That's my fiancée you're talking about.

Shut up, Jared.

Hey, I'm defending your honour.

I don't want you to defend my honour.

Fine, I'll try to let them insult you from now on.


Dude, you are so whipped. And you're not even married yet.

Have you had her herd you away before? It hurts like a motherfucker.

No, but I'm pretty sure I could stand up to her. She is just a kelpie after all.

Hey! Have I not proven my superiority to you over the last three years? I am the master of controlling our quarry.

The only thing you're a master of is Jared.

That's it. Next time there's a hunt going on, I'm staying home.

See what you've done now, Paul. You seriously need to control your thoughts.

This was a usual Friday. Jared, Paul and I were out on patrol. Nowadays patrol was sporadic at best and most pack members only did it once a week, if that. Recently there had been a vampire scented and so patrols had started back up. But no one had seen, heard or smelt anything in the last three weeks so things were dying down again.

As of yesterday I had finished studying, forever. I had somehow managed to talk my way into the University of Washington and majored in Restoration Ecology and Environmental Horticulture. I loved it because the campus was located in Seattle, which meant I could live in La Push with Jared. In my last year I had spent a lot of time studying and researching at the Olympic Natural Resource Centre, in Forks, where I had also been offered permanent full-time employment.

Studying appeased my parents, who had come to visit a couple of times since I'd moved here. They were back at the moment, in fact, the whole family was. They were staying at the Quileute River Resort because they couldn't all fit in Sue's little house. Dad loved it here because he got a break from work, something he rarely got. Mum liked the peaceful quiet of getting away from my sisters. Eliza loved the forest. Anne liked being in America in general. Samantha... she'd become even more 'Emo' over the last few years, so I had no idea whether she liked it here or not.

Becky, Corey and Jade had also come over this time. They had taken the news of my condition surprisingly well. I still found it hard to believe sometimes. None of them had really questioned it. They were more suspicious of imprinting than they were of the werewolf thing. Becky was like me, she had never believed in love at first sight. Corey thought that it was too intense for a teenager to handle. And Jade thought it was unfair that neither of us would be able to 'play the field'. Considering how badly they could have taken it, I was fine with them disliking imprinting.

Unfortunately for Jade, Embry hadn't imprinted on her and was therefore uninterested. Seth had been though and two days after Jade had arrived, I couldn't look at innocent little Seth the same way. Corey and Lily had hit it off though and everyone was certain that there was something else going on, although they wouldn't admit it.

So why was everyone gathering around La Push?

Mine and Jared's wedding, of course.

It wasn't going to be a big wedding. My, afore mentioned, friends and family, Jared's parents and both wolf packs. A total of thirty-three guests. We were more than happy with that. The plan was a very simple ceremony and then a 'family dinner' for the reception. The fanciest thing about the wedding was the fact that Jared would be in a suit and I would be wearing a dress. I kind of hoped to ruin the dress tomorrow, just because it seemed like something I'd enjoy.

I'd prefer that you didn't ruin it. Do you realise how expensive it was?

Jared had been begging me for weeks to think very carefully about how I was going to treat the dress. He liked the idea of been able to pull out the flawless white dress in twenty five plus years so that our daughter, if we had one, could wear it down the aisle. He had several plans for the future, like a couple of kids, a good house and a single dog. I told him that I wouldn't give him a child until I had myself a medium sized menagerie. So he went out and bought me a massive arse fish tank and a very chatty cockatoo.

It wasn't that expensive, not for a wedding dress. Anyway, it's 'my day' so why shouldn't I do what I want to do?

Sofi. It's 11:30. Emily wants you back at the house before midnight.

Sam had phased to take my place and I conceded to him. Emily was my Maid of Honour, as she was one of my closest friends and the only married one, and she was hell bent on following certain traditions, including the bride and groom not seeing each other before the wedding. She didn't want Jared knowing how the dress looked so I wasn't even sure which one Emily had chosen, we found four that I really liked and then Emily chose the one she thought looked the best. That way neither of us, Jared nor myself, was sure which one she'd chosen.

I didn't protest. Emily was so determined at the moment that she would have tracked me down and dragged me back to the house, in canine form, if I didn't come willingly. It didn't take me long to get back to Sam and Emily's and she was waiting for me when I did.

"Thank God. I thought Sam was just going to let you stay on patrol all night. Now, come on, I want to show you the dress I've chosen."

Emily dragged me into the house; Jade, Rachel, Leah and Lily were waiting for me in the spare bedroom. They were my bridesmaids and were gathered around the mannequin that supported my wedding dress. It had been covered for the last two months, with only my bridesmaids being allowed to see it.

I had to admit that I was excited to see which dress it was.

Leah grabbed the white cloth that covered it, "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'm ever going to be." I said and she pulled on the fabric to reveal the dress.

Jared's POV

"Come on, man. You'd better get up before you miss the whole wedding."

I grumbled and rubbed my face, rolling away from Sam as he tried to wake me up. It wasn't that I wasn't thrilled about finally getting married, today was a long time coming, but I hadn't gotten off patrol until very late and was craving a few extra minutes of sleep. Sam was my Best Man so it was his job to help me get ready; at least, that's what Emily said.

"How do you think Sof will feel if you're not at the altar when she arrives?" Paul laughed and that got me moving.

Sam avoided bringing imprints into a conversation for as long as possible. Paul used them every chance he got. The thought of upsetting Sof was more than enough to get my ass into gear.

I jumped out of bed and looked around, not sure what it was that I was supposed to be doing. Paul laughed at me and left the room. Sam shook his head slowly and pointed to the wardrobe.

"Have a shower and chuck on some normal clothes. There's still a few hours before the ceremony and there is lots to be done before you put the suit on." Sam said and followed Paul out of the room.

After the shower I felt more awake and was smiling when I entered the lounge of my parent's house, where I'd stayed last night. Sam, Paul, Embry, Quil and Collin were my groomsmen. We were keeping it in the Pack because they were the most important people to our life. I had offered to ask Corey to be a groomsmen but Sofia insisted that I should keep it to my friends, because she hadn't been sure he would even show up; until he arrived two days ago.

Jade, I loved because she took the werewolf thing brilliantly. Becky and Corey, although stating that they didn't mind, had slowly lost contact with Sof over the last few years and even I was under the impression it was because of the werewolf thing. It had made Sofia's year when they turned up with Jade.

"Are you nervous? In just a few hours you'll be a married man, you'll be expected to be mature." Collin asked, grinning from ear to ear. It was clear why Sofia had liked him at school, he was always friendly and cheerful.

Paul laughed again, "Sofia knows better than to expect him to be mature."

"I'm not nervous. I'm excited... not in that way." I added before Embry could make his stupid little comment.

"Have you seen the dress yet?" Quil asked.

I knew that he knew what the dress looked like; all of Jake's pack did because Leah had seen it. As such Jacob and Sam didn't discuss anything wedding related so that Jake couldn't accidently show him. It was annoying because I wanted to see the dress, instead of just guessing which of the four dresses it was. And I only knew what they looked like as they hung on coat hangers, not how it looked on Sofia, which was how they knew it.

I shook my head, "No. It's all been kept really hush hush."

"Good. Emily's put a lot of work into making today special for the two of you, so don't even try to ruin it." Sam growled.

The ceremony was due to be outside and it looked like it was going to rain. Sofia had said that if it rained things were to go on as planned. She, for whatever reason, liked the idea of it raining on her wedding day. I was sure that it had to do with ruining the dress.

Old wooden benches had been set out as seats, on either side of the long bottle green aisle runner that lead to the green clothed platform that the bridal party would stand upon. Rustic wooden fittings complimented the bottle green fabric. Sofia had wanted something that looked natural and Emily had not disappointed.

The guests had assembled in the seats over the last ten minutes and I was waiting at the altar. I was ready for this but I suddenly felt nervous. I couldn't help but wonder if Sofia would change her mind. Since her transformation, we'd come to learn that females didn't imprint. It had broken Leah's heart to find that out but she was hopeful it would be different for her. But there was a new theory behind imprinting.

Magical blood.

After Sofia's success with Spirit Walking, Emily had tried it. She had been able to get to the point of trying to spirit walk but stopped after she felt the pain. She said there was no way she could feel that again. It made me even more thankful that Sofia was a stubborn, slightly masochistic, perfectionist.

The Bridal Chorus started to play and I pulled myself from my reverie to see Lily walking down the aisle. Rachel was behind her, then Leah. Jade was next and Emily was last, for the bridesmaids. I couldn't see past them properly, even with me superior eye sight. But it didn't take long for them to reach the altar and take their place opposite the groomsmen.

That was when I finally saw her.

I could have died, she was so beautiful. Her long hair was done up in a fancy bun behind her head and she was wearing just enough make up to disguise the small bruise on her cheek, that she got yesterday during patrol. She wore the earrings and necklace that my mother had given her, a token of her joining the Quileute tribe.

It was worth the wait to see her in that dress. I don't know the technical terminology for how the dress looked but it was sleeveless and full length. It was glossy and streamline, making Sofia look even sleeker than she normally did. I'd forgotten that she could look so curvy and feminine, since she normally wore jeans and t-shirts. The dress had a halter top, with an intricate beaded design that emphasised, with sophistication, Sofia's breasts.

It was very Sofi, beautiful and elegant without being too in your face. I didn't want her to ruin this dress, regardless of its cost. It was too perfect to be ruined, by even a few drops of rain. The colour was very fitting too, a silver white dress that looked slightly grey-blue depending on the amount of light that hit it.

Her father walked her down the aisle and they stopped together just in front of me. He whispered in her ear and gestured for her to join me at the altar. Then he shook my hand and smiled at me, before turning to sit next to his wife.

I looked at Sofia and couldn't believe my luck. She smiled back and I wanted to kiss her, then and there.

"My paragon of paradisiacal nonpareil supertemporal pulchritudinous-ness." I whispered.

Sofia laughed softly, "That still doesn't make any sense."

I smiled at her, "I wish your GG were here."

Sofia's great grandmother had passed away about six months ago. Sofia had taken it bad, although she seemed to know before anyone told her. She woke in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat and had to call Australia. It was like her GG had come and told her something was wrong.

"She is."

Author's Note:

So this is the end. Thank-you to everyone who has read this story and a MASSIVE thank-you to everyone who has reviewed. I hope you have all enjoyed this story.

Also, I have a poll going through my profile as to the next story I will write after 'Normal Eludes Me'. The poll is about which supernatural creature you'd like to read a story about, each one has a La Push Werewolf attached to it but that won't be revealed until the first chapter of the story.

Please vote in this poll so I have an idea of what to write next.

Once again, Thank-you for reading.