Disclaimer : Nope, I do not own Gakuen Alice.
A/N : LOL. Okay, so it's been almost 3 years since I've updated this story?! Holy shit. I'm so bad at updating, omg. Anyways, here's the final chapter for this story! Yes, you read correct, this is the last chapter! :D
Kokoro Yome's Fantabulous Pick Up Lines
Chapter 15 : Olive You
"Get that spoon away from me!"
The picnic was going splendid, up until now that is. I was currently sprawled across the grass, just minding my own business and soaking up as much vitamin D as possible, when Koko came out of nowhere with a jar of olives and a spoon in his hand, and nearly shoved a spoonful of olives down my throat.
Didn't this loser know just how much I loathed olives?!
"But these olives are really good! Super fresh!" He tells me, still hovering the spoon in front of my face.
I swat his hands away, but he's persistent. "First of all, we just had lunch!" I tell him, "and secondly, I do not like olives!"
Koko frowns a bit, "You don't like olives? Why?"
"Because they're slimy and taste weird to me, alright?"
"Just try one! These olives are the best thing on this planet!"
"Come on, Permy," Koko says, still waving that damned spoon in front of me, "just try one olive!"
I send him my most furious glare, "Absolutely not."
"But…olive you!"
I frown slightly, "Olive you?"
A huge grin appears on Koko's face, "I can't believe you finally admitted your feelings!" He remarks, the grin growing even bigger.
I blink, "Wait..what?"
Koko just laughs and then leans over and kisses my forehead, "Just think about it," he grins at me, "and when you've figured it out, come to me." And with that, Koko stands up and just leaves.
Yes, that's right. He just fucking leaves.
Olive you….
I love you.
I blink. I need to find Koko, now.
It wasn't that hard to find Koko since I had trailed after him just a couple of minutes after he left me. He was sitting at a bench at the playground, just watching Natsume and Ruka playing with a Frisbee a couple of yards away.
"Oi Koko!" Ruka yells from the slight distance, "Come join us!"
"Koko," I say just as Koko starts to get up from his seat. He glances behind his shoulder and smiles when he sees me.
"Well that was fast," he says, sitting back down. He gestures for me to do the same.
"Well," I say, a smile of my own forming on my lips, "I've gotten quite used to deciphering things such as this."
He chuckles.
"Koko!" Ruka bellows, "Are you coming or not?"
Koko shakes his head, "I'm a bit busy here, mate. I'll join a bit later," he cups his hands around his mouth, amplifying the sound.
Ruka just gives Koko a grin, before jumping up in the air to catch the Frisbee that Natsume had thrown.
"So, where we?"
He quirks an eyebrow at me. "Olives?"
I nod, the smile still firmly on my lips. "Date me if I'm correct; you seem to have a weird obsession with olives, am I right?"
I know, this was exactly what I told Mikan that I would not be doing, but here I am, just doing things which I should not be doing.
I guess he's worth it.
Koko's eyes widen for a fraction of a second before he chuckles, "Actually," he tells me, his eyes full of mirth, "I have a weird obsession with you."
I roll my eyes at him and give him a nudge. I feel his arm drape around my shoulder, and I immediately scoot a little bit closer to him. "You're correct," he tells me, pulling me a bit closer, "I do have a weird obsession with olives."
Now I laugh. "Well, it looks as if you have to date me now."
"Ah," his voice takes on a serious turn, but his eyes are still twinkling, "it seems that I do."
"How will you ever survive?" I tease, immensely enjoying our conversation.
"Well since I've asked you out, -I don't know- at least thirty-seven times these past 2 and a half years, I think it's somewhat safe to say that I kind of entertained the idea of dating you," he tells me, solemnly.
"And in the end, it only took you about 14 pick-up lines."
He snorts, "Only?"
I grimace, "And a jar of olives."
He smirks, "Would you like to try one?"
"Never," I say, bumping my shoulder with his.
But you know what they say about never...
9 years later
"Hey Perms, didn't we just buy a new jar of olives two days ago?"
"Yes, we did."
"They're not in the fridge anymore?"
"That's because I finished them all..."
The End
A/N : I have now completed two multi-chaptered stories! Yessss!
I was supposed to finish this story in May 2012...but here I am, finishing it in August 2015. Oops.
But at least I finished it, eh? Anyways, I'd like to give a huge thank you to all those you have read my story :) Honestly, thank you so much! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I'm kind of sad that it's over...but...I still have other stories to complete lol.
"And in the end, it only took you about 14 pick-up lines." - This line was suggested to me by Alexxis T. Swan! Thanks T! Y'all should go check out her stories! :)
So how about a review for old time's sake? :) Tell me which pick-up line was your favorite!
Carolle Royale
Completed : 2nd August, 2015