A fill from the Tiger and Bunny Anon Meme. Prompt: Wild Tiger is a veteran porn wrestler with a reputation for defeating cocky young rookies and pounding them good. Barnaby's been watching his videos since he was just a little twink, and now he wants to see for himself what it's really like. What happens when newbie star Barnaby has his first match with Tiger? Will he be able to defeat his more experienced rival (and claim his ass)? Or would he be happier losing to Wild Tiger?
Rated M for explicit sexual content.
Barnaby didn't expect his application to be taken seriously. Firstly, he emailed it to the technical support address for WrestleSexxx, who definitely weren't in charge of personnel. Secondly, the porn industry seemed to like the illusion that its performers were conjured out of thin air, or finely crafted in the same shops they made sex toys. Putting out 'help wanted' ads defeated the purpose of maintaining that these people in the videos weren't actually people, and instead lust-crazed sex fiends here for your gratification. He had no idea if these companies even glanced at formal applications from strangers. And thirdly, anyone with access to a search engine would instantly know that Barnaby wasn't the average sexy man looking for sexy work. They could find his high school valedictorian speech, along with his name on the Dean's list at Sternbild U. Working in pornography, to many, would be a grave misuse of his intellect.
Barnaby didn't care. He spent a week trying to properly demonstrate his pornographic qualifications through a resume and cover letter, convey professionalism and willingness without aloofness or debauchery. Four to six business days after he sent his email, his hard work paid off. He received a reply from WrestleSexxx, stating that if he could pay his own travel expenses, they could fit him in an appointment to meet with the executive producer and discuss his future on the show.
He arrived fifteen minutes early, his hair styled, his jewelry shined, his glasses sharp, his clothes modest and classy on the outside—red and white leather jacket, cargo pants, boots—but underneath, shameless and sexy red briefs, skimpy like a Speedo, in case they asked him to strip. He had all the paperwork they might ask for tucked away in a manila folder as well. The WrestleSexxx office didn't actually have 'WrestleSexxx' on the door, just a placard for a larger media distributor, but the address and office number matched the one he had been given exactly. Then, at three in the afternoon on the dot, the door opened and a woman with long brown-blonde hair and immaculate makeup looked out. "Mr. Brooks?" she asked.
"Yes?" Barnaby stood.
"Agnes Joubert. A pleasure," she opened the door wider. "If you'll come this way…"
It looked just like a normal business office. Desk with a computer and wheeled chair, two stationary chairs in front of it, a sofa and coffee table for less formal discussions. The woman indicated one of the chairs, and Barnaby sat as she took the wheeled chair and pulled up Barnaby's resume on her computer.
"Your determination is already a plus," Agnes said, reading over his resume. "We usually have to pull our actors from other sites. It's been a while since we received an application from a complete amateur."
"May I ask why that is?"
"Think of all the men in the world like concentric circles, or a Russian nesting doll," Agnes said. "There's men. Then there are men willing to have sex with men. Then there are men willing to have sex with men for money. Then ones willing to be filmed, and then, after all that, men who are willing to be filmed having sex with men for money on film while also putting on a show of wrestling before a live audience." Agnes shook her head. "We usually pull from established actors because they're accustomed to the money and the cameras, but I think we can work with your inexperience."
"I'm not completely inexperienced," Barnaby mentioned.
"Yes, you mentioned your lack of virginity on your resume," Agnes smirked at him. "You're not the face I was expecting to go with such a bold letter. Any reason you're not in modeling instead? Why adult video?"
Barnaby had an answer prepared for this. "Sex is just like modeling, except in sex, there's a winner."
Her smirk broadened, and she typed out a note. "With that attitude, I can see why you gravitated to WrestleSexxx. Do you have your medical records with you?"
Barnaby passed her his manila folder, where she quickly found his medical records. Negative on all infections.
"You indicated in your cover letter that you've seen some WrestleSexxx videos before," Agnes stated. "We pride ourselves on a level of realism that would make the usual wrestling industry die of jealousy. The match-ups and fighting words are scripted, but once the match begins, anyone can come out on top, if you get my drift. We don't stage any moves, positions, or lines, and I like to think it shows."
"I'm aware," Barnaby commented as vaguely as possible.
"What they don't see is that, behind the curtain, all of our actors are on familiar terms with each other," Agnes added. "We use this to avoid consent issues, since part of the draw of the show is one man overpowering another, and forcing sex onto him. Consent is pre-determined before the match, for both parties."
"That makes sense."
"With that in mind, would you be willing to perform a little audition with one of our actors?" Agnes invited. "It won't take more than fifteen minutes."
"Of course," Barnaby said. He expected some sort of audition, and he bit his tongue before he could ask who the other actor would be. He really shouldn't give any indication of why this job meant so much to him. Stay professional. Stay cool.
Agnes gestured toward the couch, and Barnaby stood, stripping off his clothes while Agnes paged the other actor. Once he stood in nothing but his underwear, again pleased with his choice of red, and turned back to Agnes. She evaluated him, nodding slightly.
"Nice to know the body matches the face," she said. "Did you wrestle in school?"
"A fighter."
Barnaby shrugged. "So long as I never started it, no one punished me for it."
Agnes smirked again, and Barnaby allowed himself a small smile in return. Making a good impression on the producer never hurt.
"As for the audition, we're going to stage a mock match. I'll set a timer. Our veteran will go first. He'll have five minutes to touch you, no mouth, but kissing above the shoulders allowed, trying to get you off. If anything makes you the slightest bit uncomfortable, say something, because an actual WrestleSexxx match is just going to be worse. Other than that, you can do whatever you like. Once that time is up, you'll switch, and you'll have five minutes to touch your partner, same rules. Any questions?"
"Just one," Barnaby asked, deciding now was the time to ask. "Who's my partner?"
Someone outside knocked on the door, and Agnes called "Come in!"
The door opened, and in stepped a leggy man with brown hair, amber eyes, and most importantly, a very distinctive goatee trimmed in the shape of two kitties.
That beard… He's—
"Hey, Agnes," the man said, before he looked at Barnaby. "Oh, the rookie's already here?"
"Yes, he needs auditioning," Agnes said. "This is Barnaby, our new applicant."
"New applicant? Kinda weird. Have you worked in porn before?"
Barnaby couldn't make his tongue work, so he just shook his head, and the man's eyes widened in astonishment.
"Barnaby, this is Kotetsu Kaburagi, known on the site as Wild Tiger," Agnes introduced the older man. "He'll be auditioning with you today."
Kotetsu stuck out his hand. "Nice to meet ya!"
On autopilot, Barnaby shook the other man's hand, brain shorting out. This was the Wild Tiger, the man directly responsible for Barnaby's sexual awakening when he was fourteen years old and he first discovered WrestleSexxx. In all his previous experiments with touching himself while watching naked people touch each other, Barnaby had never become so aroused or come so hard than when he watched the one called Wild Tiger take the strongest fighters, wrestle them into submission, and then fuck them screaming. Barnaby had subsisted on the free preview videos for years, but once he had his own bank account, and they were his prime fantasies—he'd put on a video, lie back, and just wank, absolutely rotten with desire for Wild Tiger. He hadn't mentioned on his application that his sole motivation for applying for WrestleSexxx was the chance to meet and possibly have sex with Wild Tiger. If he got accepted, his chances were high; Tiger had a reputation for 'breaking in' newcomers to the site, and always winning. The website even had a special list of videos where Tiger dominated an actor on his first appearance, the "Popped Cherries Playlist."
Barnaby had not counted on his first encounter with Wild Tiger being his audition. He needed time. He needed to compose himself, think of something witty to say, something to impress him, some way to try and pretend that he had what it took to make it in this industry, he wasn't just here for sex with one person, that was like prostitution, except not really, but in Barnaby's mind they were equivalent, willing to fuck a dozen men for a chance with one—
"Timer's set," Agnes said. "Tiger, you'll go first."
"Roger," Kotetsu answered.
When the hell did he strip—!
Barnaby gaped at the older man who, while his mind had been spinning out of control, had peeled off all of his clothes, even his shoes and socks, leaving him standing in nothing but his underwear, a pair of tiger-print boxers. His body is just as hot in person as on a screen…
"Starting in three," Agnes said. "Two—"
"But Ms. Agnes, I—" Barnaby started to protest.
A hand reached out and grabbed his hips, pulling them forward while another hand caught his chin. A pair of soft lips planted themselves on his, kissing him insistently. Before Barnaby even had time to be surprised, his lips opened obligingly, and Kotetsu eased his tongue into his mouth while his hands splayed across Barnaby's back and pressed their naked torsos flush together. With a fluid roll, Kotetsu rocked his hips against Barnaby's, in time with the kiss, teasing Barnaby to meet him and reciprocate. The sudden sensations from all directions overwhelmed him, and he just moaned helplessly into the kiss, arms reaching around to clutch Kotetsu's shoulders as his senses awakened.
Overpowering memories of masturbating to this man didn't help. The knowledge that this was Wild Tiger, the one who had Barnaby since his early teens shoving his own fingers up his ass to simulate his cock, watching his muscular body ripple with power, listening to his opponent's cries of protest gradually grow into whimpers of encouragement—he could feel it all playing in his mind as Kotetsu kissed him, his dick responding and hardening, growing all the harder as Kotetsu rubbed his own crotch against it.
Kotetsu broke his kiss, but before Barnaby could try to think of something to say that wasn't "Take me now, you animal," Kotetsu hooked one foot around Barnaby's ankle and pulled, destabilizing Barnaby. He cried out, but Kotetsu's arms eased his fall until he was lying flat on the office floor, Kotetsu on all fours above him, eyes half-lidded and staring down like Barnaby was something he wanted to devour, head to toe. Barnaby shivered under that intense gase.
"You like this?" Kotetsu growled. "You want more?"
"Yes," Barnaby gasped, unthinkingly. Kotetsu leaned down again, teeth sinking into Barnaby's neck and sucking hard, making Barnaby tremble as one of Kotetsu's hands staked across Barnaby's chest and found his nipple, rolling the little nub between his thumb and forefinger, just like Barnaby had done to himself countless nights while dreaming of this man above him. His hips continued their seductive motion, thrusting down against Barnaby's straining cock, his own stiffness driving Barnaby even further to the edge.
Before Barnaby could even get too used to that, Kotetsu raised himself off of Barnaby, and with a swift tug of his arm, flipped him over onto his stomach and pulled his hips into the air. His hands clawed at Barnaby's underwear, and he heard a ripping sound, but before he could process what that meant, a warm, strong hand wrapped itself around Barnaby's cock and started pumping.
"Nnhh—hnnngh," Barnaby squeezed his eyes shut and groaned as Kotetsu molded himself against Barnaby's body, his clothed hips rubbing against Barnaby's bare ass, his muscle-bound chest pressing into his back, his teeth nipping along his neck again, one hand toying with the nipple from before, the other stroking him, rhythmically, hard, fast. He couldn't take much more of this—he wanted so much more of this—
"One minute," Agnes cut in. It occurred to Barnaby that he had forgotten she was in the room, but he didn't fully process the meaning of that fact because Kotetsu's everything sped up, frantically working every pleasure point that he had access to, and Barnaby couldn't help but moan again.
"One minute, Rookie," Kotetsu lifted his head from Barnaby's neck to whisper hotly in his ear. "Y'hear that? You're gonna come in just a minute."
It wasn't a request. It was a time limit. Barnaby had a minute and counting before this man brought his pleasure to a peak. And Barnaby didn't have to imagine a thing. He didn't have to pretend he was in the video, or imagine that Tiger was talking to him instead of the other actor, no, Kotetsu was here and hot and hard and just a step short of fucking him so fast he'd howl. Barnaby felt on the verge of howling anyway as Kotetsu rocked his entire body, gripping him so tight Barnaby couldn't escape even if he wanted to, helpless and horny, under Wild Tiger's control, as always…
And then Kotetsu growled in his ear. Barnaby's long past of staring at Tiger's videos as he pleasured himself overruled everything, because that was the growl Tiger used to signal when he had complete dominance of his victim, the sound that always preceded climax, like Pavlov's dog's bell, and hearing that sound so close, and feeling it rumble in Kotetsu's chest, combined with the hand on his cock, and—and—
"Aaaaahh!" Barnaby bucked forward with all the force his body could muster, shaking and twitching as he spilled his release all over Kotetsu's hand. "Aaah—aaahh—aahhhhh—aahhh… Ahh…"
"Good, good," Kotetsu praised. "That's so good. Feel that, you're so good. Good…"
Blinking away tears, Barnaby writhed in Kotetsu's arms, riding out the last of his orgasm. The veteran eased Barnaby to the floor and disentangled their bodies, letting Barnaby catch his breath.
The timer went off. Agnes disabled it quickly, but the meaning still reached Barnaby's foggy, post-climax brain. Wild Tiger made me come in less than five minutes. Not that Tiger hadn't achieved that feat before, but this time, he did it while physically present. While a third party watched. Barnaby's face boiled with humiliation that he tried to hide in the carpet.
"You ripped his underwear," Agnes scolded. "That's another pair we have to replace."
"But clothing damage is hot, right?" Kotetsu replied, at least having the decency to sound a bit breathless.
"This was his audition. That underwear was Barnaby's personal possession, and not only do we have to pay for its replacement, but this means the company has to give him a pair to wear home. This is coming out of your paycheck."
"Yes, ma'am," Kotetsu grumbled, turning his attention to Barnaby. "Hey. Rookie."
"You know you're trying out for WrestleSexxx, right?"
"I know," Barnaby said defensively. He sat up and looked over his shoulder at Kotetsu, wiping Barnaby's come off his hand with a tissue.
"Next time?" Kotetsu grinned at him. "Try putting up a fight."
The words cracked through Barnaby's heart like a bolt of lightning. Kotetsu was right; Barnaby hadn't fought him, not for a single second. He just wanted Kotetsu so badly that everything else faded away—the spectator, the audition, the office. And to top it all off, he came that hard in less than five minutes!
"Now, now," Agnes interrupted. "Barnaby hasn't had his shot."
"Besides—didn't he cheat?" Barnaby brought up. "He touched me with more than just his hands." Namely, he used his entire body…
"The rules were to touch you. So long as his mouth didn't touch below your neck, he's in the clear," Agnes said. "Rather than complaining about what he did to you, why don't you just do better to him?"
Kotetsu scoffed. Scoffed. Like he didn't believe Barnaby could actually do it.
"Gladly," Barnaby's eyes narrowed. While Kotetsu had the advantage earlier in how cued Barnaby's own body was to his sexual style, by going first, he had given Barnaby a different advantage: Kotetsu's very present erection. It shouldn't be too hard to finish what Kotetsu himself started.
"Where do you want to start?" Kotetsu asked. "The couch? Standing?"
"Here's fine," Barnaby said, 'here' referring to kneeling on the floor. It's not like Kotetsu asked to place Barnaby anywhere special.
"Starting in three," Agnes said, pushing buttons on the timer. "Two… One."
Barnaby lunged forward, reaching for Kotetsu's shoulders, but the veteran leaned back out of reach. Barnaby fell flat, his face pressing into Kotetsu's stomach.
"Hey!" Barnaby protested, reaching up again for Kotetsu's shoulders, but he rolled them and scooted away. "Stay still!"
"Make me!" Kotetsu taunted. "I don't have to stay still for you."
Barnaby gritted his teeth and lunged again, grabbing any part of Kotetsu he could reach. He caught hold of the man around his waist and tugged him back. They struggled as Kotetsu kicked and clawed, but Barnaby held firm, and managed to pin Kotetsu down to the floor and flip him onto his back.
Then Barnaby's second trial started. Everything was fine if he held Kotetsu's wrists firmly beside his head, but the instant Barnaby let go of one to touch the man, the hand started causing mischief. He took hold of Barnaby's hand and pulled it away from its target, clapped his fingers over Barnaby's eyes, tickled him. And Kotetsu just laughed at Barnaby the whole time, amused by Barnaby's efforts to pleasure him. The only avenue left for Barnaby was to hold Kotetsu's hands firmly and then lick and suck at pulse points on his neck. Barnaby felt Kotetsu's breath hitch the tiniest bit—so he wasn't a robot sex machine, he was a flesh-and-blood man with erogenous zones of his own—but not enough to deter the man from making humiliating jokes.
"I wonder what name you're gonna use on the show," Kotetsu asked. "Lightning Bolt, since you came so quick? Maybe Wet Dream? I could make you come in my sleep. Ooh, how about Princess Pushy?"
"Enough already!" Barnaby snapped, and decided to switch targets, licking Kotetsu's collarbone and dipping lower, to his nipple—
"Stop right there," Agnes called. "Mouth above the shoulders only."
"But he keeps struggling!" Barnaby protested.
"He's allowed to."
"Then make him shut up!"
"That's your job. Two minutes remaining."
"Fine, I'll go easy on a rookie," Kotetsu spoke up. With a swing of his legs, he wrapped his muscular thighs around Barnaby's waist, holding him near. "You've got two minutes. I won't fight."
Tentatively, Barnaby let go of Kotetsu's hands. The older man just slid them under his head like a pillow and smirked up at Barnaby.
"Minute-fifty," he said.
Barnaby didn't need telling twice. He tugged the waistband of Kotetsu's boxers down and freed his cock, thick and hard as in the videos. To evade the mouth rule, Barnaby spat into his own hand before gripping Kotetsu's cock and starting to rub, the hot, slick spit in his palm imitating a blow job.
"Hmm, good," Kotetsu encouraged, smiling a little bit. "You've done this before, haven't you? You play with yourself a lot?"
"Shut up," Barnaby gritted his teeth, focusing all of his energy on rubbing Kotetsu as fast as possible. Surely this matched the pace Kotetsu had used on him, right? And he had longer than a single minute to go, this had to work! He had to at least make this rude old man come!
"One minute."
Fuck! Barnaby thought back to what else Kotetsu had done to him—hand on his nipple, too, and necking. Licking his fingertips, Barnaby skirted around one of Kotetsu's brown nipples, and he leaned forward to suck on the man's neck… but, then he cramped up the arm stroking Kotetsu's cock. How could he balance the two actions? He needed a new position, maybe doggy style, like Kotetsu had used? Barnaby let go of Kotetsu and moved to flip him over—but his legs! Still clamped tightly around Barnaby's waist. He pried those long legs open, before flipping Kotetsu onto his stomach, drawing him close, and—
Bipip! Bipip! Bipip! Bipi—
"Time," Agnes said. "Barnaby, let him go."
"No way!" Barnaby cried. "Five more minutes!"
"This is a proof of concept. I don't need to watch you two for five more minutes," Agnes said, tapping a few more notes on her computer. And speaking of soulless sex robots, how can she just watch us so calmly?
"Don't take this so hard, rookie," Kotetsu said, tucking his dick back into his underwear and patting Barnaby on the shoulder. "So, Agnes? You gonna put him on the show? He and Ivan can have cute little featherweight fights."
Though not sure who this 'Ivan' was, Barnaby did not appreciate being compared to a featherweight. "Excuse me, Wild Tiger, but I believe I'll be fighting you first."
"Yeah, so?" Kotetsu said, standing and retrieving his pants.
"This isn't the end. I'll have my chance to fuck you."
Kotetsu chuckled. "Listen, rookie, I didn't want to tell you this, but I've been at this job for ten years. I've done dozens of auditions just like yours, some passed, some didn't, but never once did the other guy actually come." Barnaby's eyes widened, and Kotetsu paused to let that information sink in. "That wasn't me being good. That was you being easy. The minute we're in the ring, you'll just fall to pieces, and then you'll be another video in my popped cherries playlist."
"It'll be different!" Barnaby decided. "Next time, I'll push you down and fuck you until you can't stand!"
Kotetsu just kept laughing. "Look at him, Agnes, he's so angry his nose is twitching! He's like a little bunny!"
"I am not a bunny!"
Laughter dying off and shaking his head, Kotetsu pulled on his pants and shirt. "You keep telling yourself that, Rookie Bunny." The rest of his clothes in hand, Kotetsu turned his attention to Agnes. "Hey, I'm gonna go take care of myself, okay?"
"Yes, that's fine. You're dismissed," Agnes said, and Kotetsu left the room.
Still fuming, Barnaby picked up the remains of his red underwear, both leg holes ripped through in Kotetsu's wild desire to get at Barnaby's dick. So much for Barnaby's sense of hero worship. Sure, Wild Tiger was a friendly enough guy, and definitely a professional in an emotional industry, but taunting Barnaby like that, and getting him off so easily! Those insults could not go unanswered!
"Don't look so put-out," Agnes said. "You did well, all things considered, and you're a hundred times handsomer than most of the men we recruit for the show. You're strong for the wrestling and clean for the sex, and now that you know to always fight back, that should solve your 'premature' problem."
"I don't have a premature problem!" Barnaby snapped. "And I won't let him fuck me again!"
"But he didn't fuck you," Agnes pointed out. "He didn't even finger you, which also would have been within the rules, and is definitely within the rules for the real deal."
Though he blushed at the thought that he could have had Wild Tiger's fingers inside of him, too, in addition to on him and around him, Barnaby set his jaw. "I won't let him humiliate me."
Agnes sighed, and turned away from her computer, looking to Barnaby. "Is this a consent problem? Before each match, both participants have to be willing to consent to anal sex. The show is unrigged; anything can happen, and you have to be prepared for both possibilities. Tiger won't refuse to let you fuck him. He just considers that highly unlikely, and honestly, so do I. You said that you prefer porn to modeling because you like how there's a winner. If you're not able to accept the chance that you might not be the winner, I can't hire you."
Barnaby looked to the door. In spite of his ire, anger, and frustration, he couldn't deny there was a part of him who very much wanted to live out his teenage dreams of getting fucked by that mighty Wild Tiger. He gave consent to Tiger every time he loaded a video from WrestleSexxx and let the man into his mind, and no matter how embarrassing it was in hindsight, those five minutes with Kotetsu had been the most pleasurable thing in his entire life. If pressed, Barnaby's dream arrangement would be to fuck Kotetsu this next time, and later allow himself to be overpowered and feel Kotetsu inside him. On top of all of that, Barnaby was very aware that, on some level, he felt perfectly comfortable sicking his head out into the hallway and calling Kotetsu back to finish himself off in Barnaby's ass then and there.
This is such a twisted obsession I have with a porn star. Barnaby realized. "I give full consent," he said.
"That's for the contracts. I just wanted to know you weren't getting cold feet," Agnes said. "Let's say we draw up your contract on Monday, and then you can start preparing. The next set of matches will be in October, in six weeks. I'll schedule your debut then."
"Thank you," Barnaby said, standing and dressing himself.
"Aren't you going to wait for some underwear?"
"I'll be fine," Barnaby told her, though he was only refusing out of wounded pride. Stuffing the ruined underwear in his pocket and curling his fist around it, he strode out of the office.
Kotetsu Kaburagi… I'll take this job, and if it's the last thing I do, I'll fuck you! No matter how many times you end up fucking me first, I'll turn it around and make you scream for me the way I've screamed for you!
Barnaby signed on for WrestleSexxx and received and official rulebook with which to familiarize himself. It detailed match protocol (most of which Barnaby was already familiar with) and a list of prohibited behaviors, mostly revolved around protecting the wrestlers from permanent damage. He also had a safe word to use, just in case he wanted to stop the match, even if the referee hadn't seen any specific foul play. Barnaby had to admit, he hadn't realized how complicated WrestleSexxx was behind the scenes, and how masterfully Agnes covered every base. She had a diverse array of actors to pit against each other, the thrill of an unpredictable match, enough legalese to protect herself and all the participants without preventing her from being creative. She could do well running almost any sort of media program. Barnaby would have to stick around long enough to ask her the question she had asked him, "why adult video?" but then again, he always ran the risk that she had a vague, pre-prepared answer, too.
In the meantime, Barnaby had to complete a twofold training regime: one, he had to maintain his peak strength with which to wrestle Kotetsu, and two, he needed to somehow undo nine years of conditioning that had his body tuned to Kotetsu's like a radio dial. The physical training was easy, just continue with his usual regime, but with more cardio to improve his stamina. As for the conditioning, Barnaby tried everything. He tried getting off to WrestleSexxx videos with other performers, or to other kink-based sites. He tried pairing the sounds of the video with an unsexy image, and vice versa, watching the muted video while listening to opera, but none of that did anything to actually remove the association Barnaby had between Kotetsu's body (and Kotetsu dominance) and mind-blowing pleasure.
The best he could come up with three weeks before the match was simply willing himself to not be aroused. He picked one of his least favorite of Kotetsu's videos, played it, and sat with his hands clutching the arms of his chair. He watched, and he listened, but he stayed clothed and contained. The images and sounds aroused him quickly, and when Kotetsu used his signature growl, Barnaby nearly came without even being touched, but he resisted, and when the video ended, Barnaby sat completely still until his erection subsided.
Painful. God, it was unbearable torture. But it gave Barnaby the fastest results: by removing the reward of orgasm from the equation, Kotetsu's standard tricks started to lose effect, until most of the videos in Barnaby's collection of favorites did nothing more than give him a standard hard-on, the way any other adult video would.
At the same time, Barnaby worried that it might not be enough. He couldn't remove Kotetsu's skill or experience, and he knew that a lot of why he came so easily during his audition was their physical proximity, which was the point of the entire show. Barnaby just had to hope that he'd be able to overpower Kotetsu in time, because according to the shiny new rulebook that Barnaby had been given, once he achieved penal penetration just once, Kotetsu wasn't allowed to flip them. If he could just claim victory, then he'd have all the time he wanted to calm himself down enough to properly fuck Kotetsu to oblivion to teach him a lesson.
One week until showtime, Barnaby got the run-down on the venue. WrestleSexxx had booked some of the live performances at Sternbild's annual KinkCon, the event that brought together all elements of the sex industry, from fetish clothing to specialty toys to adult video. The event was one-third corporate networking as business-owners scoped out potential suppliers, demanders, and competitors, while the other two-thirds was porn show, attended by civilians subjected to thorough background checks who then paid a handsome fee to be allowed inside the great three-day oasis of lust. The City permitted it so long as it remained heavily regulated and subsequently taxed, and advertising for the event stayed in other adult establishments or by word-of-mouth only.
That was the place where Barnaby would be making his debut as a porn actor. Starring opposite Wild Tiger, his go-to fantasy for years, with whom he had quickly developed a sexual grudge. No way would Tiger fuck him. No way.
Agnes passed Barnaby a script a few days before, barely a few pages of what needed to happen when. Barnaby had one line to say, responding to a taunt written for Kotetsu, but most importantly, he had to pick a stage name. All the actors used them in the event they wanted to go on and do anything else with their lives. Barnaby didn't quite see the point in the age of facial recognition software, but eventually, he settled on Hard Rider, one of Agnes' suggestions. The name still struck him as lame, especially when his opponent had a name like Wild Tiger, but he frankly didn't have many other options or the will to come up with something better. Rider he would be until he earned the right to rebrand himself.
Barnaby's match with Wild Tiger was the last of WrestleSexxx's events for the weekend. Introducing a new actor was a rarity, and even if it was Tiger's gimmick to break in the new recruits by screwing them soundly, the event happened so infrequently that it still deserved to be the grand finale. The whole rest of the convention passed without incident for Barnaby, until he suddenly found himself waiting in the wings of a convention center ballroom fitted with lights, cameras, a sound system, and a wrestling ring. The ballroom bustled with men here to witness the event—all of the women Barnaby could see were actresses, like him—and a few stagehands relaying orders and triple-checking the cameras.
Finally the moment arrived. Someone gave Barnaby the 'ready' signal, and a few seconds later, some music that Barnaby could only classify as porn music played through the sound system, and the dual announcer-commentator took the stage, welcomed everyone to the last WrestleSexxx live event, thanked the people responsible for putting the show together, and explained the rules to the audience.
"And now, I'd like to welcome to the stage our first competitor, in the red corner, in his first WrestleSexxx match ever… That's right, everyone, a wrestle virgin… Please give it up for Hard Rideeeeeeeeer!"
On his cue, Barnaby emerged from the wings and strutted over to the elevated stage, crawling beneath one of the guide wires and entering the ring. To match the "rider" theme, Agnes had dressed him up in black leather like a biker punk, but once on stage, he stripped down to his underwear for the enjoyment of the audience. The whole display bored him, especially knowing what the audience had come here for (what Barnaby had come here for) but since it was part of his job, he performed his striptease without complaint, and never once did his sultry expression falter.
Once in his underwear, a pair of standard issue briefs with the WrestleSexxx logo prominently featured across his ass, Barnaby took his position in the red corner as stagehands cleared away his clothes.
"That's right, fresh to the ring and just aching for a good fight, the handsome Hard Rider!" the announcer continued. "Who's going to step forth to be Rider's first opponent?"
Some fans in the audience cheered, "Tiger! Tiger!" They knew the drill, and they expected Barnaby to lose, like every single rookie to come before him. Like all the rookies that, on any other day, Barnaby would have begged to trade places with, just to feel Wild Tiger fucking him.
But not today.
"That's right, everyone," the announcer continued. "WrestleSexxx fans, you know what's coming next! Please put your hands together for the untamable… the unstoppable… in the blue corner, Wild Tigeeeeeeeeer!"
With that, Kotetsu sauntered up to the stage, milking the crowd's cheers for all they were worth. Barnaby knew Kotetsu's own tiger-print jungle striptease routine very well, and he did his best to not watch. As if Kotetsu needed that advantage of arousing Barnaby before the fight even started. It helped that, without his glasses, everything more than ten feet away from his face might as well be an indistinct smudge.
When his opponent's dance finished, Barnaby took his cue to step forward a bit, prepared for their scripted tough-talking.
"So, some fresh meat for the Wild Tiger?" Kotetsu drawled, laying it on thick. Is that really necessary?"They must call you Hard Rider for how hard you can ride my cock! I'll make you beg for it before I'm done with you!"
Cheers, jeers, the standard response of a wrestling crowd. Barnaby waited for the noise to fade enough to give his reply.
"You say that now, Wild Tiger, but just you wait," Barnaby replied. "There's a first time for everything. When I'm through with you, you'll be my little pussy cat, and that's a promise."
Kotetsu smirked and went off script: "You think so, Lil' Bunny?" The audience chuckled at the nickname.
"Our competitors!" the announcer suddenly cut Kotetsu off before he could say anything else. Agnes would not appreciate how he brought his little nickname into the match, since Barnaby hadn't been accepted as Hard Rider yet, but Kotetsu looked like he could care less if he angered the boss, so long as he angered Barnaby.
Barnaby and Kotetsu returned to their corners, awaiting the signal to start. Barnaby thought over his strategy. Honestly, it didn't feel like much. Keep Kotetsu's body parts—just about all of them—off of his sweet spots, try his best not to listen to anything he says, and see if he can outlast him in physical stamina. Barnaby knew that Kotetsu could go at this for ages, based on the length of his videos, but Barnaby had to hold out.
"Wrestlers, ready?" the announcer called, and Barnaby and Kotetsu stepped three paces into the center from their respective corners. "On the bell…"
Barnaby knew Tiger favored a straight charge to start the match, and Kotetsu didn't disappoint, running forward to catch Barnaby by the shoulders and toss him to the ground. Barnaby met the charge, bracing against Kotetsu's shoulders and keeping his stance wide, with a low, unshakable center of gravity. Kotetsu felt stronger than back at the audition, but then again, Barnaby was fighting back, forcing him to draw upon reserves of power.
It took just a few seconds of grappling for both men to realize, We're evenly matched. In physical ability, yes, they were extremely evenly matched, almost paired, but Kotetsu remembered he had another advantage over Barnaby. The older man poked the tip of his tongue out of his mouth and ran it along his upper lip in a slow, sexy swipe. Distracted, Barnaby's heart jumped, and Kotetsu took advantage of his loss of focus to reach out and swipe at one of Barnaby's legs.
The blonde stumbled, shocked from his trance, but didn't fall. Though the match wasn't staged, they did have orders to actually wrestle each other for the first few minutes. Even if he played dirty, Kotetsu wouldn't make his move to finish Barnaby off until later. But he distracted me so easily… I need to be careful.
"A first strike from Tiger has Rider off balance! Can he pull himself together?"
Barnaby charged back, aiming lower, for Kotetsu's stomach, but Kotetsu caught him and pulled him back up into another lock. They struggled, until Barnaby let go—Kotetsu fell forward the tiniest bit, but he turned in into another hold as he grabbed Barnaby's upper arms. Kotetsu tried to toss Barnaby to the side, but Barnaby wrestled back, and they careened across the ring like barrels rolling on a ship in a storm.
"Neither can get the upper hand! At this moment, I can't tell who's going to come out on top!"
The announcer's words were met with cries of "Tiger! Fuck him, Tiger!" making it clear the audience's preferred victor. They wanted business as usual, another overconfident rookie broken over Wild Tiger's knee. Just like Agnes, just like Kotetsu himself, they didn't see Barnaby as worth anything. They didn't think he could be a winner.
Fired with indignation, Barnaby charged again, but feinted around Kotetsu's grapple and slipped one arm beneath his. Bodies flush together, Barnaby hooked his foot and pressed forward, knocking the both of them to the ground. Kotetsu's body took the brunt of the fall, but the force dislodged Barnaby a bit, too. That hadn't quite gone like he expected, but he did his best, pinned Kotetsu to the floor by his shoulders—
"Ooh…" Barnaby's body sparked with pleasure as a pair of hands squeezed his ass, hips beneath him rubbing up against his dick. A—A counterattack?
"Rider has the upper hand in positioning, but Tiger's pressing the advantage from below!" the announcer summarized. "And it looks like things are starting to heat up here in the ring!"
Heat indeed. Barnaby struggled not to moan any louder as Kotetsu continued thrusting up beneath him, and if not for the thin layers of their briefs, Barnaby would have been riding Kotetsu's cock. He had counted on more time spent wrestling, time to tire Kotetsu out before targeting erogenous zones. Think, Barnaby!
Hands. Those hands had to go. Barnaby reached behind him, caught Kotetsu's hands by the wrists, and slammed them on the ground beside his head. But, that couldn't do anything about the grinding pressure in his crotch—if anything Barnaby had to lean further down to pin Kotetsu's hands, pressing more fully against Kotetsu's body. He rutted back in return, thrusting in time with Kotetsu, biting his lip to keep from crying out as the pressure within him started to climb.
"You're too obvious, kid," Kotetsu hummed in Barnaby's ear.
"W—Ah?" Barnaby's eyes snapped shut as Kotetsu bucked up harder. "Ahh…"
"How did you know I'm the one who fucks the rookies, huh?"
Barnaby's grip loosened just enough for Kotetsu to push up on Barnaby's shoulders, throw the younger man off of him, and flip their positions, this time Barnaby pinned to the ground, arms and legs splayed wide as Kotetsu leaned over him, then pressed low, resuming his thrusting against Barnaby's hardened cock, driving him crazy.
"Tiger's flipped them! And Rider looks like he's losing his grip! I think we see our winner taking charge!"
With the cheer of the crowd, Kotetsu leaned low and whispered right in Barnaby's ear. "The way you called it… Said that I'd be your first opponent… Seemed like you know how I like to fuck 'em, too."
Kotetsu twisted his head and pressed little kisses along Barnaby's neck, reading Barnaby for sweet spots, nipping at the places where Barnaby gasped and whimpered. Barnaby's whole body sang yes, yes, oh, yes, trembling with anticipation for the moment that Kotetsu tore off his underwear and filled him up, fucking him hard and raw, just like Barnaby dreamed. The crowd fell away, the announcer, the cameras, everything. All he could feel was Kotetsu.
The pressure lifted from his hands—Barnaby didn't even have the will to lift them as Kotetsu put his hands to much better use, thumbing his nipples and reaching down to palm Barnaby's erection through the thin cloth.
"You've seen the videos, haven't you?" Kotetsu teased. "How long have you been watching me?"
"Years," Barnaby panted.
"Do you watch anyone else?"
"No…" Barnaby gasped as Kotetsu caught a particularly sensitive spot, giving himself away and prompting the man to stroke him there more until all he could do was moan.
"You're a fan of mine," Kotetsu smirked. The face made Barnaby want him all the more. "An actual fan. You're not here for money. You want me to fuck you like a rookie."
Like he could read Barnaby's mind. That's what he wanted more than anything in the world, the chance to get fucked by Kotetsu, repeatedly, to scream with pleasure like no other. Kotetsu barely had to touch him and Barnaby just fell to pieces. The older man seemed to take pleasure in that fact, pushing Barnaby to his limits and then pulling back, teasing, oh so gently teasing, until Barnaby felt about to cry.
Kotetsu suddenly lifted himself, and like before, flipped Barnaby onto his elbows and knees and ripped at his underwear, tearing through one leg. But, rather than position himself behind the rookie, Kotetsu eased Barnaby's cheeks apart and slid a single finger into Barnaby's ass.
"Aaanngh!" Barnaby's elbows trembled as he sank even lower, almost spreading his legs for Kotetsu. "Haah—aaagn!"
"You could have just asked me," Kotetsu taunted, working that single finger in and out, so slowly, making Barnaby buck and squirm to take it deeper. "I would'a fucked you. But, if this is how you want it…"
A second finger joined the first, scissoring, spreading Barnaby wide. His eyes crossed and he groaned indistinct affirmations, something along the lines of "yeah" and "more" and "there." Kotetsu pushed just that tiniest bit deeper, curling, and just brushed against Barnaby's prostate. He keened and shuddered, crying out, "Tiger! Ahhh, Tiger! Ahhhn!"
"This is it, folks! Rider's almost completely out of fight! It's a Tiger victory for sure!"
With a simple push, Kotetsu knocked Barnaby flat to the floor, the surface of the wrestling ring hard against his dick. As Barnaby mindlessly humped the floor, Kotetsu reinserted his fingers—and added a third, fuck, Barnaby didn't know he could love a man's fingers so much—and leaned close to Barnaby's ear once again.
"You never had a chance, and you know it," he mumbled. "I promise to make this good for you. But you're not gonna break my streak. Sorry, Bunny."
With that, Kotetsu growled, that same growl he used to mark absolute victory, and Barnaby whimpered again, but this time, in surrender. He shouldn't have even fought. All that bullshit about pride and winning, that just got in the way of his real pleasure—taking this man's cock so far up his ass he'll see stars, feeling him work inside of him, and then shoot his hot come deep inside…
Kotetsu lifted his hips. The fingers remained, still jabbing Barnaby's prostate and sending sparks of pleasure coursing through his whole body. And then Kotetsu removed the fingers entirely. The whole space swelled with an understanding of what was about to happen.
Barnaby's not sure where the sudden will came from, but before Kotetsu even had a chance to line up his cock with Barnaby's hole, the blonde pushed off his knees with all his strength, onto his wobbly elbows, and bucked backward with his feet. His heels caught Kotetsu square in the chest and knocked him over, skidding across the ring. The shocked gasps of the crowd echoed in the space as the announcer exclaimed, "Rider's—Rider's up! He's not beaten! He's fighting back!"
He knelt there for a few seconds longer, panting and catching his breath. His body trembled with desire, how he was so close to getting what he wanted, but what did it mean if Barnaby had to be insulted before Tiger would fuck him? There was a difference between submitting and being treated like shit, and the two didn't have to come together.
He looked over his shoulder at Kotetsu, still lying on the ground, nursing his injury. The referee crouched beside him, quickly judging the force of the blow and whether or not it violated regulations. Finally deciding that Kotetsu's ribs were fine—and after some insistence from Kotetsu himself that that the pain was negligible—the referee gave a thumbs-up to the announcer.
"It's good! Rider's kick has unseated Tiger, and the match continues!"
Barnaby's chance. With Kotetsu still disoriented, Barnaby crawled toward him as fast as his trembling limbs could carry him, aware of the destroyed briefs clinging to just one leg… Briefs! Once Barnaby was in reach, he didn't grab for any of Kotetsu's limbs, but instead clung to the briefs tangled just above his knees, where he had pulled them down preparing to take Barnaby. Time for a bit of creative interpretation of the rules.
Clutching the briefs in a tight knot with one hand, Barnaby reached forward with the other and took hold of Kotetsu's balls, rolling them gently in his palm, and then leaned over and swallowed the head of Kotetsu's cock into his mouth. The veteran cried out, "Bunny!" and pressed against Barnaby's shoulders with his hands, but he couldn't unseat Barnaby.
Outside toys were forbidden. Though the competitors entered with costumes and accessories, those were all shed in the striptease and taken aside, leaving both men in standard issue underpants. Yes, outside implements may be illegal, but bondage itself was not, so it was perfectly within the rules for Barnaby to pin Kotetsu's legs with his own underwear. With the odd angle, Kotetsu couldn't spread his legs to dislodge Barnaby. Similarly, attacking the genitals was a violation (no groin-kicks, for instance) but touching was permitted. Barnaby could fondle and tease Kotetsu's balls all day and not receive a penalty, but that put Kotetsu in a position where, if he struggled too much, he'd accidentally force Barnaby to pull on his balls, causing him a world of pain and not even earning Barnaby a punishment. And to top it all off, Barnaby had Kotetsu's cock in his mouth, sucking on it like there was no tomorrow, swallowing down salty pre-come that welled forth, easily taking Kotetsu deeper into his throat as he bucked futilely.
"What a flip!" the announcer declared. "Tiger's in a major pinch! He can't move! But, Rider can't keep this up forever—he has to penetrate Tiger to win! Can Tiger ride this out and make his move then?"
Barnaby swirled his tongue around Kotetsu's cock, lapping up the sides, taking it as far in his mouth as he could. Blow jobs he could handle. One old boyfriend even called Barnaby's skill at sucking cock his best feature, which immediately preceded Barnaby kicking that bastard out of his house, but the fact remained Barnaby could do nearly anything with his tongue—even tame a Wild Tiger.
Kotetsu protested at first, "Hey, that's—nhaa—ah, Bunny, that's too—nngh, Bunny!" but without any moves to make, he just lay back and moaned as Barnaby twisted his tongue around him, exploring for sweet spots the same way Kotetsu had, and finding them. God, Barnaby found them, and then he exploited them, kissing and sucking as if trying to give a hickey to the older man's cock, relishing in the way Kotetsu bucked and squirmed, gasping for relief.
Adjusting his body so that Barnaby's shins pinned down Kotetsu's, Barnaby removed his hand from the tangle of underwear and brought it up to join his mouth, rubbing along the shaft as he lavished attention on the tip, kissing and sucking wetly. He still wanted Kotetsu's badly, his neglected erection aching between his legs, but now, in a position of power, Barnaby could feel that need shifting. Rather than his juvenile dreams of taking Kotetsu's cock, he'd have Kotetsu take his cock instead. There'd be time after to trade places, to be fourteen again and pretend Kotetsu could take his virginity a second time, but for now, Barnaby would rule. And slowly, he could feel Kotetsu unravel, his struggle slowing, his voice loosening. Barnaby almost had him.
"Tiger, do you remember the promise I made before the match?" Barnaby lifted his head and rubbed all the harder with his hand. "I'll make you my pussy cat. How does that sound? Sound good?"
"Nnnuh-uh!" Kotetsu groaned. "Nnnh… Nhhno way! Nhnng…"
A little more, then. Barnaby dipped his head again, flicking his tongue along the newly discovered erogenous zones on Kotetsu's cock, making the man moan. Kotetsu's hands changed position, from pushing on Barnaby's shoulders to threaded through his hair, as trying to pull him deeper onto his dick.
"Tiger's losing it! I can't believe this upset! Tiger is losing it!"
A cheer started up somewhere in the crowd, "Nail him, Rider!" a sentiment that the rest of the crowd shared. They weren't cheering for either of them out of any sort of loyalty: they just wanted to see the stronger man fuck the weaker one, and had no trouble retracting their support for Wild Tiger when it started to look like the rookie Hard Rider would put on the better show.
Confident in his opponent's distraction, Barnaby removed his weight from Kotetsu's legs, pulling the underwear binds past his knees and leaving them at his ankles, so Barnaby could spread those legs apart and find Kotetsu's hole. With one hand still on his balls and his mouth continuing to lick and suck, Barnaby took his first finger and nudged it past the tight ring of muscle, into the warm heat of Kotetsu's body. Kotetsu shook violently, not enough to disrupt Barnaby or make him tug on his balls, but enough to make it very clear that Kotetsu couldn't take much more of this. Eventually, he'd snap.
Easing his finger deeper, Barnaby twisted the same way he had felt Kotetsu twist inside of him, and quickly found that little bundle of nerves that had caused him so much pleasure. As far as he could tell, Kotetsu liked it, too, as he screamed, "Oh, fuck, Bunny! Oh—Ohhh—Haaahh!"
"Ready to be my pussy cat?" Barnaby asked again.
"Nnnngh!" Kotetsu tossed his head back and forth. Still no.
Barnaby added a second finger to Kotetsu's ass, running his thumb along his perineum. "Come on, old man. This feels so good, doesn't it?"
"Mhhhn, yeah," His brain didn't even have the capacity to lie. "Oh, yeah, Bunny, just—ahhhnn—"
"Isn't this so different than back in the office? Did you ever think I'd be able to turn it around like this?" Barnaby pressed—and pressed both fingers right into Kotetsu's prostate. The man yelped, body twitching at the intense pleasure. "I think you've fucked so many lazy rookies you've gotten lazy yourself, old man. I think you can tell by now…" Barnaby leaned a little closer—he didn't have much room, but he made it work—and whispered, "I'm not just another of your popped cherries."
With that, Barnaby thrust his third finger in, filling Kotetsu so deep he screamed, those hips that he had practically used to hypnotize Barnaby earlier now bucking futilely, begging Barnaby for what his mouth can't articulate.
"I think Tiger's lost it!" the announcer added helpfully. "But will we see another stunning upset?"
Not if Barnaby could help it. Kotetsu still had his hands in Barnaby's hair, a point of leverage at this angle only useful for pulling Barnaby closer, not pushing him away. His legs twitched ineffectively to either side, spreading as wide as possible. And his moans, pitching ever louder, there's no way this man had any will left to fight.
"Tiger," Barnaby asked again. "Tiger, do you feel good?"
"Do you?" Barnaby slowed his fingers to a maddeningly light tickle, just like Kotetsu had done to him.
"No… more," Kotetsu groaned. "Jus'… Ah, Bunny, just fuck me!"
"Do you admit defeat?"
"Yes!" Kotetsu screamed. "Yes! Yes, just fuck me, yes!"
"Then we have a problem," Barnaby rewarded Kotetsu compliance with a few firm strokes, before pulling back again. "Because I only fuck my pretty little pussy cat. A tiger's no good."
"Ahhhn, no, no, please!" Kotetsu's hands in Barnaby's hair twisted, threatening to tear a few hairs out, but Barnaby endured. "Please fuck me, Bunny! I—ahhh, fuck—I gotta come!"
"Only pussy cats get to come. Are you a pussy cat?"
"No, you're not a bunny. You're my pussy cat. Because I fuck my pussy cat. So if you're not my pussy cat…"
Barnaby pulled back and removed his fingers entirely, stroking Kotetsu's dick idly with a hand just so he won't forget about the pleasure awaiting him after one simple word.
"No, please! I am!" Tears leaked from Kotetsu's eyes as he howled, "I'm your pussy cat! I'm your—your pussy cat!"
As the crowd swelled with laughter and the announcer struggled on how to describe this complete reversal, Barnaby took Kotetsu's legs by the ankles and raised them off the ground, holding them spread as he pushed the head of his own weeping cock against Kotetsu's hole and shoved inside. Barnaby groaned at the tightness, that enveloping heat, just all around him, and Kotetsu's screams beneath him just made it all the better. He thrust forward furiously, aiming for the spot that he had been teasing with his fingers, until he finally found it, and Kotetsu drowned out all other sound in Barnaby's mind. That wonderful voice, drunk on pleasure, screaming out for Bunny, Barnaby didn't even care that wasn't his name, that's the name that Kotetsu shouted the throes of ecstasy. And Barnaby couldn't even dream of stopping, he just shoved forward harder with every thrust, faster, more, so much pleasure he must be dead, and this is heaven.
After a minute—or a year? Or ten?—Kotetsu's screams changed into short, staccato yells, his whole body clenching and rippling with the force of his orgasm, rocking through his entire body. Hot semen spurted out to paint his chest, and Barnaby just watched Kotetsu's face, jaw wrenched open, eyes forced shut, sweat shining on every part of his body, before Barnaby clutched even tighter and beyond any limit of what he thought he could do, kept fucking Kotetsu until his orgasm tripped, too, shooting up his spine and igniting a supernova in his brain. He lost control, toes curling and hands twitching as his cock, still buried in Kotetsu's ass, shot his come deep inside Kotetsu. Everything was pleasure and heat and perfect… and Kotetsu. Everything was so Kotetsu.
When Barnaby came to his senses, he had fallen on top of the veteran. He peeled himself off, pulled his flaccid cock from Kotetsu's ass, but lacked the energy to do much else, so he just fell back to the floor, beside Kotetsu this time. Kotetsu's face still glistened with post-orgasm bliss, and Barnaby reached out a hand, tilted Kotetsu's face toward him, and pressed a little kiss against his lips.
The announcer was screaming into his microphone. The crowd had gone absolutely crazy. They probably had cameras, largely ignored for most of the show, shoved in their faces, capturing this moment. But Barnaby didn't care, as he drew Kotetsu's lower lip into his mouth and teased it lightly between his teeth, the most forceful action he could muster at the moment. Kotetsu hummed, a pretty little sound, and Barnaby opened his eyes to see warm amber eyes staring at him.
He broke the kiss, just smiled at Kotetsu a little. "Hi," he said. Which was a stupid thing to say after such a raw fucking, but it's the only thing that came to mind.
Kotetsu smiled back, but after a minute, his eyebrows pulled together in a sort of 'what the hell just happened?' expression. "You just—"
"That means—"
"Later," Barnaby mumbled, kissing Kotetsu again. Kotetsu kissed back, however feebly. Whatever this meant, they'd deal with that later. All that mattered now was this moment, and each other.