IA: Yes I'm back with another story! And yes people I will complete ALL my stories. Oh and in case none of you noticed, No words spoken, only musical notes Has been deleted. I couldn't really bring myself to type up another chapter...sorry to disappoint those that wanted to see where that story was going...and it was going to go so well...but then my brain wouldn't bother to think up any ideas for it...so to make up for it's empty space I present to you the LONGEST Chapter for the beginning of this story.

Summary: The ponies were bustled with their own business and the Cutie-Mark Crusaders were thinking up ways to get their cutie marks until something causes them to do something that is totally what they would always do.

Note: I do not own MLP FiM or the crew. The only thing I own is the plot and my Oc ponies.

Rainbow Dash was napping on a cloud. Rarity was working on a new dress. Spike and Twilight were busy with the library. Pinkie was at Sugarcube corner. AppleJack was bucking apples with Big Macintosh. AppleBloom and her friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell were sitting in their tree-house discussing ways to get their cutie marks.

"I say we do a circus act! Everypony loves clowns!"

"Oh Oh! How about we be secret detectives!"

"How about Swimmers!"

AppleBloom was about to suggest something when she picked up a faint crash of a tree. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo also heard the sound and looked to the other with a 'what should we do now' look. AppleBloom stood tall and grinned. "Adventure!" Her fellow blank flanks both cheered along as they raced out of their tree house and onto Scootaloo's scooter. AppleBloom pointed in the direction and Scootaloo flapped her wings rapidly making a buzzing noise making the scooter zoom through the trees.

A fallen tree was what they stopped at and a few dented trees. AppleBloom hopped off of the scooter and trotted to the fallen tree and peered over it. A gasped emitted from her and she stepped back and turned to her friends.

"There's a little Filly knocked out!" This caught the attention of the two and they rushed over to see, and true as it was there laid a little young filly. The filly was black in color with a blue shine where the sun rays hit her. Her mane was long and white with purple streaks running through it her tail was also long and was of the same coloring. Her hooves were white and there was a gold bracelet around her left hoof. Sweetie Bell hopped over the fallen tree and cautiously made her way to the little filly. Once next to the filly she nudged the filly with her hoof, the unknown filly gave a slight groan before shifting slight. The filly's mane fell to the side of her head showing a small unicorn horn that looked smaller than Sweetie Bell's. The filly's eyes opened slowly and blinked a few, the little filly's eyes were a bright purple sapphire. but no pupil. It was a glass purple sapphire. The filly shifted a little more before getting to her hooves. Sweetie Bell inspected the little unicorn but stared at what she discovered. The little Unicorn had the wings of a Pegasus.

Sweetie Bell motioned the other two to come closer as they watched the young filly struggle to get on her shaken hooves, after watching her they decided to help. Scootaloo stood on one side of the filly while AppleBloom stood on the other. The little filly looked at them both and smiled at their help.

"Thanks.." She spoke out and when she was standing with no problem they moved and stood in front of her.

"Hey there! I'm AppleBloom and these are meh friends! Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo."



"Oh it's nice to meet you! My names Midnight Mystery!" She grinned to the three and they grinned back.

"Hey you don't have a cutie mark!"

Midnight smiled bashfully and lowered her head slightly.

"That's okay we don't have cutie marks either!" And as if to prove they all turned and showed there blank flanks. Midnight grinned and raised her head.

"Really? That's cool!" They all giggled,

"Hey you from Ponyville?" Midnight shook her head.

"No..and to be honest..I don't know how I ended up here..." She smiled sheepishly at them.

"Well then I'm sure someone in Ponyville will now ya! And if not we can always ask Twilight to help ya!"

"Really? Thanks!" She smiled at them and then followed them.

"Hey quick question...can you fly yet?.."

"Yeah. I enjoy running though." Midnight flapped her wings just enough so that she was hovering. She flapped some more and then she flew up into the trees and landed on a branch.

"So where is this Ponyville?"

"It's just over yonder." AppleBloom pointed a hoof.

"Then let's get moving."

"But first you have to met my sister!" AppleBloom grinned as they all got on Scootaloo's scooter. Midnight flew after them as they zoomed away and back to the farm.

Midnight followed the fillies to a nice looking farm. When they stopped she landed behind them and tucked her wings and looked around. "Whoa..." She breathed out and trotted closer to the three adventurers. "This is where you guys live?"

"No this is where AppleBloom lives." Sweetie Bell filled her as her two friends went off to find AppleJack. "We should follow them.." Sweetie Bell said as she shifted slightly under the gaze of the glassy eyed pony. She grinned sheepishly before trotting after the others. Midnight looked opuzzled for a menet before brushing it off and following the filly.

AppleBloom found her sister apple bucking. "APPLEJACK!" Startled AppleJack bucked hard and some apples fell on her head.

"Ow...AppleBloom? Scootaloo? What can i do fer ya?"

"Apple Jack we found this pony called Midnight Mystery in the woods!"

"She sezs she ain't got a clue on how she wind up der!"

"hmmm..well let's just meet dis here filly, den we can head over ta Twi's den.." AppleJack smiled. And followed the little fillies the way they came. They soon met a trotting Sweetie Bell.

"Hey Sweetie Bell! Uhh...Sweetie Bell...wherez Midnight?" Sweetie Bell looked behind her.

"I could have sworn that she was following me..."

"Filly on the loose!" Scootaloo suddenly cried out. They all started looking for the lost filly only to find her talking to Big Macintosh. He was towing a wagon with apples and was about to head into Ponyville. AppleJack and the three black flanks galloped over to them.

"Big Mac found her!" AppleBloom cheered. Big Macintosh looked slightly confused before replying with a "Eeyup." Midnight looked to them and then to the new mare looking at her with a gentle smile.

"Hi der, I'm AppleJack."

"Hi AppleJack! I'm Midnight Mystery."

"Well it's nice to meet 'cha Midnight..now why don't we all head into Ponyville and then i'll take ya ta Twi's okay.." She smiled widely before walking with Big Macintosh down the road to Ponyville and the four fillies following behind them.

Midnight looked around in awe as she walked with the group through the roads of Ponyville. After stopping somewhere and leaving Big Macintosh to deliver apples; the mare and four fillies broke off and made their way to a library. Midnight followed but strayed away when she caught sight of a boutique. She trotted to the doors and cautiously walked in. She stared in awe at the designer dresses and saddles that were perched on hangers and the stage. She walked over to the stage then hopped onto it. Her horn glowed a dazzling blue as she took one of the more her size dresses and slipped it onto herself. She looked at herself before twirling and posing as if in front of cameras, giggling to herself she froze when a voice brought her out of her thoughts.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" She turned to see a white unicorn mare with a diamond cutie mark and purple stylish mane and tail. The mare had on glasses and had a pin cushion hovering next to her, thanks to her power. Midnight looked down and frowned slightly.

"I-I'm sorry miss I should have asked first before trying on one of these pretty dresses..I'm sorry."

"Oh that's right but your a young filly and would need a lot to learn, and where are your parents? And I'm Rarity by the way dearie."

"I don't know where my parents are."

"Well that certainly will not do..Come child let us go look for them." Rarity said this as she used her own powers to take the dress of the little filly and placing it back on its hanger. Midnight smiled to Rarity for her caring form before following the mare out. Rarity placed her designing glasses away and walked out of her boutique/home with Midnight following her.

Scootaloo noticed first that Midnight was following them then stopped.

"Uhhh...Anypony seen Midnight?" This caused the others to stop and actually notice that filly's absence.

"Now where in tarnation could that little filly gone...?" AppleJack was about to go off looking for the missing filly when she spotted the filly walking with rarity. "Rarity!" AppleJack galloped to said mare with three young fillies following her.

Rarity looked to where her name had been called and she knew by the accent on who it was. "AppleJack?" Midnight also looked and say the group run up to them.

"Rarity found Midnight!" AppleBloom cheered as did the other crusaders. Rarity simply looked puzzle.

"Okay...AppleJack maybe you can help me. I'm trying to help this filly find her parents."

"Well you can't find them 'cause we found her in the woods all knocked out like.."

"Yeah and Ah waz gonna take her ta Twilight to see if she could help the youngin'."

"Oh then let's go together then!" Rarity declared and soon they were off once again. They walked past Sugarcube corner when something pink zipped right past them causing them to spin around, except Midnight who watched them all spin in confusion.

Midnight wondered what that pink streak was then she yelped as a pink curly mane and tail pony with a cutie marks of balloons popped right up in front of her.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! I never saw you around Ponyville before! What's your name?"

"Uhhh..Midnight Mystery..."

"Ooooo! I know! I know! I'll through a party for the new pony! There'll be cake and games and sweets and ponies!" She squealed then bounced off talking and planning to herself the soon to be party. Midnight watched in confusion and puzzlement as the pink pony bounced, then looked back to the group who were already walking ahead of her, not fazed by the encounter at all. She squeaked then rushed after them.

After finally reaching them Midnight walked behind Sweetie Bell as she and the other two fillies discussed ways to finally get their cutie mark. Midnight was looking around her at all they different mares and stallions. Some with wings like Scootaloo. Some with horns like Sweetie Bell and Rarity. And most without horns or wings like AppleBloom and AppleJack. She watched as she looked at the different cutie marks before noticing that the ponies that looked in her direction all stared at her with an odd expression on there faces. Midnight looked puzzled before brushing it off and looking ahead of her.

After a long walk they walked up to a tree that had been converted into a living facility. Midnight looked up at the tree in awe and then stood with the group as AppleJack knocked on the door.

"Twi! Ya home?" AppleJack called into the home. The door glowed purple then opened and a purple pony stood there with moderate sapphire blue mane with a moderate violet and brilliant rose streaks through it. Her tail was of the same coloring and a clean evenly length main and tail.

"Hi AppleJack, Rarity, Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, AppleBloom and...I'm sorry but I don't know your name."

"Oh I'm Midnight Mystery!" Twilight smiled then side stepped and allowed the group to enter her library and home. One by one they entered and Midnight was the last to enter. Twilight's eyes widen as she saw the little filly have both a horn and wings. 'An Alicorn?...' Twilight blinked before closing the door and looking to Midnight. "You're an Alicorn?.."

"A what now?.."

"A pony with the horn of a Unicorn and the wings of a Pegasus."

"Oh then yea I am." Midnight smiled as she spread her wings open to show it.

"But how is that possible? I thought Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and Princess Candence were the only Alicorns in the whole of Equestria."

"Whoa...really? Is that why ponies have been looking at me oddly?"

"It appears so.."

Midnight looked to the off ponies with puzzlement.

"What?...What!" She finally asked clearly annoyed by the odd stares. Twilight shook her head then grinned sheepishly and raised a hoof.

"Sorry. Spike!" She called up the stairs. There was a clatter then a thud then hurried footsteps down the stairs. A baby dragon purple with a green eyes and ear fins and palish green underbelly bounded down the steps.

"Yes Twilight!" He stopped and looked to the black filly with a wide eyed expression.

"Awww! A baby dragon!" Midnight squealed before darting to Spike and hugging him gently.

"He's sooooooooo cute!" he blushed and smiled at the attention before looking to Twilight.

"You called me?"

"Yes Spike. I need a letter to Celestia." And as if like reflexes he had a paper and quill ready. Midnight stay on her flank and watched the paper.

"Dear princess Celestia, I have recently encountered a Alicorn filly that my friend's sister and her friends found. I am sure you would want to hear this information as soon as possible. What must I do?" Spike wrote down all that was said before rolling the scroll and sending it. Midnight watched as the note disappeared in a green flame and puff of magical dust. She looked to the dragon then to the others.

"Oh and Midnight my Name is Twilight Sparkles people call me Twi or just Twilight." Twilight smiled gently. Midnight smiled back but her gut churned slightly in the nervousness of their princess knowing of her.

Princess Celestia was sitting on her throne when the message formed in front of her. Using her own powers she opened the note and read it. She shot up in a quick hast that the guards looked to their princess in worry. She looked to them and spoke sternly.

"I need to go to Ponyville." the guards simply nodded and the two at the door walked out and prepared a Pegasus carriage. Celestia walked down the path of her throne then made her way to the carriage. 'If there is a filly Alicorn then I must see where this little filly hails from...' Celestia thanked the guards and then boarded the provided transportation. Two guards accompanied her. She was in deep thought the entire time.

Twilight was left with the little Alicorn as others had to return to their daily routines. Twilight laid out two cushions for them and she sat on one while Midnight sat on the other.

"So Midnight. Tell me a little bit about yourself." Twilight grinned kindly.

Midnight Grinned back. "Well what do you want to know?"

"First do you know where you come from?"

"Uhhh..." Midnight thought for minute before shaking her head.

"Okay...how about your parents?"

"Hmmm.." Again she shook her head.

"Do you know anything?"

Midnight thought long and hard. She opened her mouth to speak but then Spike came tumbling down the stairs.

"Twilight! Twilight! Celestia's here!" Twilight shot up.


"Yea I saw her land outside!" And as soon as Spike finished that sentence the library doors opened and two guards stood on both sides as Celestia walked in.

"Hello Twilight." She smiled to her faithful student.

"Princess Celestia! Its quite unsuspected for you to be here!"

"I came to see the Alicorn of which you spoke of in your letter." Celestia looked to the little filly that say on the cushion.

"Oh of course!"

Midnight stood up and walked up to the princess and stopped a good distance away. She looked up to the tall mare in awe as the mare's mane moved in a wavy flow along with her tail. Celestia smiled down at the little filly and lowered her head slight so that she was eye level with the filly.

"Hello little one...I'm Princess Celestia.."

"H...Hello...I'm Midnight Mystery..."

"It's nice to meet you Midnight." Celestia smiled kindly.

"Whoa...you're tall...just like...my...sister.."

"Hmmm? Is that so?"

Midnight nodded slowly. Her sister. The word itself echoed in her mind.

"And who might that be Midnight Mystery?"

"...I...I don't know.." Midnight looked down. "I can't remember...Only glimpse." She looked up to the princess with a hopeless expression.

"Do not worry yourself little one...my faithful student will help you remember your family and everything..." Celestia said as she looked to Twilight. Twilight nodded her head.

"Yes Princess!"

"Well it was nice to see you Midnight Mystery...I will be dropping by to see how you are doing.." Celestia smiled at the filly before bidding a farewell and leaving. The crowd of ponies dispersed when Celestia left.

Midnight was sitting on the cushion provided as she watched Twilight pace back and forth.

"Okay let's see...maybe Fluttershy might house you for sometime until I can prepare proper living space for you..." Midnight perked at then name.


"Yes a friend of mine.." Twilight smiled. Twilight walked to the door and looked to Midnight.

"Let's go." Midnight got up then used her own powers to put the cushion away. She trotted to Twilight who looked on with a slightly shocked expression.

"Y-you can already master your powers?.."

"hmmm...?" midnight looked to the mare then to the pillow.

"Oh! i just thought of it then it happened..." She shrugged. Twilight shook her head before opening the door and allowing the filly to walk out before closing after herself. Twilight trotted down a route with Midnight following next to her. Of to the cottage near the Evergreen forest.

IA: My first pony Story...TTwTT I'm so proud...