Yosicle! I'm going to start a new story (even though I really should get going on my other ones -_-"') So for this storree, each chapter has little conversations-mostly between Soul and Maka, but some have other characters, as well. Each of the conversations is themed by a word, which in turn is themed by a letter since each chapter has a given letter. Don't worry, it sound more complicated than it actually is ^-^"'.

DISCLAIMER: Yeah, if I owned Soul eater, I'd totally be writing fanfictions about it *deadpans and rolls eyes*

Chapter One: A


"All the other kids, with the pumped up kicks, ya better run, better run-"

"-outrun my scythe!"


"What types of music do you like-other than jazz?"

"Well I like the occasional pop, though almost all of that is crap. I like alt., too."




"Yeah it's like a side genre of rock."

"Oh...um, Soul?"

"Yeah, Maka?"

"Why are you staring at me?"

"You rock my world."


"Maka you're an amateur."

"Huh? At what, Liz?"


"Oh yeah? Then how come I've been going out with Soul for so long."



"Te amo."

"I don't speak Spanish, Soul."

"Je t'aime."

"Yeah, I took a year of Fren-oh my god."


"And I'll take that necklace over there."

"Uh, sir, I don't know if that'll go with your ensemble..."

"It's for my girlfriend, dumbass!"


"See anything you like, Soul?"

"Yeah. And I'm looking right at her."


"Hey Sis, why are we watching the guys eat apples?"

"Well Patty, you see, if a guy eats an apple a certain way, that means he's a good kisser!"

"Oh...ok Sis."

"Hmmm...ok so Black Star seems obnoxious as usual...Kid...clean and precise...and-omigod!"

"Hey Liz, Patty."

"Maka you are one lucky girl!"


"Even though we argue so much, we're still a pretty great team! Right Soul!"


"Wait, what?"

"We're a kick ass team.


"A mighty god like me can feel the love between those two! It's so great it's giving off such an aura and vibrating in the air!"

"I agree with you that they love each other...but I think that's just your phone vibrating, Black Star."


"I look awful! I can't find anything that matches!"

"Since when did you start caring about uncool stuff like that?"

"Since I started dating you!"

I'm sooo sorree if it was confusing! All conversation-only stories tend to be. Please tell me if it was and I'll try to fix it! Thanks for reading! :D And I'd really like to update this at least every-other day since I obviously couldn't do that with my drabbles-fic *sweatdrop*