I'm bored. When I get bored I get crazy. When I get crazy I write dumb stories. When I write dumb stories I get good reviews. When I get good reviews I smile. When I smile…everyone wins.
Give a 'cookie' if you can guess where I stole that from lol.
So anyway it's the same as NCIS babies only we got 4 different babies. I wondered how Gibbs would act as a toddler. Read on if you want to know.
There always was something strange happening in the agency. Today wasn't much a difference.
The mailman delivered the packages and left. It was what was inside that was so strange.
The four assembled in the morgue and then the items glowed.
When Jimmy walked in, he nearly had a heart attack. Sitting on the floor was four 2 year old children.
Ducky noticed him first and toddled over. "Da da" he said. Jimmy's eyes widened as he picked up the Scottish toddler.
He then called for back up. "Abby! Get down to the morgue now! Get the other three as well…we got trouble!" he yelled.
When the four appeared he was chasing Ducky who had stolen a scalpel.
Jenny and Jethro were arguing over something. Cynthia was crying cuz she made a mess on her undies.
"Palmer? Why are there children in here?" Tim asked first. He noticed they were wearing adult clothes which shrunk with them.
"Good question Tim…But I think the one I have is Ducky" he answered.
Tony picked up the other male baby. He glared at him in response. "So is this…no way" he murmured.
Jethro frowned and smacked his cheek. He was too little to smack his head.
"Ow…small hand, still stinging slap…definitely Gibbs" he said.
"Bozo" the tot growled. "Hey, he remembers you Tony" Abby said walking over.
"Babby" Jethro cooed and gave her a small smile. "Aw, he knows me too" Abby squealed and cuddled Jethro.
"Gibbs is so cute…look he's got brown hair now…" she squealed as she cuddled her boss.
Ziva had picked up Jenny which left Tim and Cynthia. "So then I have Jenny and Tim has Cynthia?" Ziva asked.
Tim nodded. "Yeah, our boss, director, her assistant and our medical examiner are now two year olds?" he asked.
He held the crying baby away from him with a nervous look.
Tony folded his arms as he no longer had a baby.
"Nice observation McGoo…now what do you suggest we do about them?" he asked.
Tim walked over and gave him Cynthia. "Here, you hold her" he said and grabbed the box Ducky was sent.
"No return address but Abby and I will run tests and see if there is DNA anywhere on the boxes" he said.
Abby nodded. "Can we take baby Jethro too?" she asked. Tim nodded.
"I guess, kinda dangerous to leave them here…" he said.
"Jimmy can baby-sit them in Jenny's office" Ziva suggested.
"Why me?"
"Cause were federal agents and she is a scientist…that makes you the kid sitter" Tony said.
Jimmy groaned. "Fine…but can we buy diapers first?" he asked as he groaned at the smell.
"Very good thinking…lets go" Tony agreed.
Tony, Jimmy, Ziva and the four adult babies went to the store as Abby and Tim ran tests.
"If there is no answers….can we raise them?" Abby asked.
Tim shrugged. "I…guess…be weird raising our boss though" he answered.
Abby shrugged. "Could be fun" she answered.
She frowned as results came in. "Guess not though…name is Madison Legarda…she lives in California" she said.
"Tony and I will go make the visit while you three are on babysitting patrol" he said.
Tony agreed when they returned. "Lets go Timmy…I just hope this witch can reverse the process" he said.
"Bye bozo…bye Gee" Jethro called. "Sure he calls you Gee" Tony muttered.
Tim smirked. "Bye Jethro…be a good boy" Tim said and patted his head as he crouched to his level. Jethro threw him a raspberry.
"No tell me what do" he said and folded his arms. "Even as a toddler he's the boss" Tim said with another smirk.
Jethro head slapped him. Tim blinked as the hand smacked his head. "Ow doesn't hurt as much but still stings" he said.
Jethro chuckled and hugged him. "Me boss Gee…you go bye…no die" he said.
"Sure boss…whatever you say" Tim agreed and patted his back.
Tony chuckled. "Your right McGee…he still is our boss" he said. Jethro curled a small finger.
Tony knelt to him and Jethro hugged him. "No die bozo…I miss you…bye bye bozo" Jethro said to him and then head slapped him.
He giggled. "Me funny" he said.
"Yeah…you are boss" Tony said and they left. "So weird seeing him so cute and childlike"
"I guess he is a baby…with a little bit of his adult memories" Tim agreed.
"I never thought it can get any weirder here" Tony responded.
So, what do you think of Baby Jethro? I'll have the others talk more next its more a father/sons chapter