WolfieANNE: Hello! So I posted this for the link to Lucy with her blunt bangs! Sorry if it's ugly DX

Here's the link, and for those who think I will continue this.. give up. I won't make a sequel or whatsoever, I've got my hands full!

So, here it is:

h t t p : / wolfieanne . deviantart . com / art / The - Maid - of - Honor - and - The - Best - Man - Lucy - 302433838 ? q = gallery % 3 Awolfieanne & qo = 1

So, just remove the spaces because it won't work if you copy and paste it without removing the spaces. Or, to make it easy, you can search for me in deviant art:


Yea, same thing. You guys can just pick, I can't stop you guys...

Uhhmmm... what else? Nothing I guess...

I'm sorry if the drawing is crappy, I'm not that good =_=

So, yea, BYE!

P.S Tell me what you guys think about the drawing in your review so click the button below! :DDD