoiding eye contact with the humans as we made our way home. Alois and I lugged the plush heavy-ass dresses to the prom store, which denied being able to return cash, or at all since they were on the discount rack. After seemingly eons of fighting, the man at the counter promised half of what we spent in store credit. We ended up ditching the dresses on the side of the street.

"Do you think they'll notice that about two thousand bucks are missing from their credit?" Alois asked, walking slightly closer to me as some eyes were glued to us. Oh, how much I hoped that our tails weren't showing.

I sighed in response. "Probably not. They're big-shot rock stars and stuff. They won't miss it. Besides, I thought the dresses were only $700 each?"

Alois fiddled his fingers.

"Alois, what happened?" I pressed.





That seemed to do the trick, as Alois flew back and hugged the window of a nearby store with his tail pressing harsh against the inside of his pant leg, trying to stand straight up. "Well, it's just that… All of the expenses along the way… it added up."

"What kind of expenses?" Don't form a crowd, don't form a crowd…

"Just the kinds of expenses one needs to pay for dinner, a trip to the bar, new piercings…"

I sighed loudly, shrouding my eyes with my hand. "I always knew you snuck out at night. Probably fucking every man you can find on your radar."

It took a couple of seconds to notice that the air Alois put on had changed, from frightened to… defensive. "Hey, you've got it wrong," he barked. "I went with Claude. There's no way I'd cheat on him."

With that, I laughed. Once, twice, many times before I doubled over, holding my stomach. "You?" I blurted. "Not cheat? You're a filthy whore. You've fucked half the men of England when you were still a kitten, and now you're going to fuck Americans too. Aren't you ashamed with yourself?"

Alois's face turned red with anger for the first time in what seems his life. "You filthy bitch!" he screamed to my face, spiting globules of saliva all over my face. "Did it ever occur to you that, maybe one day, I might just want to settle down with someone?"

I laughed again, in his face. "You're just doing it for the fame and wealth, aren't you? You don't care about Claude. You just want his money. That's all you wanted in your men, aren't I right?"

"You're wrong." By now, his pale, lithe form was shrouded in misery, trembling with burning hatred towards my words. Nonetheless, I could see his eyes contemplating them carefully. "I'm not like you. I've fucked many men and women over my years. But through all of this, it got increasingly boring. Like… some old worn out dildo. I mean, you've used it a lot and stuff, and yeah, it's probably your favorite. But if you use it to butt-fuck yourself, it gets all gross and shit. All coated with butt-juices. Butt-juices that if you keep washing it, it'll just ruin the whole dildo so you can only get so much ass-stink out. So you have no choice but to just… throw it out." Alois paused, holding his fist to his lean chest, ready to wrap up his inspirational speech. "Well, I've found my perfect dildo. One that'll be easy to clean and I'll be happy with because it's the right size and shape and it feel all nice going inside and shit like that. And unlike my other dildo, I'll take care of it, with love and care. That's what Claude is to me."

I stared at him with narrowed inquisitive eyes, unbelieving of what he just said. "So you're saying…" I started. "That Claude is a vibrator in which his only purpose is to remove your tension and nothing else?"

Alois sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's more complicated than that."

"Oh," I purred, finding this conversation able to go in many more ways. "I get it. You can also use your vibrator as a decoration, and something to show off to your friends."

"Fuck off!"

"Admit it. You're a whore. But, not only are you a whore, your sense of simile is horrible."

It only took a single twitch of the brow, or maybe the set pouncing stance Alois took towards me that made me jump into action and fight my way through the crowd that had formed to get away from the rabid neko, growling and sputtering curses as fast as cum can shoot. Wind picking up to push our lovely hats off our none-too-unfocused heads, exposing our true nature, which I suspect was what caught more eyes than our indecent conversation. I wasn't sure; I was too busy running from freshly sharpened claws that wanted my DNA all over it.

"I have to get to the hotel," I thought, huffing slightly in the wind, my small legs quaking in strain compared to the perky blonde. "It's the only place I can be safe, with Sebastian and Claude."

Throwing the front door open and hoping Alois would smash his face into the polished wooden surface, I ran up the stairs—probably the worst decision for a neko with asthma, but I figured the elevator wouldn't close in time. Our stomps on the tiles surface could be heard halfway around the world by the deaf and dying, as we were growing weary from running all the way from town, not even stopping to hail a taxi. Sweat mixing with our swan song, we were dying at the foot of our hotel door. We didn't even know how long it took to get there, but it probably involved eons, blood, and a warning against underage drinking.

"Uuuuuunnngggh," Alois groaned, passing out on the floor next to me. "Never… again…"

I would have nodded if I could. "Yeah," I went with instead.

"You're… still dead… to me…"


In the short moment of silence, our brains were just active enough to register the movement within the confines of the room. Our breathing newly under control, we strained our cat ears to hear the softest whispers of our partners' conversation. Sadly, they were too far away and the walls were too thick. But, one phrase did stick out to us.

"I own you."

It was impossible to distinguish Sebastian's voice from Claude's voice from this view. But, one thing was for sure: they weren't talking about me or Alois.

"This is ridiculous," I hissed, standing on wobbly legs and ringing the hotel room buzzer. "I'm not going to eavesdrop."

Alois shrugged indifferently, but I knew him better. He was dying to know what they were talking about, and he would probably try to wheedle the words out of Claude during the night when the human was unwound.

Sebastian opened the door, scanning over our faces carefully. "You're back," he remarked. "We didn't expect you to be here so late."

"We ran," I explained, pushing my way under his arm, through the door, and to the couch. "We didn't hail a cab. You can blame Alois for that." Snuggling my face into the plush complimentary pillows, my body relaxed after the dreadful workout.

"Hey!" Alois scolded, forcing his way to the couch and sitting on my numb ass like a pair of fleshy cushions. "I only chased you because you were making fun of me."

"Get. Off. Me. Now." I hissed loudly, my ears folding into predatory satellites.

"Make me! I know you want to."

"Ciel," Sebastian intervened. "Alois, did you return the dress?" Ah, yes, those ugly things.

"Well," I started, not intending to lie. "You see, this bastard over here got the dresses from the discount—"

"Yes!" he shouted, cutting me off. "We returned all the money. We're sorry we use Claude's credit card without asking first. But we need cell phones, you know?"

Claude nodded. "We know. We'll get you some, as promised. Probably when we go to California so we can get those iPhones… To preoccupy your devious minds."

Alois ran over and hugged his waist. "Thank you~!" He said, pushing his head into the man's chest. "You're so good to me! Unlike anyone else I've met."

Claude cupped the neko's cheek. "Of course." Before doing anything to my friend, he looked at me and Sebastian. "You two. There's work to be done. Sebastian, you sort out our plans. Ciel, take a shower. You look like shit."

My ears perked. "Excuse me?!" I asked, appalled. "Look who's talking, you—" I felt a hand gently place itself on my shoulder.

"Let it be, Ciel," Sebastian said in a deep baritone voice full of hatred. "Just take a shower."

I stared at him, looking for an answer to all of this. Sebastian wouldn't look at me. Instead, he locked eyes with Claude, mouth deeply frowning and eyebrows knitted tightly. Something was wrong, and I would be the first to know what it was.

"… Alright," I mumbled, jerking myself out of Sebastian's grip. "But only because my sweat is drying and I feel like shit too."

It was a lie. A blatant lie. But there was nothing I could do. Because he owned me.

Review for more. More reviews I get, the faster I type.

And if you get bored with waiting, check out my other fic Corpse Butler. I'm trying really hard on that too and all feedback helps. I really think it's interesting. :)