A/N ... ;W;

Ambitious Wendy Testaburger: ... ;W; Hm... maybe :3

Elissa: You better put her in the God damn sequel Candy or so help me... :/

SouthParkFan8: Wahhh ;w; But yay for that sequel! :D

doingyourmom: Thanks dude :)

You Really Smell Like Dog Buns AAHHH: Ah dude, I'm like so sorry ;w; You live in Tennesee? Coolio :3 Your niece is now cool since she shares my birthday.

Kenny: Nah, it's cool :)

6747: Wahh ;w;

Starr: Aw, Brian does care :D

Brian: Whatever :l

Tinaloveheart: I dunno if she will, maybe?

Chocolain: I better be in that sequel! ;/

Me: And aw, thank you :D

kylekennypiptweek: I know, right? They just read what I wrote and now they're pissed, but I gave them a piece of my birthday cake and now they're happy :D

Kenny: Phew! Ok then, just makin' sure ;)

Everyone (except Cartman): Thanks dude! :D

Cartman: Ay! Fuck you!

Bebe: Grrr... ;/

Starr: ... Did I say hippie? I meant, uh, something TOTALLY different from that.

Rainbow: Psh... yea, ok.

Pip: Really? I can't wait until I'm that tad bit of older! *U*

Chocolain: Why are your eyes like that dude? They're sparkly~!

Pip: Because, uh, I saw my parents from the dead and they said they loved me...?

Chocolain: ...Oh ok! Tell them I said good day mates :D

Elissa: Oh joy...

Me: It's sad, isn't it? ;w; But yay things that were created :D I hate ends of stories 'cause it's, well, the END D: Wahh, me is so sad ;w; No problem, no problem! :)


Disclaimer: You know what? Fuck you, you know that I own only Chocolain. Stop reading this shit while I'm fucking SAD D:l

NOTE: Chaties is a website I made up :3

Chocolain skipped up to her room happily. Her friend Hailey followed closely, closing the door behind her once she reached the destination.

"So what 're we gon' do up 'ere?" Hailey asked, her Southern accent clearly heard. She quickly tied her black hair up into a sloppy ponytail and sat down on Chocolain's bed.

"I'm checking my Chaties." Chocolain replied, turning on her computer.

"Oh, well that dere's cool." Hailey said with a shrug, her blue eyes blinking a lot.

Chocolain quickly logged into her Chaties account and checked her inbox. She was satisfied to see a video message. She clicked on it and the two kids watched.

"Hi Chocolain!"

"Who 're dey?" Hailey asked, tilting her head.

Chocolain smiled. "It's my class back from South Park! They're very nice."


"We're on Brian's laptop again!" Kat giggled. "Isn't he nice?"

Brian rolled his eyes. "It wasn't like I actually had a choice..."

Stephanie smirked. "No, no you didn't." she said. "He'd get cut up if he refused. Haha!"

"What's she mean by dat?" Hailey asked.

Chocolain laughed nervously. "Well, let's just say that Steph has her way with weapons..."

"Oh come on Brian; lighten up a bit." Red laughed. "It'll only be for a bit anyways."

Kyle stepped up. "So how's Georgia Chocolain?"

"Are there a bunch of hilbilies there chewing on a straw stupidly?" Cartman added. "I bet there are since they're soooo dumb."

"Shut up fatass!"

"You can't tell me what to do you stupid ass Jew!"

Hailey coughed. "Damn, that kid there's fat! I ain't never seen a kid as fat as 'im! And did he just call me stupid?"

Chocolain chuckled. "Ignore 'im. He's quite the mint chocolate, but he's cool at times."

"Alright den. I still don't like 'im..."

"How about you both shut up?" Elissa snapped. They still argued. "Ugh, ignore those two. Anyways, my brother and I got fucking adopted by some family with the last name Kelts. Elissa Kelts... that fucking sounds stupid..."

"Aw, it's ok Elissa... kind of..." Starr said. She shrugged. "So, how's the weather over there? Can you actually stand it?"

Rainbow scoffed. "Oh yea, Chocokins been living there for mostly all of her life and she totally can't stand the heat." Starr gave her a short glare. "What? Just sayin'..."

"Have there been any parties lately?" Cherri asked. "If so then why wasn't I invited?" She pouted.

"W-well, she's all away on the other side of the country..." Butters dragged on.

"Oh yea, that's true..."

"Are there any available guys there?" Ashly asked hopefully. "Who, ya know, act, look like, talks like, and is basically exactly like Kyle?"

"Wow, she's a bit on the creepy side..." Hailey said slowly.

Jenna rolled her eyes. "Oh Ash... So are ever gonna come back and at least visit us? We all miss you here!"

"Nah, I don't."

"Cartman..." Jenna growled.

Krisa shook her head and sighed. "So are ya still single Choco-Laco? I bet you're not~!" Pip choked on air for a bit.

"You just lost." Brian said flatly. Pip sighed of relief.

Krisa smacked her teeth. "I was just seeing, jeez." She leaned in towards the web came and whispered, "Your secret admirer wouldn't be very pleased, would he or she?" With a laugh, she leaned back.

Chocolain frowned. "She's still talking about that? She's really being a mint chocolate!"

"Um, I guess that's it...?" Stan said slowly.

"No wait!" Kenny exclaimed. "Got any hot friends? Tell them that I am completely available for dates and one night sta- I mean relationships."

Hailey made a face. "Is that kid always perverted?"

"Yea, pretty much." Chocolain shrugged. "You get used to him after a while."

Brian chuckled lowly. "Ok, everybody get the Hell outta my house; we're done." He reached to turn off the webcam.

The last thing that was heard was, "Your house smells like Jew and beer anyways."

Hailey blinked. "Them are some weird folks Cocoa."

Chocolain smiled. "Yea. But they're my weird friends."
