When she had been little, so little that she could barely recall these dreams, her nightmares were about getting lost in the Tundra. She would be out with her mother, visiting the very sick and helping mend broken homes, holding on to her hand as tightly as she could, letting her mother's presence comfort her. Or she would be out hunting with her father and they would be huddled in their make-shift home in the middle of the ice, her father's warmth protecting her. Then suddenly, they would be gone and she would be all alone with no one in the world.
But she would wake up and her parents would be right there and she'd laugh away whatever haunting memories the night had given her. She didn't give them much thought. It wasn't too often they came anyways.
By the time she had been taken away by the White Lotus, she had outgrown that particular set of nightmares. She was still so little, but somehow the thought of being lost in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but ice didn't frighten her by that time. It probably had to do with the discovery that she was the Avatar and the fact that she, like most kids her age in the Southern Water Tribe, could find her way home in a blizzard in less than hour. But just because that set of nightmares were done and over with didn't mean she was home free.
Because once the White Lotus started to train her she began to realize whose shadow she was standing in and would always be standing in: the great and powerful and spiritual Avatar Aang, the Avatar who had ended a war and began a new country all before he was twenty years old. As she was often told, she had a legacy to uphold and the world was counting on her for protection. The new nightmare was that she just never did that. And the world wouldn't even know who she was and history would just forget about her. She would wake up with a pounding in her head and an aching sadness.
These nightmares were the first set that didn't stop. They were soon accompanied by a brand new one when she moved, more terrifying that the last. Amon taking her bending away and tearing away the only thing that made her special. She woke up screaming and she would be terrified for the rest of the day. She tried to pour all of her attention into airbending, but until she had confessed her fear, it had just got more and more intense.
Then the other nightmares came. The ones with her friends as the lead cast. Bolin getting hurt or Mako getting hurt. Mako just one day turning around one day and wondering who the hell she was because he hadn't seen her before. Bolin was sometimes was the one in that dream who didn't know who she was, but it was worse with Mako… and she was well aware why. She wished she didn't, especially after she got to know Asami more, but she knew why.
Asami had a set of nightmares all to herself as well. Mainly about her finding out her feelings towards Mako and ending their friendship. That saddened her, but the worse part of that dream was that she was more concerned with Mako ending their friendship. She liked to tell herself that it was just because she had already been threatened by it, but she knew it would hurt just as much if he had never even told her to drop it or their friendship would be over.
But maybe the worse one that she was having (along with sets of nightmares) was the one where everyone was gone, and it was just her, alone. She wasn't sure where they had gone or why they had gone, they were just gone. And there was no one around anymore and she was nothing.
She didn't know how to make these nightmares stop, she hadn't ever had nightmares that overlapped each other, and it scared her. She was scared of not being able to control her mind, of something she dreamed actually coming true, and she was terrified that she was weak because of it. Her worrying did nothing to help her nightmares. They just kept coming.
Bleh, I don't really like it, but I don't really want to take the time to fix it. I've been on vacation for a bit so I have lost all of my skills of writing, how few they may be… So enjoy