AN: Thanks so much for everyone that takes the time to leave reviews, add to favorites, I really appreciate it. I'm hoping to get the next chapter out before Tuesday because after that I'm on vacation for a week so I won't be updating during that time. All characters belong to CH and AB.

Jason Stackhouse hated having to dress up, but going to Gran's on Sunday afternoon meant doing so if he had a chance in hell of eating her delicious home cooking. So here he was fresh from a shower and dressed up getting ready to head to Gran's after spending all night with a lucky lady he'd picked up from Merlotte's the night before. Jason was glad that Sookie had at least called to tell him she was gonna be dropping Alex off with him to go to Gran's so she could have a few minutes alone with Eric beforehand. Jason's lady friend had just been leaving when Sookie and Alex arrived. Jason came out of his bedroom to find Alex on the sofa pretty quiet and the television wasn't even on. "Hey AJ, something wrong?"

Alex turned his head towards his uncle, "You think he's gonna like me?"

Jason leaned against the kitchen island, "Is who gonna like you?"

Alex sighed as he turned on the sofa to face towards his uncle. "I heard all of you guys last night when Mom came over to get me. You guys all talked real loud outside so it wasn't really hard to hear what was said. Eric is my father, right?"

Jason stood frozen for a minute as he tried to think what to do or say. He and his father had gone outside last night thinking that Alex wouldn't be any wiser of who the man at Gran's house was, but of course they should have known better. Alex was extremely intelligent and more mature than his almost 11 years of age. Even Jason could admit that at times his young nephew seemed to have more smarts than he himself had. Jason shook his head and muttered under his breath, "Dammit Sook, what the hell am I supposed to say now?"

Alex grinned, "Uncle Jason, it's okay. Even without hearing you guys last night, I had a good idea who he was. Uncle Godric has pictures at his house of his brother and sister who I look a lot alike. Godric is my uncle, but he's not related on this side of the family so he'd have to be related on my father's side of the family. I knew I looked a lot like him last night in Gran's kitchen, and Mom's reaction to seeing him kind of made everything fit."

Jason shook his head, "You're too smart, AJ. I'm not real sure what I'm supposed to say or not, but I can't sit here and lie to you. So yeah, Eric is your dad."

Alex stared at Jason with curious blue eyes, "You and Grandpa yelled a lot last night about him being here now. You don't like him, do you?"

Jason didn't want to have this conversation with Alex. This was something that Sookie should be telling him about because she was the mom and probably knew the right way to say stuff unlike him, but Sookie wasn't here, and Alex needed answers. "Buddy, it's a complicated situation. There was stuff that happened before you were born that made things kind of crazy. We thought Eric knew about you, but as it turns out he didn't. I liked Eric just fine when I knew him a long time ago. Me and Grandpa didn't like him because we thought he'd hurt your mom, but turns out we didn't have that right. So we're all just gonna have to start fresh and go from there. The important thing is that now he knows about you, and he's here." Jason moved and ruffled Alex's hair playfully, "And yeah he's gonna like you just fine. How could he not? You're an awesome kid who's just like his equally awesome Uncle Jason."

Alex laughed, "Thanks, Uncle Jason."

Jason nodded, "Okay, we better get on the road and up to Gran's house so we can get onto lunch already." The pair of them made their way out to Jason's truck and headed up the road to Gran's house. Pulling up the driveway to Gran's house, Jason whistled, "I can say one thing, your dad has awesome taste in cars." Jason nodded his head towards the red corvette that was not something common to see in Bon Temps. Jason parked his truck and took his keys out and saw Sookie and Eric holding hands while looking in he and Alex's direction. "Okay AJ, looks like this is it. No need to be nervous, just be yourself, buddy. Everyone here loves you, and you know having your dad in your life now is gonna be a good thing I think."

Alex sighed as he and Jason got out of the truck and approached his parents. He noticed his mom squeeze his dad's hand, and Alex realized his dad was probably just as nervous as he was about this meeting. For some reason, that made the butterfly's in his stomach stop at that moment.

Sookie watched Alex and noticed immediately the minute he seemed to relax. That was a good sign. This whole situation was a mess, but she wanted the two of them to get to know one another and have a real father/son relationship. That's all she'd ever wanted from the time she'd learned she was pregnant all those years ago. She took a deep breath, "Alex sweetie, I want to introduce you to Eric Northman, your dad." She released Eric's hand and turned to look at her son's father, "Eric this is Alex, your son."

Alex took a deep breath and stepped forward and offered his hand, "It's nice to meet you."

Eric took Alex's much smaller hand in his and shook it. He couldn't even describe the feelings going on within him being in the presence of his son. He was touching a part of himself that he'd helped to create. He'd never felt anything like this in his life, and now he understood when people said the love between parents and children is something you couldn't fathom until you experienced it yourself. "It's very nice to meet you, too, Alex."

Sookie couldn't help her eyes getting a bit teary eyed as she watched the scene before her. Eric looked completely captivated by his young look-a-like. She took a deep breath as the two stopped shaking hands. "Alex, do you have any questions?"

Alex really didn't want more discussion of what had happened about why his father was just now coming into his life. Uncle Jason had given him enough information earlier. "Shouldn't you and Uncle Jason go check and see if Gran needs help with anything?"

Sookie smiled at Alex's clever way of telling her to take Jason and get lost to leave him alone with Eric. "Sure, Jason and I will go and do that. You two can chat out here, we'll call when everything for lunch is set up." She motioned her head for Jason to head into the house. She placed a hand on Eric's arm and lowered her voice, "It'll be fine."

Eric was grateful for Sookie's reassurance. He watched Jason and Sookie make their way up the porch and into the house leaving he and Alex alone for the first time. He took a calming breath and turned back to stare into his eyes identical to his own. "I used to spend many Sundays eating here at your Gran's when I was your age."

Alex smiled, anyone that came to Sunday lunch after church was considered family to his Gran. He thought it was a pretty neat tradition that had gone on for so long. "She musta liked you a lot then cause not everyone gets an open invitation. It's our family and people considered family like Tara and Lafayette."

Eric nodded, Adele had really considered him like another grandchild when he was growing up he'd been around so much. He'd never known his own grandparents so Adele had really been like his own grandmother. She'd always welcomed him into her home with warmth and love. "Your Gran is a wonderful woman, and I'm glad she still is welcoming me like she is." Eric moved to sit down on the steps of the front porch. "Alex, I know that this has to be confusing for you meeting me now like this. I'm sorry that you've grown up without me being around, but I'm gonna make sure from now on that I'm around for you."

Sookie and Gran both smiled as they watched from the front door as Alex moved to take a seat beside Eric as the two continued their first conversation together as father and son. It was definitely a sigh to behold that warmed both women's hearts.