Title: Touch
Pairing: Abraxas Malfoy x Charlus Potter, with peeping!Harry
Rated: M for m/m sex and masturbation
Prompt: I touch my self- from Lynst Holin XD
Disc: Not my men
Summary: CRACK FIC- Harry in his seventh year uses a time turner to go back in time to practice occlumency, but due to a malfunction finds himself stuck in Hogwarts during the 1940's!
Notes: This is crack AND au, Harry goes to school in his seventh year instead of traipsing around looking for hallows.


Harry was cursing his luck. He frowned hard as he looked frantically up and down the hallway at all the activity around him, thankfully surrounded by his invisibility cloak. He had no idea what year it could possibly be. All he knew was that suddenly his time turner went out of control and now he was standing in the hallway wishing Hermione was there to figure out how to fix whatever just happened.

It was a simple task. Take the time turner, go back in time in order to give himself more time to practice occlumency. Harry scowled slightly. There are never any simple tasks. He thought and pocketed the device. Then again, not dropping the time turner down the stairs probably would have helped matters.

A couple of Ravenclaw girls wearing full uniform dresses to the knee and short sleeved shirts passed him by. They had their house ties tucked neatly into the front of their dresses. He blinked in surprise- those were antiquated uniforms- even when he had seen the students in Snape's memory, they were dressed similarly to Hogwarts students in Harry's year.

Harry thought of the time turner in his pocket. Maybe if he let it cool down he could use it to get out of here again. Until then, he had to do something to get his mind off of his current predicament. I have to find a year, everything will get better when I find a year! He reached into his robe pocket, pulling out the Marauder's Map to see exactly who was here.

His eyes quickly scanned the parchment, and the color drained right out of his face. Tom Riddle? Walburga Black? He raked a hand through his dark hair, knowing now exactly where he was now. It was at least 1940- which wasn't too horrible. If need be, he could find Dumbledore and get his help. His eyes wandered down to the parchment again, wondering if he had any relatives here. His eyes wandered across the yellowed document, grinning a bit at the prospect of at least seeing one of his ancestors.

Charlus Potter! His eyes immediately lit up, and his heart began to race as he watched the little footprints head toward the dungeons. Stuffing the map into his pocket he went straight for the dungeons, in search of a relative he had never met before. This very well could be a great uncle, or maybe his grandfather! His shoes clacked on the stones as he ran, not carrying if he garnered any attention. He burst into the dungeons- only to find no one. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he took out the map and looked at it again.

Charlus Potter's feet were on the map- near to Harry's. Feeling stupid, he rolled his eyes. Of course his relative would have an invisibility cloak too. Silence passed as it seemed as if Charlus was waiting for something. A few minutes later, a student stepped from out of the wall hiding the Slytherin dormitory from view. He had a mane of thick blonde hair that went down past the middle of back and a pair of dark rimmed glasses that were placed right in the middle of his nose. Charlus removed his cloak- at least the bit covering his head. He wore tortoiseshell glasses and his hair looked like a mess underneath his plaid chappie hat.

Harry's heart skipped a beat. There he is. There's no mistaken, he's a relative alright.

"Abraxas." Charlus grinned and leaned in to kiss the blonde teen.

"Charlus!" He frowned and flushed, reaching up to yank the cloak back over to him. "Exercise some restraint! We are in a public forum."

"…That's totally empty. Come on, Abby- just let me in with you. It's just you and me tonight, and you promised… And to top it off, Gryffindor did beat Slytherin, and you do have to hold up your end of our agreement."

The pink color on Abraxas's cheeks darkened to red and he cleared his throat. Without a word, he started back toward the wall, beckoning him to follow. Harry went white- maybe Charlus was an uncle, and not his grandfather given what he had just seen. He unfurled the Marauder's map, wanting to know the name of who the blonde was.

He dropped the map.

Abraxas Malfoy? He had to sit down. It took him a full minute to have the wits about him to actually collect the map and stuff it back into his robes. My relative with one of Malfoy's? Merlin. He wondered if Draco knew. They were obviously close, close enough to be considered a couple- or to be in some type of relationship. Harry ran a hand through his hair in confusion again. If this was his grandfather, obviously this relationship didn't last beyond Hogwarts. Maybe it was a just a simple passing fancy.

He watched Abraxas vanish into the wall, presumably with his grandfather. Curiosity was beginning to take over his shock. Harry stood up, deciding to wait for another Slytherin to come by so he could get into the house.


It didn't take long before a pair of students came by. Harry snuck in with them, and immediately started to search for any signs of Abraxas or his relative. After making his way into the boy's dormitory, Harry found that to be empty too. Frustrated, he leaned against the wall and checked the map again. Abraxas and Charlus were here- somewhere. But without any sort of device to see through an invisibility cloak, he had no idea of where they could possibly be.

The sounds of footsteps caught his attention. He turned his head to the side, catching the sight of Abraxas as he walked into the dorm room. The blonde snapped his head from side to side- checking everything before he made another motion behind him. Charlus lost the cloak, heading right over to a bed. He sat down on it, directly in front of where Harry was hidden.

"Okay." Charlus grinned and started unfastening his belt and pants. "You know what to do."

"I am going to reprimand Lestrange for being a miserable keeper next game…" With a heavy sigh, Abraxas walked on over to him. His back was facing Harry, obstructing his view from what was going on. The shorter teen dropped his tie to the ground, and soon his shirt followed. It was then that Harry saw just how different Abraxas Malfoy was from his offspring. Draco and Lucius were tall and had normal builds- perhaps a bit on the slight side.

Abraxas however was built solid for his short stature, coupled with muscle that lined his frame. His eyes roamed over his body as more layers of clothing were shed. He heard Charlus moan and unbutton his uniform pants. Abraxas kicked his pants away from him, standing before the other teen completely naked.

Harry felt his cheeks flush as he took in the sight of the long graceful swoop of Abraxas's hair, coming to rest right before the rounded, firm looking cheeks of his ass. The backs of his thighs and down to his calves were curvy and strong. Whoever Charlus was to him, he had good taste. Since his date with Cho, his interest in women flat lined. Women, save Hermione, seemed far more difficult to put up with than another man. Men weren't quite as complicated- quite possibly because Harry had insider information on that gender.

He found himself checking out Draco and at times his father, appraising them both now and then. But neither blonde was his type. Frankly, it was only one certain type of man- professional Quidditch players. Harry found himself flushing at the thought. Fit wizards, hot from flying in the sun- sweat playing down their features from playing so hard. Abraxas had a similar body to Chip Winston, an American professional Quidditch player Harry often thought about.

It was impossible to tear his eyes from the sight as he stood there and watched on shaking legs.

The blonde teen knelt before Charlus and his spread long legs, and Harry had to bite back a moan. He could only imagine what Abraxas was doing, judging by Charlus's delighted moans. His hand snaked through the blonde hair, tangling in it. Harry's eyes trailed down to Abraxas's lower body- in particular his round ass. As he leaned forward, his legs spread a bit and Harry ogled his thighs before letting his gaze drift upward. He focused on that ass, imagining himself behind the other teen- burying his erection deep inside that tight hole.

Harry shut his eyes, reaching down into his pants to remove his shaft. His hand pumped up and down the rigid length, biting back a groan at the sensation when he rubbed his thumb over the top of his sensitive head. The sounds of his relative doing what Harry was imagining added to his fantasy.

Abraxas moaned so nicely- he couldn't help but speed up his pace along his slick erection. Harry had to reach up and bite down on the sleeve of his free arm to avoid making any noise as he came hard all over his hand. He lay against the wall, panting hard. He opened his eyes, his vision still hazy as he looked at the couple on the bed.

Abraxas was on Charlus's lap, straddling his lap. He was still fully sated on the other teen's length as he clutched on to him. Both of them were recovering, and Charlus had his head resting on Abraxas's shoulder. The blonde shifted his hands from his shoulders to wrap around his back. The empty dorm room was silent, save for the sounds of heavy breathing from all three teens.

It was only broken when Abraxas spoke. The blonde craned around to look right in Harry's general direction. "Charlus…" He cleared his throat a bit. "I don't believe we're alone."