This is a prequel to my other story, a love to remember. These are going to be little stories from the other White Star Line ships Murdoch had worked on before Titanic. Also I have Lights kind of dissing Scottish people in their ways of humour but I mean no disrespect to anyone, I'm half Scottish myself, it's purely for comedy.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the Medic.

SS Medic, 1900

William McMaster Murdoch was doing his rounds in the cargo bay as it was one of his responsibilities to see to it that the passenger's belongings were safe, as second officer his other duties included monitoring communications, securing the mooring lines, maintenance of the ship as well as an eight hour watch each day. Tomorrow the Medic would leave Liverpool and head out to Australia, Murdoch had made this trip several times before but he still became excited, he had loved the sea even when he was a boy, well it was only natural, after all he came from a long line of Scottish sailors. He remembered his father saying that 'all Murdochs have seawater running through their veins'.

"Officer Murdoch" said a young crew member "Yes?" Murdoch asked, raising his eyebrow slightly "Captain Ranson wishes for you to report to him on the bridge at once, sir" Murdoch handed the seaman a clipboard and pen "No doubt, it's to meet the new fourth officer, take over for me, I'll be back as soon as I can". Murdoch hoped the young lad could take care of things whilst he was on the bridge but as a precaution he decided to speed up to somewhere between walking and jogging so he spent time, as little as possible, away from the cargo hold, he knew if the lad messed up he would be the one who got in trouble for it.

Murdoch saw the captain standing with the new fourth officer "Ah, Mr Murdoch there you are, this is our new fourth officer Charles Lightoller, and Mr Lightoller this is the second officer, William Murdoch" the two officers shook hands "Mr Lightoller's my father's name, please call me Lights" Murdoch smiled as they both released each other's hand "Officer Murdoch will show you to your duties, if you have a problem or question, you report to him" Murdoch extended his arm and hand towards the door "This way then, Lights" Lightoller exited the room but before Murdoch could follow the captain called him back over "Keep your eyes on this one, William. He's been known to play a prank or two onboard liners and we don't want to scare off our passengers" Murdoch nodded "I'll make sure he keeps to the straight and narrow, sir".

Murdoch and Lights were walking back down to the cargo bay "Whilst loading the cargo onto the ship, we also check for stowaways and weapons such as guns or bombs..." Murdoch was in the middle of explaining before being interrupted by Lights "That accent what is it? Swedish?" Murdoch shook his head "No, I'm Scottish and I really can't see how that ties in with what I've been saying" giving Lights a stern look "Well if I find a stowaway and they have an accent like yours, I'll know that they're Scottish" Lights laughed causing Murdoch to stop walking and turn around to face him "So it is true" Lights said randomly "What is?" Murdoch questioned, thinking it was probably better if he hadn't. "That Scotsman don't have a sense of humour" Lights said trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably, Murdoch just stood there with a less than impressed look on his face "Lighten up, it's just a joke" Lightoller encouraged, nudging Murdoch with his elbow lightly, Murdoch still didn't respond to any of Lights banter "So, what is it that you like to be called? Will, Bill, no wait let me guess, Willie cause your Scottish right?" Murdoch sighed "William will be fine, though if I were you I wouldn't bother learning my name, I doubt you'll last till the morning, telling jokes like yours" Murdoch turned and continued walking down the corridor, Lights smiled and ran to catch up with Murdoch "See, you do have a sense of humour after all".

Murdoch showed Lights everything he would need to know about the cargo hold such as the safety precautions, how to order the luggage and most importantly the rules and regulations which unfortunately, Murdoch thought was a waste of time explaining to Lights, he now understood why the captain had warned him about Lights. "So, how well do you think I've done?" Lights asked his superior officer eagerly "Apart from dropping cargo, not taking instructions and distracting other members of the crew with your awful jokes, you did it in very slow timing" Murdoch finished, whilst checking his report on his clipboard "So, coming from you that means, job well done, right?" Murdoch was becoming annoyed with this new officer, Murdoch had always thought of himself as a tolerate man but he couldn't believe the attitude Lights had "It means that if you don't get your act together, I will see to it that you will be dismissed and off this ship faster than you can say 'Loch Ness Monster', do you understand?" Lights nodded "You believe in the Loch Ness Monster? Murdoch looked stunned and confused "Did you not hear what I just said?" Lightoller put his hands up "You're the one who brought it up" Murdoch rolled his eyes and started to walk away before turning back to face Lights "You are so annoying" Murdoch said, half smiling before walking away again, Lights once again had to run to keep up with him "Nah, you like me really, I can tell. Yeah, I can see you and me being the best of friends" Lights said, patting Murdoch on the shoulders, as they ventured up to the bridge.

A great start to a beautiful friendship, don't you think?