Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Marvel or Hasbro so I'm not profiting off of this story. This story is made based on the movie series of Transformers (1, 2, and 3) and Marvel's The Avengers. The plot is created by me. This publication is for the entertainment of Marvel and Transformers fans everywhere. "The Avengers'' are property of Marvel Inc. and Transformers are properly of Hasbro. There are a few OC in this story and they are not in association of Marvel or Hasbro and those OC are owned by me. Hope this disclaimer satisfies the officials at Marvel and Hasbro. Now that the legal part is out of the way, let's get started.

Prologue: This story takes place a year after the Battle of Chicago (Transformers: Dark of the Moon) and two months after The Battle of New York (Marvel's The Avengers). After looking deeply though all three Transformers movies and the newly released 'The Avengers' I figured that there could be a team up with NEST and S.H.I.E.L.D. Please don't be too negative on my story because this is my first story, but all comments are appreciated. I hope all of those who read this will enjoy this nice awesome team up. Now with the explaining stuff done, let's get to it!

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Narrator: Before time began, there was the cube. We don't know where it came from or the power it contains, but what we do know is it can create world and fill them with life or take it away. The keeping of the cube created the war, a war that slowly destroyed our home planet and send it far into the stars. After searching for the cube for many eons, we discovered it on a faraway planet called Earth. But now with the All-Spark lost forever and our foes, the Decepticons, beaten, we believed that our war has finally ended, but we were wrong….

(Date July 9, 2012 Time: 7:00 AM [EDT] Location: New York City)

It was a quiet Monday morning in the Big Apple when the sun starting to rise from the east over the harbor. But New York has seen its better days since the battle a few months prior. Cleanup of the city was slow going due to many of the buildings either being majorly damaged or destroyed all together. The streets were still scarred by craters caused by blasts of laser shots. Everything was still when a sound started to fill the air, a sound of rockets flying by the tall buildings. It was no other than Tony Stark AKA Iron Man flying through downtown heading back to his building: Stark Towers. Stark Towers was still being rebuilt due to the battle with Thor and Loki and Loki and Hulk, but right where the name 'STARK' should be still stood a big letter 'A' symbolizing the team of heroes that saved the city and the world from Loki's army.

As Tony lands on the landing pad outside of the tower, part of the pad rises up and engulfs him with long arms unscrewing bolts on his suit and taking off his armor one piece at a time until there was only himself left. Tony walks over to the bar like he always does after getting out of the suit with his hair a bit messy because he likes it that way, his full-one beard and goatee with a little part shaved off near both edges of his mouth, his Black Sabbath t-shirt that he likes to wear with the small chest arc in his body to allow him to not only use the Iron Man suit but to keep him alive, and his black jeans with black shoes. When he reaches the bar, he grabs one of the glasses and pours some of his special liquor that he loves when a beep came through the intercom around his penthouse.

"Welcome back Sir, I see that you made it home in one piece." The voice said.

"Good morning JARVIS, and yes I'm all here, more or less." Tony responded, JARVIS was Tony's personal computer 'butler' so to speak.

Tony also replies, "What's the status of the new suit's completion?"

JARVIS replies, "Suit completion is 79% and should be ready to test in about 24-48 hours." The new suit is the MK VIII which is like the MK VII except with a few minor addictions and modifications including greater thrust, more firing weapon, and quicker assembly time.

"Perfect." Tony said, as he took a slip of his drink as another beep came across.

"Sir," JARVIS said, "There is a delivery for you in the lobby, shall I tell them to deliver it up to the Penthouse?"

"Yes, tell them to bring it up here." Tony said.

A few minutes later, 2 big men with blue overalls and red hats came through the elevator for guest because Tony doesn't like for people other than himself, Pepper, or Rhody to use his personal elevator especially when last time somebody spilled coffee on the elevator rug and he wasn't too happy about that. They push the big crate over to the middle of the penthouse. They grab their crowbars and pop the cover off and move it to the side. In the crate was a new 65 inch Sony plasma screen TV that Tony had ordered for himself, of course.

"Ah.", Tony exclaims, "My new TV is here! Put it over the fireplace and be careful, anything you break, you pay double for it." After a few minutes of installing the new TV, it was hanging on the wall, ready for Tony's personal use. The 2 big men walk back to the elevator and left the building but as they left, they had an evil look on their faces like one that you know you can't trust as they got into their van and drove off.

(Date July 9, 2012 Time: 8:00 AM [EDT] Location: NEST HQ, Washington DC)

It was a quiet morning around NEST HQ; of course it has been not as active since the fall of Megatron and the Decepticons about a year ago during the battle of Chicago. Optimus and the other Autobots were going around the world to check up on any foreign activity and once in a while, sightseeing of the world they called home. But there was one Autobot that was still at the base: Arcee. You see, Arcee was heavily damaged during the battle of Egypt many years ago while both of her sisters, Chromia and Elita-1 fell (sorry to all the Transformers fans about Elita). She was still weak in some parts but she was about ready for battle again. Her scratches were mostly healed and you can see the shining of her light blue armor though the light from the lamps around the base. For the moment she was working around the base trying to get back into form not to mention helping out anyway she can.

While on her daily walking routine, an alarm started to sound all around the facility. All the workers ran to their stations to see what was causing the alarm to sound.

"What the hell is going on here?" a voice cried out. This voice was Captain William Lennox running towards the computers to see what is causing this alarm.

"We are detecting some life energy, Cybertronian in origin near New York City.", one of the workers said.

Lennox asked, "Autobot?'

"Can't tell for sure but there are two of them near 42nd Street and there is a faint one in Stark Towers also there is one about 30 miles from the other signals."

"Then that isn't Autobot, Scrap!" Lennox said to himself, "They're back again, but who is leading them?"

(Meanwhile back in New York City)

An F-22 flights above the city with a very mean looking pilot. But this pilot was looking very shivery like he is not even there. The jet looks like any other F-22 except with a very menacing symbol on its nose, a symbol that was dark purple and scary. If you listened to the thrusters closely during its flight, you might have heard laughter from it.

"Those fools," a voice say from its console. "If only they know what will be coming soon enough." The jet flew away towards Stark Tower.

Author's Notes

Who is this mysterious jet?

Is Tony going to love his new TV?

Will Lennox find the mysterious sources of life energon?

Stay Tuned to find out

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