Home again

They had spent only one day in Epirus after meeting up with Olympias there. Alexander was glad to see her, and she seemed genuinely happy to be going home. Hephaestion did not trust her, though he would never say that to Alexander. As they traveled east towards Pella, he had already caught her shooting him the occasional dirty look. She seemed to think he was some sort of threat, like he would displace her in Alexander's heart. That made him smile just a little. He was pretty sure he already had. If Alexander were forced to choose between him and his mother…Hephaestion was quite certain he would win. That, he would keep to himself.

Their arrival in Pella had been cause for great celebration. Hephaestion had been quite happy to see his father. He had missed him a great deal. Unlike Alexander's relationship with his father, Amyntor was loving and supportive of his son, and would never have used him in any way. Hephaestion considered himself quite lucky.

Philip had truly seemed happy to see Alexander. It was a little awkward at first, but then the king had grabbed Alexander and hugged him, exclaiming how glad he was to have him back. There were no apologies said, and nothing mentioned of the events prior to their exile. Their negotiations through Demaratus had taken care of that, and there was no need to rehash it now.

Olympias and Philip had greeted each other formally but coldly and then parted ways.

A great feast was held later that week to celebrate the return of the prince and his friends. The King had the finest food and the best entertainment available. They ate and drank and laughed well into the night.

Hephaestion watched Alexander. The prince was in his element. He was the center of attention among all his friends, and he seemed to have the approval and affection from his father that he so craved. Alexander seemed relaxed and quite happy, and Hephaestion felt a little guilty for not wanting him to go home. This was where he belonged.

Alexander caught his eye and smiled their secret smile. They would meet up later after the banquet. Their trysts had become more secretive, but were still quite often. Neither of them wished to give that part up.

Hephaestion missed living with Alexander, but they were still together so often that his sadness quickly faded as they fell back into their old routine.

After a few weeks, their exile seemed like a distant memory.

Plans were made for a spring wedding. Alexander's sister Cleopatra was to be married to Olympia's brother, King Alexander of Epirus. There was to be a great celebration with a feast and games. Philip seemed to be looking forward to it.

Eurydice was pregnant again, but Alexander was not overly concerned about it this time. Attalus and Parmenion had been sent with an advance force towards Persia, so they were not there to stir up trouble. Of this they were all grateful.

Olympias was quiet, almost too quiet sometimes. She would sit and watch Alexander with his friends and with Philip, and smile a small, secretive smile.

Through blood and name, Alexander was heir to the throne of Macedon. Olympias intended to see him become King. She would make sure of that. It was his destiny.