A/N Hello fellow writers/reader of fanfiction. Welcome to my first fanfic: 'Friends.' If it's quite bad, please tell me. Constructive critism is accepted. Flaming is not :) I will also accept OCs THROUGH P.M. I don't want to get reported like some of the authors out her, k? K :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the T.V. show South Park. I only own my OC, Chocolain Faith.

I bounced up and down my seat. I can't believe it! I'M MOVING! I feel so awesome.

Yea, I'll miss my old friends in Georgia. But I'll write letters that'll make a smile form right on their faces!

Oh, introduction. Right.

My name is Chocolain. Chocolain Faith. I'm gonna be going to South Park Elementary for the new school year, and it's gonna be MEGA AWESOME! I'm that average height and weight, really pale, and awesome girl that's gonna be the funniest person there...hopefully. I gotta keep up my reputation. I have chocolate brown eyes and chocolate brown hair. Oh! And I got a chocolate brown jacket and dark black skinny jeans and chocolate brown shinny boots my Ma bought me yesterday. And one last thing.


I was actually named after chocolate. Cool huh? Yea, well apparently, me Pa was eating a chocolate bar while I was born and POOF! My name was made. I like every single type of chocolate: white chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, peanut butter chocolate, and every other chocolate. Except for mint. That's the worstand onlychocolate I hate. It's just so...UGH!

Anyways, after Ma pulled up to our new house, I ran out of the car straight into the unlocked house. The furniture was already set up. I ran all the way up to my room and gasped. I even started to cry. My room was...BEAUTIFUL~!

It had a dark black fluffy carpet and milk chocolate walls. There weren't any cracks and holes in the wall. There were stickers of white chocolate all around my walls as well. My dark brown dresser was at the corner of my room, opposite of my bed. My bed was long and skinny, decorated with white and light brown fancy covers. I ran straight to my bed and collasped on it.

"I love this room~!" I sang happily. "Lovedy love, love, LOVE IT~!"

"I'm glad you do honey." I heard a voice say. I sat up and looked at my Ma happily. She was a tall, skinny woman I tell ya. She has black hair that's always in this sloppy bun and bright blue eyes. It's weird how I have brown eyes while my parents have blue. Pa says it came from my Grandma I think.

"You're mega awesome Ma." I smiled.

Ma laughed a bit. "I'm glad you think that Chocolain. Now get on to bed. You start sixth grade tomorrow."

"Ok Ma." After getting changed and kissing Ma and Pa good night, I climbed into bed.

I'm gonna have fun here.

A/N Sorry it's short. It's only the introduction. Trust me, it'll be longer once school begins.

Now, as some probably read earlier or in the summary, I will be accepting some OCs, four to be exact. I like description, so be sure to go into depth with your OC. Here's the form. :)



Birthdate (All OCs are in sixth grade, so all I need is the day they were born):

Appearance (Discription is best):

History (Where they were originally born, how they were when they were younger, ect.):

Family (Anybody they live with basically):

Personality (Your OC isn't him/her without a personality. Discription is, again, best):






Favorites (From their favorite food to their favorite music):

Crush (This is optional of course. List at least 2-3 and explain why they like that person):




Reaction to Chocolain (Would your OC like Chocolain, ignore her, ect.?)

Anything else?:

And that's it. For example, I'll write about Chocolain.

Name: Chocolain Faith

Nicknames: Chocolate, Cocoa

Birthdate: December 26

Appearance: Chocolain is average height and average weight. She has really dark brown hair that looks black. It is always tied up into a low ponytail, unless there is an ocassion happening, like performing or something. She is also really pale in the skin. Her eyes are normal and brown. Her most worned outfit is a white T-shirt, topped off with a brown jacket, black skinny jeans, and brown shinny boots. Her nails are always cut perfectly.

History: Chocolain Faith was born on December 26 in Georgia. Growing up was really fun for Chocolain. She was always a hyper, outgoing child. She had many friends in Georgia because of her nice personality. She'd always hold parties: Christmas parties, Easter parties, ect. Everybody would come there, since you can always have a fun time there. Her parents love her a lot, and would buy her chocolate related things just for her happiness.


Personality: Chocolain is an always hyper, crazy girl who might possibly have ADHD. She's alwasy looking for a good time, and just can't stand anything boring. She likes to make friends, and dislikes enemies. She's always looking for adventure everywhere she goes. When something is really, REALLY sad, she bawls her eyes out. When someone cheers up, she cheers up to. She's goofy and likes to do a bit of joking around. It's hard for her to get angry at a person, but if she must, she will. She can't stand the word 'hate'; she'd rather hear 'dislike'. She tries her hardest to make everybody her friend, tries her hardest to make her friends friends, and so on.

Talents: She's a really great dancer. When she was little, she took a liking to hip-hop videos and have been dancing ever since.

Hobbies: She likes talking, jumping on her bed, and drawing random crap.

Likes: Chocolate, dancing, parties, talking, whispering, shoutong/yelling, music with good beats, running, making people happy, electronics, bunnies, and dolphins

Dislikes: Silence, jazz music, making enemies, racism, mint chocolate, getting sleepy, reading, swimming, the sadness from the movie Titanic, and stinky cheese

Fear(s): She cannot stand heights. She literally flips out when she's too high up.


Food- Waffles

Chocolate- White

Class- Gym

Season- Summer

Number- 52

Letter- Q

Color- Brown

Type of Music- R&B, Pop

Type of Dance- Hip-Hop

Song- 'Imma Be'- Black Eyed Peas

Object- Her fake fangs

Animals: Dolphin and rabbit

Flower: Lily

Crush: She doesn't have one. (Quote: "Boys are ICKY~! But they're nice too.")

Friends: She thinks everybody is her friend.

Enemies: She doesn't believe in the word 'enemy.' But, Cartman and Bebe are kind of annoyed by her attitude. (Quote: "Enemies equal mint chocolate. Enough said.")

Allies: N/A

Anything else?: N/A

And that's Chocolain Faith. I am ashamed of my decription -_- Hopefully yours are better; there is always a better writer than me, and you. Yada, yada, blah blah...

Sneak Peek on next Chapter

"My name is Chocolain Faith." I said happily, standing up. "I like chocolate...chocolate...the color brown...and chocolate." I smiled brightly.

I'll be doing sneek peeks often. They're short, but good enough hopefully. I'll post the next chapter ASAP. Well bye :)

-W.C.P. ^^