"I know what you did, brother." Thor said, moving to sit beside Loki as the younger man fed a very grumpy Hella. She was trying to move her head in order to keep watching Sesame Street on the TV behind Loki's back.
"And what did I do, Thor?" Loki asked, still not able to call the older man brother, not after he had found out the truth of who he really was. "Did Tony tell you about my brave face with the Jotunns?"
"No, I was there to see it, and brother I am proud. That is how you become a leader, not by spilling blood."
"Then what do you know?"
"You killed Lady Grace in cold blood. I do not know why, but I saw you send the ice shard towards her, knowing that she would take it to protect Callie."
Loki stilled for a moment before going back to feeding Hella her mashed banana, smiling as he daughter made a small gurgling sound. She had been starting to make noises for the past day and a half, though Callie had not heard it as she was still in the hospital wing being treated for exhaustion and shock. "Yes, I did." He replied after Thor kept staring at him for five minutes. "And I would do it again if I had to."
"But why? Why kill an innocent? Loki you are better then this, Father is not going to like this, and nor will the others when they find out. And Callie will down right kill you!" Thor said, his speech pattern taking on the same as Jane in his anger.
"Because I'm taking Callie to the faerie realm once she heals!" Loki snapped, finally giving up with Hella and moving to let her watch the TV. He stared at his brother and nervously played with his scarf, letting the frayed material slip through his fingers. "They will ask to take the one thing she loves the most, and now they can't have that. Because that thing is gone, and they wouldn't dare try and trap me down there. It was the only way, Thor. They can heal Callie, but you know the faerie queen will want a price. I will take her Asgardian mead and gold, but she will want a life."
"And what of Hella?"
"She will not know of Hella, or the others. Malmury with be going back to Asgard with you and Hella, Váli will go as well. The faerie queen's power is great, but even she can not look in to Asgard and see the truth. It has been arranged with Heimdall."
"And what was Heimdall's price?"
"I am not to return to Asgard, no matter what."
"Thor do not pity me, nor try to change the price with a bargain of your own. You are right, I killed an innocent, so I must wear my punishment."
"But banishment?"
"It is better then what the All-father would do, and you know that as well as I do. At least now the children will be safe."
Thor sighed as he watched his younger brother continue to play with the scarf, not knowing what to say to comfort him before his trip. He knew if he offered to go with him the offer would be shot down faster then he would shoot down any of the Avengers trying to help him. Thor just hoped to the All-father that Loki's plan would not be in vain.
It took Callie a week to be able to stay awake for a whole day, it was another week before she was strong enough that the nurses let her walk around the hospital wing, though she did not ever go far, one end held Natasha who was still in the coma and the other end held a sleeping soldier who they did not expect to wake up at all.
Today Callie was curled up in her bed, Steve sitting to her left in a comfy chair that Loki had provided the other day for himself and did not make vanish when he left and Raven curled up on the end of her bed. Both sported injuries, though Ravens looked to be the worst, at least Steve's arm was out of bandages and was only scaring.
"I heard the medic bitching before." Raven said, laughing softly. "Every time she tried to stitch my wound back together, the stitches melt. She ended up giving up in the end and letting me heal it myself."
"I still do not believe that those stitches will do anything!" Steve said, referring to the lines of fire that were holding Raven's skin in place instead of normal stitches. "Apart from burn your skin!"
"Steve, I'm a fire element. Fire does not hurt me, it helps heal. As soon as the skin is healed, I will vanish them. This is how my people heal."
"But I'm sure SHIELD has some-"
Callie zoned out of their conversation and stared at her white sheets, she knew that they were near her so that she wouldn't feel so alone, but it was not working, she still felt dead inside. Even spending time with Hella was hard, all she could picture was the faces of the children that had died on that battlefield, fighting for a battle that had nothing to do with them.
Her best friend was dead, her ex-lover had locked himself in the lab and only spoke to Tony when he was forced to, Steve and Raven were dancing around the subject of the fact they both liked each other, Natasha was in a coma and she had gained a step-son. Not that there was anything wrong with Váli, but he did take after his father. The ship had found that out when they woke up to find three baby Velociraptors pacing around the new Hulk Cage with a delighted Hella pressed up against the glass trying to get as close to them as possible.
Apparently he was not going to let them loose, just let Hella pick one to be her pet and send the others back to their own time. Suffice to say that Hella did not get a dinosaur as a pet that day, but Callie had a feeling that Váli would try again soon. She knew that they would both be taken with Malmury back to Asgard whilst Loki worked with her to get her healed, she had also heard Loki mention the faerie realm to his brother when he thought she was sleeping.
She had also heard that Grace's body had been sent back to Australia for burial, Tony was taking Bruce down there to say his finale goodbye and then, as Tony put it, let him loose in the outback if his grief gets to bad. Fury was against the idea, but Maria soon talked him in to it, Callie did not want to spend any amount of time thinking on how Agent Hill managed it.
"Would you two stop your incessant chattering and just give in to your feelings already?" Loki snapped, walking towards Callie's bed looking highly annoyed. "I told you to keep her company to stop her mind from wandering to places of death and darkness, not to flirt and ignore her! Oh now look, Captain America is blushing!"
Raven stood up and glared at Loki, she was the only girl that Callie had ever met that was the same height as the Asgardian god. Most of the soldiers on board the aircraft had a bet that they were secretly seeing each other and Callie was just a cover story, those soldiers needed sixty stitches each after Loki had finished with them. "I'm sorry, but it seems that grief in a mortal is something much more deep then it is in my own world." She said, looking at Callie with a small frown. "Apparently you mourn the loss of a person and do not celebrate the movement in to the next life... I have never fully understood it until I have seen it on your face. I am sorry for your loss, Callie Fury."
"You've said that a hundred times." Callie said as she gave the element a small smile. "But thank you all the same." Her smile quickly widened when Hella bounced on to her bed, cuddling to her happily. She did not notice Steve and Raven walk away, or Loki taking over Steve's seat until he had taken hold of her hand.
"She is making more noises by the day." He said, running his finger over Callie's warmer skin lightly. "We leave for the faerie realm in five days time, your father has allowed a portal to be opened in New Mexico, the same spot that Thor came to Midgard will be used. All arrangements for the children have been taken care of, and Malmury and Váli have been given sole protection of Hella, as the two of them are old enough to be starting their own family in Asgard..."
"But she has only just hit puberty!" Callie said, staring at Loki like he was mental. "What about Thor and Jane?"
"I do not want my children raised anywhere near the royal family, Callie." Loki said, his words thick with venom as a glare over took his features. "They will be raised on the outskirts of town on a small farm property. Thor will look out for them, but he will leave them to their own..."
"And when we return we shall join them?" Callie asked, smiling at the thought of seeing Asgard.
"Or we could find somewhere else to make home... There are many wonders of this universe that you will find, my love. Asgard and Midgard are but one of them, and soon we shall travel in to the faerie realm to heal you. The only place you can not stay is my home planet, the weather would kill you and Hella instantly."
"I hope one day you will take the baby to show him where his heritage comes from."
"I have a feeling it's a boy. Hella is already a handful, and we both know she is going to be beautiful when she grows up. She's going to need all the brothers for protection we can give her."
"You do realise you are speaking of having more of my offspring, don't you?"
"Yes, yes I do. I am loving being pregnant, Loki." Callie said, happily rubbing her cold stomach. "It's just... There is a life growing inside me, Loki. A real life, it's magical and amazing and just trumps everything I have ever done." She smiled at Loki and gave his palm a small kiss. "My father visited before, he placed his hand on my stomach and smiled, Loki. He actually smiled at me as he felt the small bump, I just... My life is perfect even with the death that has surrounded me and the hole in my heart from where Grace was torn away. I still would not change a thing."
"My dear, you are sounding as selfish as I."
"Well I am carrying something of yours, am I not?"
Loki could not answer as he stared down at her stomach, knowing that what she said was true. She was carrying something that was his, and she knew who he was and accepted him. She did not try to change him like the others he had been with, in her own way she reminded him of his first love, the Frost Giantess that bore him three beautiful children. "I promise nothing will happen to our children." He whispered, smiling down at her. "I won't let them."
"Nor will SHIELD." Callie replied in a whisper, before capturing his lips with hers.
Hella made a small noise at being left out of the affection and silently squealed in delight as her father scooped her up and placed a kiss on her head. "There, kisses for Hella." He whispered, smiling as she curled a bit of his hair in her hand.
"Dada." She whispered, and for the first time in years, a tear slid down the God Of Lies And Mischiefs cheek, falling as an ice crystal in his lap.
Ok guys, and so this story comes to an end. Sorry that it took me so long to write, I had major writers block when ever I tried to write this chapter. :(
So I hear that FF is cleaning up stories and such after ignoring them for ten years. Well done at finally going with your own rules, FF. -sarcastic clap- I am waiting to see if this will settle down before figuring out where I shall post the next story, and if I even do post the next story. It seems to me that I shall have to pull out my old LJ and post the story there, which I am not happy about in the slightest. :(
I hope this chapter was ok and that you liked the ending. Thank you for reading these stories and enjoying them, I really love writing and it's great to get some amazing and positive feedback, plus some demands for more updates hehe.