Author's Note
Hello everyone! Gyaku no Sekai here with a public service announcement for anyone who reads my fics (and those of my sister from another mother, Kireteiru). In light of FF's decision to enforce its "no adult content" ruling for this site, nee-san and I have made the decision to move all of our, ahem, "risqué" content to "adult fanfiction dot net" (remove the spaces and replace "dot" with a period), which is in no way related to FF dot net.
Stories Affected for Me
Genkaku (which will be retitled as Aizou on AFF)
Through the Fire and the Flames
(In)Discretion Is the Better Part of Valor
Stories Affected for Her
Cheeseballs and Tentacle Rape
The Parallel: Two Corpses Chapter 29
Also note that as nee-san has… less-than-lenient parental units, her adult content stories will be posted under my account name on AFF, Gyaku_no_Sekai.
Thank you for your support, and by all means, come visit us there!
Gyaku no Sekai