A/N: Like I said in my profile, I'm trying to balance fics as of the moment. This is a half-humor fic! Enjoy :)

Edited: 11-9-2013


Fuck, I'm running late! That dobe would probably accuse me of being like Kakashi! Dammit all!

Sasuke kept running as fast as he could to the meeting point and fought to keep his composure once he caught sight of the red bridge. Naruto and Sakura were already there, without Kakashi, of course. As soon as he went to them, he mentally prepared himself for the idiot's insult by looking away, preparing his own comeback. And then he realized that he was being met with silence, so he twisted his head again and was still hearing...


Just plain nothing.

He eyed him suspiciously, wondering what changed in his personality today. That was when he noticed that Naruto had a hand cupped to Sakura's ear while he whispered something to her. The interaction was quick and the blonde soon let go of the kunoichi... blushing? Alright, why the fuck was he blushing? And Sakura's... giggling! This was getting irritating.

"Don't tell him okay," Sasuke heard Naruto murmur as Sakura just nodded in agreement.

The raven wasn't one for wishful thinking, but the only theory that popped into his mind was the fact that maybe... just maybe... Naruto actually felt the same way about him. At the thought, Sasuke looked away to hide the faint blush on his cheeks. It had taken him weeks to accept that he did like the blonde's presence, and he did like it when that presence was near him. Naruto was just too bright and too cute for his own good.

He then realized that he had gone too silent and his teammates were about to ask him what was wrong with him, when, to Sasuke's delight, a poof! came out. It was Kakashi. For once, he was glad at his unpredictable timing.

"Mou, Sakura, Naruto, what's wrong with you two? I just came up with the most brilliant idea for your scolding, you know?," Kakashi whined, and if it weren't for the mask, Sasuke suspected he was pouting. Seriously, what's with that? How in the world did he become a jounin with that attitude? But the raven was also curious about his teammates' lack of reprimand to their teacher.

His brows arched in confusion when Naruto smiled like a Cheshire cat then tugged at their sensei's arm so that his ear was at Naruto's cupped mouth level. Just like that, Kakashi too was being whispered something in his ear. Similar to Sakura's case, Naruto let go, a light blush tainting his cheeks and Sakura resumed her giggles. The only difference this time was that Kakashi was present and so, he directed his attention at the jounin. He watched and just saw how he stared at Naruto, then to Sakura -who just giggled some more- then finally, to the Uchiha. An eye smile was sent at his direction. Dammit! This is getting annoying! Just what is it already!

"Naruto, our little Sasuke looks really annoyed! Tell him, won't you?"

Sasuke tried to hide his shock and schooled his face back to its impassive look. Great. He had almost slipped.

"Haha! Sorry, sensei..." Naruto said something quietly that Sasuke didn't seem to catch but, it seemed Kakashi did. Stupid secrets!

"Alright, alright! Now, you and Sakura train while Sasuke and I do that too."

Sasuke was prepared to hear Naruto whine about him not getting to spar with Kakashi, but the blonde just shrugged, still with that all-knowing smile on his face. Kakashi and Sakura didn't seem to notice this, and if they did, they didn't look that bothered. With that, they all headed off to their own sparring sessions.

As soon as they reached their Team's training grounds, Sasuke focused on dividing his attention with 3 things. One, his sparring with Kakashi; two, his thoughts; and three, Sakura and Naruto's training if ever they talk about their very secretive conversations. So far, nothing much came from his teammates' lips, so he turned to his thoughts while he deflected and dodged Kakashi's kunai. He was still on with his theory. After all, Naruto had been blushing, right? Was it wrong to think that he's already told them about his own feelings? But if he did tell them about that, why wasn't Sakura stopping him? She has a crush on him right? And Kakashi? Wasn't love between two of his guy students... Nah. He probably knew worse things because of that porn book of his.

"Naruto, it's definitely weird that you figured that out and as much as I don't really approve of what you came up with, I think it's actually cute!" Huh? What?

"Haha! I know right!" There it was again. Naruto was blushing.

"You know, your face should totally stop doing that! It's really obvious in a way that it's not! Stop blushing, baka."

"What? Really? But it's the only way that I could stop myself from..."

"Sasuke? What's wrong? You never miss that attack." The Uchiha was suddenly on the ground, having been hit by Kakashi. He couldn't help it. The conversation caught his curiosity. That was when he fought the lightheadedness he felt from having hit the ground and remembered he was an Uchiha. Naruto and Sakura were looking at him, and the position he was in was definitely not Uchiha.

"Teme! I can't believe you snoop around... haha!," Naruto insulted.

"Shut up, dobe."

"Naruto, he's really curious... that's so cute, by the way, Saksuke-kun! Just tell him already, Naruto," Sasuke heard Sakura say. More and more, he felt his pride and dignity deteriorate.

"Nah! Trust me, he'll..."

"Sasuke, we'll now start with the..." Damn Kakashi was getting annoying and ruining things for him. Thus, he decided he would corner Naruto later on.

-After sparring sessions-

"Naruto, you might want to stop annoying our little Sasuke and give him some satisfaction, now. I'll leave you with that then. Ja." Kakashi poofed.

"Yeah Naruto... even I do think it's still cute on him. I gotta go, 'kay? See you Sasuke-kun!" Sakura left off as well.

Naruto just ruffled his hair though and grumbled, "Those two... I already told them that he'll... cor... ner... me! See!"

Sasuke was already in front of Naruto, arms crossed, ready to glare him to death until he'd be told what was up. That was when he realized what the blonde had just said and found himself embarrassed. He knew he was going to do this to him? Was he that obvious?

As if reading the questioning look in Sasuke's face, Naruto answered, "Of course you'll corner me, teme! You're used to getting anything you want!"

Sasuke growled. True, but not important at the moment. "Just tell me what's up," he demanded icily. For extra measure, he glared.

Naruto was, obviously, immune to his eyes, and just blushed. "It's because..." The way the blonde was biting on his lip and trying to look anywhere but at him made Sasuke's heart beat erratically. He looked a lot like Hinata everytime she was with Naruto. And everyone, but the oblivious blonde, of course, knew she had a crush on him. Kami, please tell him it was possible that Naruto felt the same way about him!

And then, out of nowhere, Naruto fell to the floor, hands on his stomach... laughing? Why the fuck was he laughing?

"Hahahaha... I-I.. I can't... haha... take... haha... it anymore! Haha... Oh Kami... I'l... haha... seriously die from lau... haha... ghing! Oh shit I think I broke a rib!"

Sasuke felt, if not irritated, confused. What was going on? "Naruto..."

Naruto stood up, still clutching his stomach, in pain from laughing. He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye but his smile never left his lips. "I just... haha... really figured out... haha... that your hair... haha... is like a duck's butt!" He fell to the floor again, pounding his fist on the concrete.

Sasuke turned and left, both annoyed and shocked at the reason for everything they were hiding. He just continued to blush as he turned to the skies, cursing the gods for such cruel fate they gave him.

(A/N: Satisfied with humor? STOP. You pity Sasuke? READ ON.)

Sasuke continued to walk on even if he heard the voice that was suddenly following him.

"Sa-Sasuke! I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say it that bluntly."

He pushed his legs to walk even faster.

"Hey! Stop ignoring me, teme!"

The raven rolled his eyes. Without turning, he called out, "Just stop follo-" He suddenly choked on his words, the collar of his shirt wrapping around his neck. And then, just like that, with a hand he felt inside the back of his shirt, he was being dragged against his will. "H-" he coughed, barely able to keep his feet from stumbling, "Hey!" The next thing he knew, he was already in some alley cornered by...

"N-Naruto!" Sasuke stuttered.

"Hey!" Naruto crossed his arms, "I said I was sorry!"

Not only was Sasuke infuriated at what had been done to him, he was still mad -his pride and heart had been hurt, dammit!- and he wanted to get out of this immediately, so he lied. An alley was definitely too narrow anyways; the gap between him and Naruto was just too small. "Alright, you're forgiven. Now I'll-" Just as he made a move out, two arms were suddenly beside his shoulders. Naruto had him trapped. When he turned to glare at Naruto, it instantly died as he realized that the blonde's neck was moving too forward towards him. Sasuke knew he wasn't claustrophobic. So why was he finding it hard to breathe, all of a sudden?

"You're lying, Sasuke. I'm just saying my sorry!"

No. It was just definitely Naruto. He was too close that he wondered if he even knew of the words personal space. Their noses and foreheads were barely grazing one another and blue eyes was staring right into his widened onyx ones. Sasuke's breathing hitched. Now wasn't really a good time to learn that he was claustrophobic. And he should really stop acknowledging the fact that his cheeks were on fire.

"A-Alright! It's fine already! Now if you'll excuse me." He ducked out, only to have Naruto's hand grab his wrist, and he was, yet again, pinned to the wall, only this time, the blond had his arms restrained above his head. The position was very uncomfortable and it was all he could do not to squirm under those hooded blue eyes. His breathing was suddenly getting ragged. Struggling had Naruto's hands clenching even tighter and he wondered if all this time, his friend had really been this strong. If so, he was in a hell lot of trouble.

"Wait. Don't you want to hear another secret I have?" Breathe, Uchiha. Breathe. Had Nauto's voice always been that husky?"I didn't tell the other two about it coz this doesn't have to concern them at all." BREATHE!

"And...?", the raven-hair asked, trying his best to keep cool. But even in his ears, it had sounded so small and weak.

"You know, it's really obvious... you have a crush on me don't you?"

"What? I-" he started. His legs suddenly felt like goo and his heart was thumping too loudly in his ears. He ignored the fact that Naruto's lips were inches from his. It didn't help that his deep, seductive breaths were landing on him.

"Just admit it, Sasuke."

"I-" He swallowed. Those eyes were going to be the death of him.

And then, Naruto's mouth was by his ear. "I know you're liking this, Sasu. Why don't you just admit you want me?"

Heat flared in Sasuke's cheeks as Naruto returned to having his face in front of his. This time though, there was amusement dancing within blue eyes and a mischievous smile on soft, pink lips. Wait. He did not just- He swallowed. Fuck this. "F-Fine... I do! Now let go!" Please. That, he did not say, though. Those lips were really way too close.

"Mou, but I don't want to. For once, I have you all to myself, and this is all I get?"

"Dobe..." Sasuke was really finding it hard to breathe now. His chest pumped up and down and the heart enclosed within it was resounding too much in his ears. The raven couldn't help looking away. And why the hell did he feel like he was heating up? It was probably just the sun, right?

"Yeah yeah, I'm the dead last. But doesn't the idea of the Rookie of the Year and the Dead Last sound so... fun, to you?"

Fun? What the hell was the blonde playing at? And what did he mean by placing them in the same context?

"You know... I never really got to thank whoever that guy was who pushed me and caused me to fall for you. Figuratively and literally speaking, teme."

Sasuke clenched his eyes shut when he felt a hot breath ghosting his neck. Shit, he felt his knees giving up on him. The idea that Naruto actually liked him back made something in his chest jump, and heat to slither more around his body. But he didn't exactly picture this kind of scenario when he wanted Naruto confessing to him. The blond pinning him to an alley, in a deserted street, while he was forced not to look in those dangerous sapphires.

"What I'm trying to say is... I now need more than that, Sasu. Hey, look at me," Naruto whined.

When Sasuke refused to relent, one of Naruto's hand left his restrained wrist. He was surprised when, even then, he still couldn't escape his grasp. The raven wondered why he let go, until he felt a finger tilt his chin so that his head was back in a normal position. He met displeased blue eyes. "Naru-"

"I want to try it again, okay? But this time, I'm sure you'll like it."

"What are-" Sasuke's eyes widened as his lips were suddenly crushed into Naruto's own. A shiver ran down his spine as a tongue played with his lower lip and he wasn't sure why it was doing that. He found himself kissing Naruto back, though he wasn't sure if he was doing it right. His eyes half closed and it took him a moment to realize that his hands were free and he was clenching his hand into the blonde's soft hair. And then, out of nowhere, Naruto bit on his lip. Hard. Sasuke gasped. The blonde's tongue slipped into his mouth, suddenly flicking and searching. The raven wasn't sure what to make of it, but willed his mouth to do as it pleased anyway. He immediately found it satisfying when he went in sync with the blonde, and they were just panting, moaning and groaning.

After what felt like hours, Naruto gently let go, deeply flushed just as Sasuke felt, but didn't even seem bothered by it. A finger was placed on plump lips, as if to say ssshhh. "Let's keep this a secret, 'kay?" Sasuke blinked once and then he was gone. There was no poof or smoke residue or anything that showed that it had been a clone and it wasn't like Naruto knew Shunshin. Just... gone. As if Sasuke just woke up from seeing a vision.

He looked around, halfheartedly trying to discern what really happened, when his fingers went for his lips. He realized that he wasn't breathing heavily anymore, nor was heat squeezing him up. He felt normal, if not for his heart that was beating rapidly like he had just ran a marathon. Was it possible that he imagined all that?


His head snapped to the side at the loud call. There, running up to him, was the blond boy, panting.

"H-Hey, Teme! I didn't know you could hide real good," he said between breaths, "And you got so far! The training ground's way over there already!"

Sasuke looked over the blonde's shoulder to where his thumb was pointing. He was surprised to see the red bridge being a dot after some buildings. Did he really run that far? Could it be that he really had imagined everything in his anger that the blonde didn't feel the same way about him?

The clap of two hands made him return his attention to Naruto whose head was bowed low. "Anyways, gomen! I didn't mean to say that about your hair!," then he grabbed Sasuke by the wrist and they were running away from the alley. "Come! I'll treat you to ramen!"

Sasuke didn't like being dragged, nor did he want ramen,, but he just went along distractedly anyways. Did I really just imagine all that?

Meanwhile, the tugging boy looked away with an amused smile as he murmured, "For once, I don't think I'm hungry though... I've had a rather delicious meal..."

A/N: Haha! I ended it there! It's weird and seductive... mwahaha! This is already completed 'kay? I'll leave your brain to cook up ideas on what actually happened. Ja ne!