The Guitar Girl

Written by:



The Picture

"I'm still looking for my princess."

"So, Niall?" The interviewer turned to him, her smile too bright for him. "Tell us about your love life."

Funny how that one sentence could bring him back to thinking about her…

A girl he doesn't even know the name of, hasn't even talked to or seen for a long time.

He was just walking on the busy streets of London, wanting to get away for awhile from the chaos of the boys. He had his disguise on consisting of a hooded jacket and sunglasses. He knows it's not much but it could prevent people from recognizing him with one look.

He remembered it all.

He was about to cross the street when out of nowhere someone bumped him hard enough for him to find himself on the ground. He leaned his weight on his left hand, looking for the person who bumped him. His eyes trailed from his fallen glasses on the floor to the girl who was too busy to notice him. She was picking up papers, quite a few. His eyes continued to trail up to her black jacket up to her face. Her dark brown, almost red hair kept in place by her beanie, her eyes going around checking if there were anymore papers.

He copied her. He looked around him and saw one paper right next to his feet. He grabbed it right when she too reached for it. That's when their eyes met.

That's when she opened her mouth and said in disbelief, "You're…" Recognition flashing in her eyes.

Niall placed a finger on his mouth, signaling her not to continue what she was about to say. She looked away from his eyes and frantically grabbed the paper from him. She stood up abruptly, fixing the papers as she did so. Now Niall recognized that there was a guitar case on her back. He can't help but smile.

He too stood up, dusting himself and when he looked up and at her, he heard her curse under her breath, "Shit."

After that, she started running, opposite to the direction Niall was supposed to take. He shrugged, thinking it was weird but thankful that no one noticed him. He looked down at his feet, looking for his sunglasses…

And that's when he noticed a folded paper, a flyer.

He picked it up, opening it.

Royal Academy of Music

Scholarship Auditions

It was written in bold yet elegant letters just like its school.

And before he knew it, he started walking, searching for where this audition could take place. What can he say; he was a curious little lad. And besides, it was music he was going to, what's wrong with that?

He pushed the doors open, followed the signs on the wall and before he knew it he was inside the auditorium, his eyes landing on the girl performing on stage.

He smiled.

Her dark brown hair was no longer held by the beanie and she was no longer wearing the jacket. Her guitar was already out of its case and was held on her hand being strummed, as she continued to sing.

Her voice was captivating.

It was something that Niall knew would keep ringing in his head, drilling him until he could hear it again singing a different song. He walked closer, giving a wave at the one holding an interview. Again recognition was visible in her eyes; obviously she was a big fan. He smiled, continued to walk until he was close enough to see the girl's face clearer than before.

He took his phone from his pocket and couldn't help but take a picture.

Her mouth was open, clearly singing, her hands on her guitar…but that's not what made Niall love this picture on its first take…

It was the look on her face…

The look that gave him the feeling that she feels the same way he feels when it comes to music.

He takes another picture, this time she was looking down on her guitar, and her hair was curtaining her face. She still seemed so perfect.

"Niall?" A voice broke his trance, a hand getting him abruptly back to reality. He turned to see who was holding him on the shoulder. It was Liam. He gave Niall a look, obviously he was reminding him to answer the interviewer.

Niall pursed his lips. The question rings in his head.

"Tell us about your love life."

Niall's face lights up, the same way it does when he looks at that picture. He says, "I'm still looking for my princess."

Well, I am back from depression and writing yet again. Tell me what you think you guys!:)

Disclaimer: I do not own ONE DIRECTION but I do own the idea and the plot of this story as well as the fictional characters that are used and will be used in this story. So please don't steal it. Thank you.

Stay Safe.

