Okay, I have been having a huge writer's block for this story, thought mostly in terms of technical data. There is also the fact that I had to take collage Calculus in both June and July. So please read the following things below because I need options.

First about this story:

Should I continue it or should I rewrite it?

If I decide to rewrite this, I have some ideas that I want to try:

1. The fleet in the story arrives before the events of ME1. This separates in two possible plot lines:

-They make first contact with humanity before they meet the Council, thus making them more powerful then the Council, thus preventing the occupation of Shanix.

-They make contact with the Council by saving the colony of Elysium.

Now, besides this story, I have a whole bunch of other ideas for other stories:

1. What if Sheppard (SG) was actually the Shepard from ME. Instead of dying during the attack of the Normandy (or another event), he got sent to the SG Universe and became that Sheppard (Still have not decided on situation; de-ageing, replace memories, took his place). Years later, he along with some friends in an accident, returns to the ME Universe during the time of ME2. Have not decided which background of the SG Universe to use (canon or the one from this story), but one official thing is that he will be married to Weir, Teyla or any other girl you want and she will know the truth of her husband.

Will write this as a challenge later on. Will post in the Mass Effect section.

2. An Asuran city-ship (SG Background from this story) makes an emergency jump and lands in a new universe. They begin building a new civilization. They encounter a portal that leads them to an AU Greater Ark and acquire complete control over Forerunner tech. While expanding, they encounter a legendary (for us readers) purple robot ** and after saving the people inside, they begin mass production of said robot. Years later, they become a powerful empire.

After that, I have several plot ideas from where it can go. Thought the one I would like to develop comes from the reading the story "HaloMass Effect: Ruptured Universe" by JediSpectre177 (who gave me his permission to write this story using his as a template as long as I give him credit. Also his story is awesome, read it). The Asurans will make contact with different fictional races (including adding a cosmic event that made several Earths appear in that reality) and then form a united government. One thing that I will write is that thanks to the Asurans intervention, canon things will be averted. Later they will encounter the Mass Effect Universe and utterly humiliate and scare them (Human looking AI's with 50 km ships and giant robots and powerful allies, if that does not scare them, I do not know what will)

One example I have been thinking about is that they come across the Silver Millennium (Sailor Moon) before its fall. With the Asurans, they were able to prevent its destruction.

** Anybody who guesses first who this robot is, I will send you the initial timeline for the story.

Do not review, just send P.M. Tell me your opinion of every idea in this note.