Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The shopping trip didn't take too long; Bella didn't let me spend too much money on clothes for her. I didn't spend too much on myself either because I knew once we got to Chicago Alice would be waiting to take us shopping again. She was just like that; shopping was just her thing, as was dressing each member of our family. I made sure to warn Bella about that, so she wouldn't be blindsided by the force that was my sister. I didn't want her to feel like her choices were being taken away again.

Bella said she would be willingly to go along with it, but only up to a point. She didn't want to hurt Alice's feelings, but she also said until we decided where we were going there was no need to buy up a lot of needless things. I had to say I was in agreement; I promised Bella that if Alice got out of hand I would handle it.

We were soon boarding the plane that would take us to Chicago. We were able to get First class tickets on a non stop flight. We'd only be in the air just over three and half hours. I had arranged to have a car waiting for us at the airport to take us to my childhood home.

I was nervous, but it was an excited kind of nervous. I knew my family would adore my Bella, even though they weren't exactly happy with me. Of course, I had come clean about how Bella and I had gotten together. Esme and Rosalie had threatened to flog me. Alice was only a touch less angry, but only because she'd already seen what was going to happen. It still made her angry at me though, but because Bella had forgiven me, she did too. At least I knew my family knew everything about what happened, so I didn't have to be concerned about that.

Once we landed and got off the plane, we claimed our luggage and went to get in the car. Once on the road, the closer we got to my childhood home, the more nervous Bella became.

"Edward, are you sure your family is going to like and accept me?" Bella asked.

"Bella, my love, I am more sure of that than anything else other than our love for each other. They have waited a very long time for me to find the one I was meant to be with and settle down," I assured her.

"I believe you; I'm just so nervous. I want them to be okay with the fact that you chose a human to settle down with, she replied.

"They are more than okay with it. I'll admit they were quite displeased with how I went about introducing myself into your life, but they are very happy to know you are with me," I told her.

"Are we almost there?" she asked a few minutes later.

"Yes, angel; we will be pulling up to the house in another five minutes," I answered.

After turning down one last street, we soon stopped in front of my childhood home. I turned the car off and got out; I walked around to Bella's side to open her door. Before she exited the car, my family was filling up the front stoop. They were all smiling, as Bella and I made our way up the walkway to them.

"Oh, you're finally here!" Alice exclaimed, as she made her way to us.

She grabbed me and hugged me, then she did the same to Bella. I winced fearing Bella's reaction to Alice's greeting, but as always Bella surprises me and returns Alice's embrace.

She then took Bella's hand in her own an led the rest of the way up the walk and into the house.

Once we were inside, the rest of my family introduced themselves to Bella and assured her how happy they were to meet her and have her here.

"Bella, would you like something to eat or drink? I have some snacks prepared for you in the kitchen," Esme said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cullen, but I'm fine for right now," Bella replied.

"You are quite welcome, dear; please, feel free to call me Esme. Mrs. Cullen was Carlisle's mother," Esme explained.

"Thank you, Esme; I just have to tell you that your home is beautiful. Edward. I can only imagine what it was like for you to grow up here,' she said giving me a tender look.

"It was wonderful to grow up here; I'm glad to be able to still have it especially now that Esme has added her touch to it," I told her.

"I do hope you're pleased with everything I've done, Edward; as you can tell, I've added to its size a bit to be able to accommodate our family, but I tried to keep it as original as possible. I hope you like what I've done," she told me.

"I love what I've seen so far, so I'm sure I will love what else you've done as well, Esme," I replied.

We sat and talked for awhile, then Bella joined Esme in the kitchen while they prepared a meal for Bella. After Bella had her dinner, she came back to my side; we spent the remainder of the evening with all of us catching up with each other.

It made me so happy to see my family and Bella together. She seemed so at ease with them; it was as if she'd always been a part of our family. Everyone took time to talk to her and ask questions about her life and childhood. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about her; my family shared a lot of their own history in return.

"I have to say that I am utterly and completely fascinated by all of you and what you've seen and the lives you've lead," Bella said after Jasper had shared his story.

"It wasn't the lives we asked for, but we've all made the best of what we've been given, Bella. I'm quite amazed and fascinated myself, as you say, by you as well. I feel no fear from you at all though you sit in a room with seven vampires," Jasper told her.

"I guess it's because you all have been so kind and non threatening; it's easy for me to look past your physical being and see the people on the inside. It's what I would want other to do for me," Bella said.

I was bombarded with the thoughts of my family. If they didn't already love Bella, that statement would have done it. I knew without Jasper's that she meant every word she said from the depths of her heart and soul.

"Well it's impossible not see what a true gift you are, Bella. I can't say how thrilled I am to have you here. I had such high hopes Edward would day meet someone who would love him for who he is; you have exceeded those expectations by a long shot," Carlisle told her.

"Even though we had a rocky start because of the mistake he made, I can say with one hundred percent assurity that I do love him with all of my being. He may have went about it in the wrong way, but his intentions were good; that's what counts the most," Bella said while looking at me.

Her eyes were full of love and tenderness. I would never cease to be grateful for the gift I had in her.